The one skeptic, Kevin Ryan, was given less than 5 minutes of speaking time. The
two "debunkers" were given the balance of an hour to just lambaste the truth movement.
Here's the fun part though; Jonathan Kay
outright LIED to the audience in a very convincing bait and switch. I'll take this from the comments section;
Just to keep some informed, when the guest deliberately made a misleading statement in order to discredit the skeptics, it went a long way towards giving the skeptics/truthers MORE credibility. People become more and more certain their suspicions are well-founded when their detractors so consistently lie and ignore questions.
Some of you listeners fell for something interesting.
Yes, Kay stated 'thermite' is not an effective explosive, and he is absolutely correct. So the fact that nano-thermic spheres and flakes were found in the dust has been effectively neutralized with regard to any 'demolition' theory.
Did any of you catch that?
Anyone with the ability to think critically might. You see, Kay pulled a classic 'bait and switch' or 'straw man' argument here. Let's do this in steps;
He said that flakes of nano-thermite were found. - Absolutely correct.
He said that small flakes of oxidized iron are rust. - Correct again.
He said that anyone who thinks that 'thermite' would be used in a demolition would laugh about the idea. - Again, I totally believe him.
Still don't know what some of you fell for yet, do you?
Well, here it is;- It is not that the oxidized iron flakes (rust) are necessarily a by-product of demolitions (they are). Such are also the by-product of many other causes, including building fires.No, it's that he took 'oxidized iron flakes', and right in front of your ears, he made 'thermite'='Oxidized iron flakes'.Well, nano-thermite is comprised of "iron oxide and aluminum", but it is absolutely NOT 'rust'. It is also NOT THERMITE. how what was actually found in the dust (along with the oxidized iron) is the sort of stuff that the military has been working with since the 90's. Also, it's just the sort of stuff that would actually be practicalfor demolitions where typical hyper-thermic materials are not. Kay said it's "not an effective explosive"? Thing is, he was talking about 'Thermite', not the 'nano-thermite' that was actually found.
From the above link;"nanosized thermitic materials are being researched by the U.S. military with the aim of developing new types of bombs that are several times more powerful than conventional explosives."
Don't take my word for it. Do your own actual research.
Why would Kay so deliberately mislead so many? The answer is simple;
the nano-thermite found in the dust is, forgive me, explosive
in many ways. It points definitively to a deliberate demolition. The
fact that no one wants to explain the reality is almost as
telling as the efforts to get people to believe that what was found
wasn't nano-thermite. If enough people believe that the 'truthers'
are claiming that 'thermite' was found, and 'thermite' can't demolish
buildings, then those people have been effectively turned off from
further investigation. Also, they become an effective foil against
the very serious questions.Frankly, if I knew nothing about
9/11 at all, but I heard this guy so deliberately mislead the
audience, that would be a strong indication that something is up.