Edited on Wed Feb-09-05 01:45 PM by The Magistrate
The claim is that this reptile Cheney knew in detail of the impending attack, and in his position that morning took steps in directing the activities of U.S. security forces that were intended to enable the attack to succeed in its object, and that did in fact secure such success for the attack. These are not things that circumstantial evidence can possibly prove; to prove a thing like this, there must be positive testimony to the performance of particular acts, and to the existance of particulat items of knowledge, and their possession by this particular person at that time, at the minimum. The mere fact someone was in charge when an attack succeeded was enough for Stalin to shoot a general, perhaps, but it is woefully short of even what would be required for a grand jury to indict, let alone for a judge to rule there had been sufficient evidence presented that a trial jury should deliberate, instead of directing an acquittal from the bench.
For all the worth it has, Sir, this book might as well be given away, for anyone purchasing it has simply fallen for a grifter, as sure as anyone suckered by a pigeon drop. It would be better for all concerned if this fellow took up honest work in a warehouse or a fast-food join to earn his keep, though his reluctance to do so is understandable, given the vast reservoirs of credulity there for the mulcting....
"An honest day's pay for an honest day's work."