Anyone here familiar with Boston Logan Airport?
Woody Box
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Wed Feb-09-05 10:24 AM
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Anyone here familiar with Boston Logan Airport? |
The 9/11 report says that two security checkpoints provided access to Gate 32, the gate where Flight 11 started. (p.451, note 6)
I know American Airlines is located in Terminal B which has two wings (or piers). You have to pass a kind of bottleneck to reach the wing with Gate 32. I can't imagine that there are two different checkpoints.
Can anyone help me and tell me where the security checkpoints are for AA flights?
(1000+ posts)
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Wed Feb-09-05 12:14 PM
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1. you'll probably have better luck posting in the general discussion section |
more people will see your question.
I am not very familiar with that airport, though I have been there many years back.
The Magistrate
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Wed Feb-09-05 02:27 PM
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It will have to be sent straight down here where it belongs. Why put the busy moderators of that forum to the exertion...?
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:54 AM
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