This thread is about the discourteous manner in which a small but highly abusive group of people have made, and are making,
the 9:11 Forum a place that is off-limits
to the overwhelming majority
of registered members of the Democratic Undergound.
The thread is NOT about DulceDecorum.
The thread specifically asks for ways in which the 9:11 forum can be made more user friendly
to the average registered member of the Democratic Underground
who does not wish to face a posse of persons specializing in personal attacks
and the derailment of ANY and ALL honest discourse
on 9/11, Military Affairs or Terrorism.
It is really an eye-opener to see what has been posted on the 9:11 Forum today.
Practically nothing.
And yet I am absolutely certain
that if we were to check how many hits we have received today,
they still number in the hundreds
although that number has been, and is, dropping.
People are AFRAID to post here
and they are also SICK and TIRED
of the highly abusive antics of a small but highly vocal group of people
who have turned this forum into their private hunting ground.
This type of behavior is not only offensive,
but it is also against the rules of the Democratic Underground., the response to this particular thread is most telling.
It would appear, at first glance,
that DulceDecorum is the only one troubled by the current state of affairs on the 9:11 Forum.
Every single response to this thread so far has been in favor of continuing
what I claim,
is a poisoned atmosphere.
However, truth be told, I, DulceDecorum,
am one of the last few remaining voices on the 9:11 Forum
who REFUSES to be silenced
by the small and highly abusive clique that has taken up residence here.
And the proof of THAT is the absolute DEARTH of posts on this Forum coming from anyone OTHER than myself, or the small but highly abusive clique.
NOBODY dares to post on this forum anymore.
They know that if they do not tow the line of the small but highly abusive clique, they will be subjected to the same type treatment that DulceDecorum and others here have faced.
So once again,
I ask,
What can be done to make the 9:11 Forum a place in which the average member of the Democratic Underground FEELS FREE to post their questions and opinions on 9;11, Military Affairs or Terrorism?
ESPECIALLY where newbies and those who are only just now trying to understand exactly what happened on 9:11,
feel comfortable visiting?
Sarcasm and personal attacks do NOT endear this forum to our members.
This type of behavior needs to be brought to an abrupt halt.