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Do you remember your gut reactions on 9/11?

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madison2000 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-14-05 08:14 PM
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Do you remember your gut reactions on 9/11?
I mean, not just the shock and sadness but the questions that were running through your head (especially if the events were not affecting you personally). I think those gut reactions give some indication of what's wrong with the official story.

How could these people get through airport security?

Don't we have a military to defend us from attacks? Where are they?

Where is the president and why isn't he "taking charge"?

How can an airplane bring down an entire building?

Why weren't the Pentagon and other high profile targets evacuated as soon as it was known what could happen?

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Blackthorn Donating Member (675 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-14-05 10:46 PM
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1. ....
I was asleep during the attacks (I live in Australia) so I didn't find out till some 10 hours after it happened. Since I didn't have any connection to it, nor did I feel "under attack", I watched the footage with sheer amazement. My gut reaction was more how the hell did they pull it off, than anything else.
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One_Life_To_Give Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-16-05 05:05 PM
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2. Well I didn't hear anything till after the Pentagon was hit, but
First thought on hearing a plane hit WTC.
Remembered the Bomber that flew into the Empire State. Wondered if this was a single or twin engine plane.

When we finally got a TV into the Lab and saw what was happening other than the dribble of information. (Internet was all tied up)

First Thought on looking at the burning towers.
BinmuckingLaden needs to die.

How could these people get through airport security?
What Airport Security?

Where is the president and why isn't he "taking charge"?
Where is SAC/NORAD and why aren't they taking charge. President is just a figurehead. In any emergency the reaction should be automatic without need for the fluff level to issue orders.

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spooked911 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-18-05 11:26 AM
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3. Apart from the overall shock and fear of what might be next,
Edited on Fri Feb-18-05 11:51 AM by spooked911
I knew something very strange had happened, and I was very suspicious of the Bush administration. I also knew immediately that this would be a huge political gain for the Bush administration and I worried it would provide them a lot of cover for their misdeeds.

However, total distrust of the official story took a few years to nurture. I remember the first time hearing whispers of government complicity and I found my way to Mike Ruppert's From the Wilderness site. I was actually scared to log on there because I thought the government was watching me and I might get into trouble. But eventually, there were just too many odd stories that kept coming out about 9/11 that made me doubt that the Bush administration's version of events. And now, there is so much information out there that says almost indisputably that 9/11 was an inside job. Some officials in the government made it happen.
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