I just received the following email. I visited the website which is very well put together and it seems like something worth investigating if you are into questions regarding the 911 investigation.
Go to: www.reopen911.org
The link for the free DVD is at the very bottom of the page.
Here is a snip of the email that I received.
Subj: Final call for Free DVD on 9/11!
If you have not signed up for your free DVD of the 9/11/2004 event and Eric
Hufschmid's "Painful Deceptions", 250 minutes total
Also included on the DVD
EPA Inspector General Report
Unexplained Exit Polls report
2nd Report vetted by credentialed statisticians on Election Fraud.
"Electile Dysfunction" Trailer
Debunking of
Mechanics "Debunking of 9/11" by Jim Hoffman,
myself and others
Just go to the home page www.reopen911.org and look for the link at the
bottom of the home page to the form to sign up.
DO NOT email me! You must go to the form.
Put in the names of people you want to have it.
We will not produce any more for months.
Do It Now!
Once you have it, copy and distribute freely. (You may not edit or cut it)
Please note: I have no connection with this site or with anyone involved. I present it for your choice to read or ignore.