Edited on Mon Oct-06-03 05:40 AM by JackRiddler
A lot of what is being proclaimed as "9/11 science" ain't solid, at least not yet. The cell phone findings presented on Dewdney's site are sparse indeed. (I guess that whenever taking a flight, 9/11 skeptics should consider it their duty to attempt a cell-phone call and report about their experiences.)
Downright laughable is "planes exceeded their software limits." Actually the pilot, if he is in control, can go way beyond those; those are warning levels, not magic limits on what the plane can do.
Why can't 9/11 Skeptics take up some obvious consensus positions, in the cause of making a stronger political case for disclosure? I suggest the following:
On the collapse: Underline the firemen's demands for a real investigation and anger about the management of Ground Zero. Ask why the rubble was shipped out so quickly, why photographs of GZ were banned. Emphasize WTC 7, which is extremely suspicious! Ask if it was set up to pop already years ago as a security precaution because of its highly sensitive tenants (CIA, etc.) This introduces the possiblity of controlled demolition in a less sinister and less "biased" context. (It also gives us a chance to list WTC 7's amazing set of tenants.)
As for the Twin Tower falls, these are completely unprecedented events, with or without controlled demolition, and I prefer to tread cautiously. Some people obviously think they have definitive proof of controlled demolition. I am satisfied that the pictures raise valid questions and that the issue of CD is very much on the table, that it is a hypothesis that must be confronted. But I am not yet satisfied that the case for CD is definitive.
In my opinion, writers should always point out that the question might be settled by way of tests on the surviving material, and aim to stimulate investigation, rather than conducting the debate on the level of a religious inquisition (which is what it's like on certain 9/11 forums including this one).
Pentagon: Well, yes, the hole is small enough and the evidence of debris is sparse enough to make people wonder. You can't blame them, given the overall context of a lying administration that obstructs all investigations. Still, those who present full scenarios with cruise missiles and the like are over-reaching. It's dangerous to rely on the small number of pictures, the small number of QUOTED witness testimonies, and the five stills from a video released by the government as a sufficiently reliable body of evidence. Especially because we know there is plenty more evidence! Instead of constructing scenarios almost bound to be wrong in their specifics, we should demand release of all video records of the attack from the Sheraton, the gas station and Pentagon cameras. Also, all the grisly pictures from inside the building. We can be clever and point out that "outrageous conspiracy theories" have circulated among the French et al. and that it would be a good PR move, if the government is honest, to counteract these theories. Can our country really afford to have so many people in allied countries doubting the Official Conspiracy Theory? Why not release the existing evidence?
In contrast to the few pictures of the Pentagon hole, we have very solid evidence of the air defense failure. How did AA77 get back from Ohio without being intercepted? This question is one that can interest the vast majority without alienating them, and it is the right starter question for answering what really happened at the Pentagon.
Remote Control: Well, obviously it's technically possible! Several different ways, in fact. Planes land on auto pilot. Drones are flown across oceans, from the hangar to the landing strip. The technology has been there for 50 years. No doubt that a well-paid team of Raytheon engineers, hired decades ago to come up with ways to remote-hijack planes, would have come up with several different solutions even back then: through backdoors in the software (ones that don't allow the pilot to reboot) - through bolt-on hardware modules that suspend all pilot control - possibly even through the remote electronic takeover of a previously unmanipulated system. All pilot commands are electronically transmitted. Programmers can claim their failsafe safety procedures make it impossible to take over a plane, but in such arguments it's the determined hackers who always seem to win. I see no harm in pointing out the obvious, i.e. that remote control is possible, as a potentially *practical* way for certain types of high-level terrorists to stage attacks.
Bumble Planes: I find these theories useless. Sure, they're always made out to seem technically possible, but they make things much more complex than a simple remote control (or real-hijacker) scenario. For example, if I was planning 9/11 as an inside job, I would prefer to only worry about how to dispose of the original four flights. Increasing that to eight or more separate planes plus missiles creates more things that can go wrong. What if an empty drone crashes into Times Square? What if someone photographs one of these bumble-plane switches? What if the planes don't get close enough at the right time and fail to converge properly on the radar screen, and the ATC realizes it's dealing with two objects?
What also makes me suspicious of Bumble Plane speculations is that there are no limits to our imagining such scenarios. Once you start, why not add two or three cruise missiles to hit WTC 6 and 7? (Why is this necessary?!) AA11 becomes a Whatzit. UA175 becomes a fake plane with an extra fuel tank and laser guiding (as some people have interpreted the video artefacts, shadows and reflections). Pentagon involves three or more different planes/missiles. UA 93 is just an explosion that made a small crater while all the real passengers were slaughtered by (preferably Israeli NWO) death squads at U.S. bases.
Now think: Why the hell would the planners of such scenarios risk total exposure? Don't they know that tourists in NYC point cameras at the Towers every day? Why would you plan to send a Whatzit to hit the WTC, use undisclosed hologram technology to fool people people into thinking it was AA11, and then hire death squads to eliminate the real passengers at some undisclosed location, when all you have to do instead is just arrange to crash the real AA11 into the real WTC?!
By the time you've described one of these unnecessarily complex scenarios, you have alienated 90 percent of our potential supporters. Bumble planes theory is mental masturbation, perhaps satisfying to certain inquisitive mentalities, but of little practical use in guessing the truth, and of zero political use towards the goal of gaining full disclosure.
Six living hijackers: sorry, evidence again sparse. So men with the same names supposedly called Saudi and Morroccan papers in the week after to say they were still alive. Show me these Saudi papers. Show me pictures of these men, interviews, video footage. Otherwise it's all hearsay. Not that the identities of the hijackers aren't in doubt. Just that this rather limited angle seems fruitless. We should be demanding the original passenger documentation, ticketing, boarding passes, video footage from parking lot and airports, autopsy reports/DNA tests, etc. The public has not been given complete and credible information to establish the identities of the perpetrators, or the steps they took in carrying out the attacks. This is what we should be demonstrating, instead of allowing ourselves to be lured by hearsay into specific statements that Hijacker X or Y is still alive.
Israeli Art Students: Yep, they seem to have been all over the States in advance of the attacks. Now show me that they were connected to 9/11. Not just the circumstantial evidence that one or another lived near to hijackers. (We have even better evidence that various hijackers lived near CIA offices, on U.S. military bases, and right in the same house as a variety of suspicious Saudis.) And if you can show the Art Students were tracking the hijackers - show me that Israel didn't deliver a warning, as Mossad sources have claimed! The case, again is sparse. There is zero case for imagining these guys were the operational masterminds (as several authors do). Remember that most of them were arrested before 9/11.
Israelis celebrating on top of a van: Sorry, it's hearsay. Who says they were celebrating, perhaps it only appeared that way to the witnesses. If they were partying, how do you know they weren't high on ecstasy and perversely enjoying the attack as a cool light show? And if they were celebrating, so what? How does this establish involvement? This is the same category of evidence as the pictures of dancing Palestinians flashed by CNN on 9/11. I have met New Yorkers who reported a celebratory mood among certain Muslim communities in New York on Sept. 11. While I doubt these stories, it's far from impossible! But even if this hearsay is true, it does not suffice to prove these happy Muslims were connected to the actual attacks. In either case: We need more evidence than what we have seen!
Again, I see no problem in demanding the FBI release whatever evidence it collected on these guys.
Compare most of the above red herrings to the evidence of
-- Bush administration foreknowledge and advance warnings, even of rehearsals and wargames
-- of obstruction of the FBI's pre-911 investigations: Rowley, Wright, O'Neill, 199i... (followed by the "Bin Ladin airlift" post-911)
-- of an air defense standdown and of inactivity in the chain of command on 9/11 (Bush at school)
-- of lies and obstruction over a two-year period
-- of surveillance of the alleged hijackers, of apparent spook connections at the flight schools, and of the many oddities and contradictions in the stories about them and in the "evidence" connecting them to the deed (magic passport, etc.)
-- of CIA/Octopus/Guns/Oil/Drugs connections to Qaeda, Taliban, terrorism in general
-- of past hoax terror, from the Maine to Northwoods to the Putin Putsch of Sept. 1999 in Moscow (practically the 9/11 scenario, but without Hollywood effects).
These all make for a case! They should be our first lines of approach, of course keeping open minds throughout.
I also have no problems hopping on WTC 7, a phenomenon that absolutely screams for explanation and presents the logical route for unravelling what happened at Ground Zero.
It may one day turn out that the truth is even more exotic than LIHOP theory, but if so, we will get to that point by taking a sober, methodical and conservative approach with the solid facts actually available to us, and by using that to force the government to allow real investigation.