"Islam does not make a truce with unbelief," ... "but rather confronts it."
WHO said that?
Better check your sources.
http://groups.msn.com/DREAMERNINE9/yourwebpage8.msnwBOOGA BOOGA
To help decipher the documents' contents, CNN commissioned three analysts to conduct an exhaustive review of the documents. The lead analyst -- David Albright, president of the Institute for Science and International Security -- is an expert on nuclear weapons design and proliferation and has been a consultant to the U.N. organization investigating Iraq's weapons programs.
ISIS senior analyst Corey Hinderstein and Ron Wolfe, one of the nation's top Arabic translators with experience translating technical and weapons documents, assisted Albright.
WASHINGTON, D.C.— Suddenly, Al Qaeda doesn't look so smart. Just yesterday, a Times of London reporter found a cache of plans, left in a Kabul home as the Taliban retreated, that included notes for making a thermonuclear device. The papers sent a chill through the Western world, since they appeared to indicate sophisticated designs for an atom bomb.
Now the online Daily Rotten says at least part of those documents photographed by the Times are taken verbatim from a "semi-famous" pseudo-document that has been circulating on the Internet for years. It's a reprint of a scientific parody called "How to Build an Atom Bomb," from the geek-humor newsletter Annals of Improbable Research, originally known as the Journal of Irreproducible Results.
In his report for the BBC, reporter Anthony Loyd held some of the papers up for the camera, giving a glimpse of documents the Daily Rotten now compares to the 1979 parody.
http://www.commondreams.org/views01/1116-08.htmAnd just so that you will all truly comprehend the
that you have been told,
here is the actual website of Annals of Improbable Research.
http://www.improb.com/THIS is the type of work they produce.
http://www.improb.com/airchives/classical/cat/cat.htmlAnd THAT is the reason why I cannot these Republican CNN pundits seriously.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again:
Many of the hijackers are still alive.
if these Muslims can break the laws of physics like that
http://www.public-action.com/911/jmcm/physics_1.html AND remain ALIVE,
http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/hijackers.htmlthen surely they cannot be totally mistaken when they say
God is the Greatest.
http://www.nasheedworld.com/lyrics/imadrami/inahooalislam.htmlBesides which, somehow along the line,
I have heard much more about Christians going to Muslim lands to raise Cain and recreate hell,
than I ever have of Muslims invading Christian lands.
Iraq is an EXCELLENT case in point.
And it appears that Syria is about to follow suit.
That is,
if a certain pretzel-fearing personage can convince the military
(aka the Praetorian Guard)
that they are much better off
http://www.ajc.com/news/content/news/0803/14paycut.htmlwhen their salaries are being spent by Halliburton,
http://www.forbes.com/markets/commodities/newswire/2003/09/12/rtr1080160.htmlor other companies who gave money to the Bush/Cheney political campaign.
http://msnbc.com/news/986941.asp?0sl=-33It appears that the Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive strikes
is just as successful as his exhortation to "bring 'em on."
http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0310/S00195.htmThe REAL REASON WHY Saudi Arabia keeps being mentioned in discussions like this is simple and has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with ACTUAL terrorism.
http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/decision/iraq2.htmSaudi Arabia has oil and the USA is dependent on it.
Saudi Arabia is showing signs that it is tired of milking the US taxpayer,
http://www.choike.org/nuevo_eng/informes/1275.htmland subsidizing the US economy
http://www.sptimes.com/2002/webspecials02/saudiarabia/day5/story1.shtmland supporting terrible deeds.
http://www.soaw.org/new/type.php?type=8The Saudis know that Saddam and Chavez were friendly towards each other.
They saw what happened to Saddam and they have seen what Chavez is undergoing at the hands of foreign insurgents.
They are very well aware of what the Bush Doctrine means to them.
http://www.globalpolicy.org/security/issues/iraq/justify/2003/0812target.htmhttp://www.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,3604,786180,00.htmlFurthermore, Saudi Arabia is PROFOUNDLY ISLAMIC and does NOT support capitalistic forms of banking. In this aspect,
since Shariah forbids the giving and the collecting of interest,
the entire Islamic world,
together with millions of people struggling to simply pay off the interest on their debt,
There has been much foolish talk
http://www.jewishworldreview.com/0302/jkelly022502.asphttp://www.hvk.org/articles/1002/120.htmlof seizing the oil fields of Saudi Arabia.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/2546209.stmThis is the basic argument of the wannabe thieves and murderers.
Those who oppose strong action against the Saudis — or against anyone else in the Middle East, for that matter — will no doubt take up their Gulf War protest cry: "No blood for oil." But if they really meant those words, they would be the ones agitating for an invasion of Saudi Arabia, because blood for oil is the gruesome equation that has ruled the Middle East for the past five decades — our oil, stolen by the Saudis and used to spill our blood.
The Saudis did not create their oil fields. The oil was discovered and drilled for by American, British and French oil companies. These firms were the rightful owners of the oil, and until the 1950s, their rights were mostly respected.
The Arab chieftains who ruled the region had no idea the oil was there and no idea what to use it for; they were still riding camels. But once the West discovered the oil and put it to use — running our factories and automobiles — the chieftains began to tax the oil. When that wasn't enough, they simply stole the oil fields, beginning with the de facto nationalization of the Saudi oil fields in 1950.
http://www.aynrand.org/medialink/columns/rt080702.shtmlAaah, the cowboy spirit!
Kill the Indians and take their land.
Unfortunately for those Texas panhandlers,
Saudi Arabia is home to Mecca and Medina and any invasion of this nation will result in an instant eruption of global unrest.
This is further complicated by the fact that the Muslims hold the numeric and financial advantage
and quite frankly,
they don't care what happens just as long as the infidels LEAVE Mecca and Medina and the Al Aqsa Mosque alone.
Now, the overwhelming majority of the so-called Christians have made it understood that they are simply NOT going to wage a war against members of the Islamic community.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/2765215.stmThus it is abundantly clear that should ANYTHING untoward occur within the borders of Saudi Arabia,
certain Doctrines will instantly join the Dodo.
Certain Doctrates will probably also go along for the ride.
This is clearly understood by all parties,
unfortunately for us all,
some of them are certifiably insane.
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article4736.htmAl qaeda is the least of our problems.
They say that 3,000 died on September 11,2001.
On the Night of the Rangers, Somalia lost over one thousand of its citizens. By the time the oil-crazed Americans left,
http://www.raceandhistory.com/cgi-bin/forum/webbbs_config.pl/noframes/read/15about 10,000 Somalis had died at their hands.
During WWI and WWII hundreds of thousands of people of ALL nationatilies and faiths died.
Afghanistan has lost thousands of its citizens lately, as has Iraq.
Genocide continues unabated in latin America and the Middle East.
We all will die. Some sooner, some later.
Death, unlike dishonor, is inevitable.
But sometimes,
just sometimes,
all we need to do to avoid everlasting shame,
is to simply REFUSE to go in the wrong direction.
http://www.bartleby.com/59/3/youcanleadah.htmlIt should be clear that modern psychological operations, or PSYOP, is none of those things. On the contrary PSYOP is not unlike the public advertising that we are all exposed to wherever we go, every day, through all kinds of mass media. However the negative connotation that some people attach to the word psychological" prevents many people from recognizing the simple truth. Everyone knows that if you do not have a good product to sell, people will not continue buying it, no matter how much you advertise. The same applies to the points of view advertised through the use of psychological operations. Thus we have no reason to fear PSYOP, but we do have ample reason to respect it for what it can do.
http://www.psywarrior.com/psyhist.htmlListen carefully to the words that come straight from the Horse's mouth,
http://www.mediawhoresonline.com/and use the brains that your God gave you.