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World War Three: The Players: Part two

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DulceDecorum Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-12-03 01:51 PM
Original message
World War Three: The Players: Part two
Before the Democratic Underground moved to our current server, there was a thread called:

World War Three: The Players

This is the continuation of that thread.
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DulceDecorum Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-12-03 04:00 PM
Response to Original message
1. Mission Resumed
The Coalition has recommenced bombing Iraq.

"Honestly, it's a little tougher than I thought it was going to be," Lott said. In a sign of frustration, he offered an unorthodox military solution: "If we have to, we just mow the whole place down, see what happens. You're dealing with insane suicide bombers who are killing our people, and we need to be very aggressive in taking them out."
Republicans fear they could suffer in the polls if the situation does not improve, since the administration's Iraq policy is so closely associated with Bush.
"Politically, it is difficult," said Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minn.), "because certainly for the American public... they read: 'Americans killed every day,' and it hurts. But I, at least at this point, am convinced that we're doing the right thing, and we're doing the best we can.

1 Who is this coming from Edom,
from Bozrah, with his garments stained crimson?
Who is this, robed in splendor,
striding forward in the greatness of his strength?

"It is I, speaking in righteousness,
mighty to save."

2 Why are your garments red,
like those of one treading the winepress?

3 "I have trodden the winepress alone;
from the nations no one was with me.
I trampled them in my anger
and trod them down in my wrath;
their blood spattered my garments,
and I stained all my clothing.
4 For the day of vengeance was in my heart,
and the year of my redemption has come.
5 I looked, but there was no one to help,
I was appalled that no one gave support;
so my own arm worked salvation for me,
and my own wrath sustained me.
6 I trampled the nations in my anger;
in my wrath I made them drunk
and poured their blood on the ground."

PReretzldont Bush*
Finally, there is Bush the buffoon. There is another reason for his aversion to press conferences: in anything but the most tightly scripted circumstances he is capable of saying anything. Sometimes it works fine, as at his father's state banquet for the Queen in 1991, when he boasted to her that he had embroidered his new cowboy boots with the phrase "God Save the Queen", before confessing he had been his family's black sheep. "Who's yours?" he then asked the sovereign, to the horror of his mother.
But he's President now. And if there's anything that jars with liberals more than his gilded, semi-accidental glide to the White House, it's his capacity to mangle the English language. In the US and Britain alike, the chattering classes don't know whether to laugh at Bush or loathe him. The antipathy is assuredly mutual. Is he dumb, Barbara Bush was once asked of her son. Yes, came the acid reply, "dumb as a fox".
With its kernel of truth, her remark only makes Bush's critics more furious. Far more than real but less familiar tyrants from foreign lands such as Nicolae Ceausescu and Jiang Zemin, who also have supped at Her Majesty's table, we think we know George Bush. We know he doesn't deserve to be where he is. And what could be more maddening than that?
Bush has been arrested three times: for stealing a Christmas wreath from a hotel; for ripping down the Princeton goal posts after a Princeton-Yale game; and for drunk driving.

The most striking cleavage is the GOD GULF, and it should terrify the Democrats. Put simply, liberals are becoming more secular at a time when America is becoming increasingly religious, the consequence of a new Great Awakening. Americans, for example, are significantly more likely now than in 1987 to say they "completely agree" that "prayer is an important part of my daily life" and that "we all will be called before God on Judgment Day to answer for our sins."
The Pew survey found that white evangelicals are leaving the Democratic Party in droves. Fifteen years ago, white evangelicals were split equally between the two parties; now they're twice as likely to be Republicans. Likewise, white Catholics who attend Mass regularly used to be strongly Democratic; now they are more likely to be Republican.
Since Americans are three times as likely to believe in the virgin birth of Jesus as in evolution, liberal derision for President Bush's religious beliefs risks marginalizing the left.

The speech was part of a bid to renew the President's so-called "faith-based initiative".
"We don't want the church to be the state and we don't want the state to be the church," he said.
"But the government should support the good work of religious people who are changing America."
Several dozen people protested outside the hall against the war on Iraq.

According to Abbas, immediately thereafter Bush said: "God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them."

One thing struck me during the campaign, that difficult, roller-coaster campaign that now seems years ago. It was that George W. Bush never seemed to get ruffled. Whether the theft of a campaign debate video or the sudden (some would say, vicious) release of a DUI arrest two decades ago at a key moment, "W" did not lose his cool. At times, his staff seemed overconfident, as did many of us. A 350-electoral-vote win, they quietly implied . . . and we optimistically believed.
Then they counted the votes, miscounted others, and re-counted still others. At the end, he was still there. Whereas Al Gore almost frantically huffed and puffed, trying to gin up something out of nothing, Bush quietly but confidently waited at his ranch. He didn't do nothing: that is the mistake people have constantly made with this man, confusing lack of bluster for absence of action. No, his team of attorneys and the iron-willed James Baker were carrying out his orders, but W stayed in the background, confident and faithful.

Bush's rhetoric suggests that he feels God has chosen him to lead the U.S. against "Evil." Is that why Bush is dragging us into an unprovoked war?

(Lt Gen William Boykin) is alleged to have told one gathering: "Why is this man in the White House? The majority of Americans did not vote for him. He's in the White House because God put him there for a time such as this."

Over the four months before the coalition forces invaded Iraq, Saddam's government made a series of increasingly desperate offers to the United States. In December, the Iraqi intelligence services approached Vincent Cannistraro, the CIA's former head of counter-terrorism, with an offer to prove that Iraq was not linked to the September 11 attacks, and to permit several thousand US troops to enter the country to look for weapons of mass destruction. If the object was regime change, then Saddam, the agents claimed, was prepared to submit himself to internationally monitored elections within two years. According to Mr Cannistraro, these proposals reached the White House, but were "turned down by the president and vice-president".
By February, Saddam's negotiators were offering almost everything the US government could wish for: free access to the FBI to look for weapons of mass destruction wherever it wanted, support for the US position on Israel and Palestine, even rights over Iraq's oil. Among the people they contacted was Richard Perle, the security adviser who for years had been urging a war with Iraq. He passed their offers to the CIA. Last week he told the New York Times that the CIA had replied: "Tell them that we will see them in Baghdad".,3604,1082250,00.html

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Answer: The only one who sets Lubavitch policy is the Rebbe himself. No one else. Lubavitcher Chassidim, the world over, live by what the Rebbe says, does and wants. Yes, every person regardless of race, religion, color or creed has a right to express any opinion he wants. It has to be clear, however, that it is only a private and personal opinion and does not reflect the opinion of the Rebbe and/or Lubavitch. The Rebbe made three things crystal-clear:
1. "The time of the redemption has arrived and Moshiach is on his way. "
2. The Rebbe, is Moshiach (see above).

American Friends of Lubavitch was founded a quarter-century ago under President Gerald Ford. In 1978, President Jimmy Carter proclaimed the rebbe's birthday, the 11th day of Nissan, "Education Day." And in 1995, Schneerson, after an exhausting push by Shemtov and others, became the first religious leader ever to be awarded America's highest civilian honor, the Congressional Gold Medal.

"The leader of Persia," states the Midrash, "will attack an Arab nation and the Arab king will go to Aram for advice. The leader of Persia will bring destruction to the entire world, and all of the nations will be struck by panic and fear ... Israel will also be overtaken by panic and fear, and they will cry, 'Where shall we go? Where shall we go'?
"Moshiach will then tell them: 'My children, fear not. Everything I have done, I have done for you. Why are you afraid? Do not fear! The time of your liberation has arrived (2).'"

Ten years passed. On the one hand, world-wide terror increased. On the other hand, the world continued to progress towards the time of the Rebbe MH"M’s revelation. SOMEHOW, THE REBBE ARANGED IT SO THAT BUSH'S SON WOULD BECOME PRESIDENT TOO AND COMPLETE WHAT HIS FATHER LEFT UNFINISHED.

And now, in the current Iraqi crisis of 2003, analyzation of public addresses given by the Rebbe point to continued hope and optimism. During the Gulf War of 1991, the Rebbe expressed disappointment that Saddam hadn't been fully removed from power and that the war did not eradicate the evil completely. When questioned about this, the Rebbe replied, "This vision will yet be fulfilled." (Iraq And The Rebbe, compilation by N'shei U'bnos Chabad) Two days after the end of the Gulf War, the Rebbe gave America his blessing for success in another war against Iraq, stating that "the dominant nation is a generous country, a country that offers assistance to many nations and to its Jewish residents. In appreciation, may G-d grant that country success in its war against Basra (Iraq), and may we soon merit the fulfillment of the prophecy,
with the coming of the Redemption." (Public Address, March 2, 1991) In a later address the Rebbe referred to a future war with Iraq as an "aftermath" of the 1991 Gulf War. However, " no need to fear the aftermath of this war. Indeed the miracles will continue. We will see even greater miracles, miracles which will cause the nations to acknowledge G-d's providence and to recognize that He controls not only the spiritual realms, but even this material world." (Public Address, March 9, 1991) For as the ancient Rabbinical text, the Midrash Yalkut Shimoni prophesizes, "In the year that the king of Iraq will provoke the king of Arabia, and the king of Arabia will turn to the world's superpower for advice. And all the nation's of the world will be frightened...G-d will say, 'Don't be afraid!' The time of your Redemption has arrived - the hour of the Moshiach's coming!"

Menachem Mendel Schneerson
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The neutrality of this article is disputed.
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DulceDecorum Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-14-04 07:35 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. This war is NOT about oil.
First of all, there is hardly any oil left in Iraq.
During the first Gulf War, the US destroyed so many oil installations that the sea became one big oil slick.

About 8,000,000 million barrels of crude oil was purposely spilled into the Persian Gulf, creating an environmental hazard to marine life and birds. Approximately 20,000 birds died. A 12-inch thick oil slick was created and covered an esimated 400 miles of shoreline. Only a very small portion of the oil was recovered, about a million barrels of oil. The oil slick threatened the desalinization plant at Jubayl, Saudia Arabia. Booms and skimming operations were launched to protect the plant.

The US military then unleashed the oil-eating bacteria developed and patented by one Ananda Chakrabarty.

As a result of all this,
Iraq is IMPORTING OIL via Halliburton
and then are pumping INTO Iraqi oilwells.
So it is plain to see that this war is NOT about oil.

So what is this war all about?
WHY is Bush DETERMINED to continue the assault on Iraq?
WHY is Bush DETERMINED to wage war against Iran?
And where do the neocons and the Kuwaitis fit in?

What practical lessons can we derive from current events?
1) The Rebbe gave us the job of bringing Moshiach. If we thought for a moment that we could get out of it, recent events have shown us otherwise. The previous President Bush also thought he could get out of fulfilling the role which the Rebbe said America has, but the Rebbe arranged things so that his son could complete the job.

Gen Boykin has repeatedly told Christian groups and prayer meetings that President George W Bush was chosen by God to lead the global fight against Satan.
He told one gathering: "Why is this man in the White House? The majority of Americans did not vote for him. He's in the White House because God put him there for a time such as this."

Upon seizing the reins of government, the new Noachide leaders will move quickly to implement a full agenda of reform.

Saddam has been deposed.
There never were any Weapons of Mass Destruction.
This war is not about Saddam Hussein.
Or his quarrel with Kuwait.

The dictator who is assembling the world's most dangerous weapons has already used them on whole villages -- leaving thousands of his own citizens dead, blind, or disfigured. Iraqi refugees tell us how forced confessions are obtained -- by torturing children while their parents are made to watch. International human rights groups have catalogued other methods used in the torture chambers of Iraq: electric shock, burning with hot irons, dripping acid on the skin, mutilation with electric drills, cutting out tongues, and rape. If this is not evil, then evil has no meaning. (Applause.)
And tonight I have a message for the brave and oppressed people of Iraq: Your enemy is not surrounding your country -- your enemy is ruling your country. (Applause.) And the day he and his regime are removed from power will be the day of your liberation. (Applause.)

What is the primary mission for our generation to accomplish?
The main avodah of this generation is to go out to the final war of the golus,
to conquer and to purify all the gentile countries (such that "and kingship will be Hashem's," Ovadiah 1:21).
-- Shabbos Parshas VaYelech, 5746.
This phenomenon adds much momentum to the efforts of convincing the citizens of the world to observe the Seven Noachide Laws. When the President proclaims its importance it is easier to encourage average people to accept it and so the opportunity must not be lost. It also provides us with a clear sign from Above that there is no time to lose in teaching the gentiles of the world about G-d.
--- Shabbos Parshas Tsav, 5747: Sichos in English, vol. 35, p. 76.

God's Day of Vengeance and Redemption
1 Who is this coming from Edom,
from Bozrah, with his garments stained crimson?
Who is this, robed in splendor,
striding forward in the greatness of his strength?
"It is I, speaking in righteousness,
mighty to save."
2 Why are your garments red,
like those of one treading the winepress?
3 "I have trodden the winepress alone;
from the nations no one was with me.
I trampled them in my anger
and trod them down in my wrath;
their blood spattered my garments,
and I stained all my clothing.
4 For the day of vengeance was in my heart,
and the year of my redemption has come.
5 I looked, but there was no one to help,
I was appalled that no one gave support;
so my own arm worked salvation for me,
and my own wrath sustained me.
6 I trampled the nations in my anger;
in my wrath I made them drunk
and poured their blood on the ground."
-- Isaiah 63: 1-6

In simple terms, we are at war. It is not a struggle merely for power, wealth, or some other material advantage; it is a titanic clash over the future of world civilization. The world must now choose, for all time, between the eternal holiness of the Messianic kingdom—for which Jews have tirelessly worked for thousands of years—and the utter nihilism of the darkest evil ever to threaten the planet. This war has already spread into every nation, every social institution, every human activity. It has thus become a world war in the ultimate sense.
Meanwhile, the world is tumbling into chaos, confused and frightened by the largest, most daring web of lies in history. Until we choose to exercise our incredible potential for Divinely-assured victory, we can expect to see the following developments unfold (H"V): ...........
16) An escalation of terrorism within the borders of the United States, along with debt-fueled inflationary economic crisis and urban riots; a general breakdown of law and order, followed by police state measures that will deliberately fail to restore order; rising confusion and panic amongst the population, with no one being able to identify the cause.
17) The outbreak of a world war, spreading throughout every continent on the globe, but culminating in an all-out invasion of Israel by Communist armies from the Soviet Bloc, Iraq, Iran, Syria, and perhaps China.
On the other hand, none of the above scenarios need happen at all. It is not a strategy based on force or strength, but rather on weakness and parasitic helplessness hidden behind a wall of lies and illusions.
The Tanach prophets and the oral traditions speak of Amalek's resurfacing in the days shortly before Moshiach arrives. The Amaleki would be empowered by G-d to spread their subversive influence secretly throughout the nations and governments of the world, involving them in a series of three world wars known as the "wars of Gog and Magog." The unsuspecting gentile nations would fall prey to the growing confusion and allow themselves to be mobilized against the Jewish people. In the third and final of those wars, Amalek (tentatively identified with "King Gog" in the oral traditions) would lead those forces to invade Israeli soil and lay siege to Jerusalem; the traditions also refer to numerous spies in Jewish ranks, attempting to betray Israel to the enemy. Unable to take the city, the forces under Amaleki control would suddenly panic, slaying each other in the process, for evil always self-destructs in the end. At that moment, Moshiach would be revealed.
But what can be the meaning of this strange series of events? In essence, the Torah is showing us that Moshiach cannot come until tile entire world—including the gentile nations—is ready. On the other hand, the gentiles are essentially ready now, requiring only a small Jewish effort to complete the task. The Jewish people and Amalek are waging a final struggle over the future of the gentiles; those whom the Jews fail to teach the Seven Noachide Laws will automatically fall into the hands of Amalek and its world revolution.

On the one hand, terrorist activities have increased. On the other hand, the world has progressed to the time for the Rebbe MH"M’s revelation. Providence had it that Bush’s son has become president and is now being given the opportunity to complete that which his father began: eradicating evil from the world as a beginning and foretaste of the fulfillment of the Messianic prophecies, when "I will remove the spirit of impurity from the land."
Bush’s son announced an all-out war against evil in the world. In a speech to the nation on 3 Tishrei, he said that the United States would go to war for the purpose of excising evil from the world.

For twenty years (since 1978), Congress and each President have designated the day which is four days before the Jewish holiday of Passover as "Education Day, U.S.A." They have called upon us to renew our national commitment to education that embraces the moral and ethical values which are the cornerstone of civilized society.

The Noahide Conspiracy
An expose of the evil device developed by ultra-orthodox Rabbis to force gentiles to submit to them
or face decapitation.

Yes dear,

To understand what is happening in the Middle East, you must first understand what is happening in Texas. To understand what is happening there, you should read the resolutions passed at the state's Republican party conventions last month. Take a look, for example, at the decisions made in Harris County, which covers much of Houston.
The delegates began by nodding through a few uncontroversial matters: homosexuality is contrary to the truths ordained by God; "any mechanism to process, license, record, register or monitor the ownership of guns" should be repealed; income tax, inheritance tax, capital gains tax and corporation tax should be abolished; and immigrants should be deterred by electric fences. Thus fortified, they turned to the real issue: the affairs of a small state 7,000 miles away. It was then, according to a participant, that the "screaming and near fist fights" began.
We can laugh at these people, but we should not dismiss them. That their beliefs are bonkers does not mean they are marginal. American pollsters believe that 15-18% of US voters belong to churches or movements which subscribe to these teachings. A survey in 1999 suggested that this figure included 33% of Republicans. The best-selling contemporary books in the US are the 12 volumes of the Left Behind series, which provide what is usually described as a "fictionalised" account of the Rapture (this, apparently, distinguishes it from the other one), with plenty of dripping details about what will happen to the rest of us. The people who believe all this don't believe it just a little; for them it is a matter of life eternal and death.
And among them are some of the most powerful men in America. John Ashcroft, the attorney general, is a true believer, so are several prominent senators and the House majority leader, Tom DeLay. Mr DeLay (who is also the co-author of the marvellously named DeLay-Doolittle Amendment, postponing campaign finance reforms) travelled to Israel last year to tell the Knesset that "there is no middle ground, no moderate position worth taking".
So here we have a major political constituency - representing much of the current president's core vote - in the most powerful nation on Earth, which is actively seeking to provoke a new world war. Its members see the invasion of Iraq as a warm-up act, as Revelation (9:14-15) maintains that four angels "which are bound in the great river Euphrates" will be released "to slay the third part of men". They batter down the doors of the White House as soon as its support for Israel wavers: when Bush asked Ariel Sharon to pull his tanks out of Jenin in 2002, he received 100,000 angry emails from Christian fundamentalists, and never mentioned the matter again.
The electoral calculation, crazy as it appears, works like this. Governments stand or fall on domestic issues. For 85% of the US electorate, the Middle East is a foreign issue, and therefore of secondary interest when they enter the polling booth. For 15% of the electorate, the Middle East is not just a domestic matter, it's a personal one: if the president fails to start a conflagration there, his core voters don't get to sit at the right hand of God. Bush, in other words, stands to lose fewer votes by encouraging Israeli aggression than he stands to lose by restraining it. He would be mad to listen to these people. He would also be mad not to.,3604,1195568,00.html

The principal and final function ascribed to Moshiach ben Yossef is of political and military nature. He shall wage war against the forces of evil that oppress Israel. More specifically, he will do battle against Edom, the descendants of Esau.<5> Edom is the comprehensive designation of the enemies of Israel,<6> and it will be crushed through the progeny of Joseph. Thus it was prophesied of old, “The House of Jacob will be a fire and the House of Joseph a flame, and the House of Esau for stubble..” (Obadiah 1:18): “the progeny of Esau shall be delivered only into the hands of the progeny of Joseph.”<7>
The immediate results of this war<11> will be disastrous: Moshiach ben Yossef (Bush, the GOP messiah) will be killed. This is described in the prophecy of Zechariah, who says of this tragedy that “they shall mourn him as one mourns for an only child.” (Zechariah 12:10).<12> His death will be followed by a period of great calamities. (under Halliburton/Cheney?) These new tribulations shall be the final test for Israel, and shortly thereafter Moshiach ben David shall come, avenge his death, resurrect him, (Bush, the GOP messiah) and inaugurate the Messianic era of everlasting peace and bliss.<13>
(Which consists of a government of the GOP, by the GOP, and for the GOP.)

And you guys are worrying about Diebold fixing a four-year election.
Better you should learn how to de-activate the golemin.

The son of President Bush (George from George) is picking up where his father left off. Most of the players in the first administration are the actual players in the current situation. It is important to note that the President and most of the world (including the gentile nations) turned to Hashem in prayer and repentance following the WTC attack.
Dear Moshe,
People would like to know specifically in what year Moshiach will come, but it is not productive to speculate. The only three individuals I have ever heard of that are reputed to have known precisely when this stuff happens were Yaakov Avinu, Daniel HaNavi and l’havdil, Bilam HaRasha. They were all directly prevented by Hashem from saying anything specific to the public. That should be a hint.
Dear Yaakov,
But this answer is not good because the time is now, and because the reappearance/revelation of Moshiach ben Dovid is going to happen below ten t’fachim. It will be on CNN.

The reappearance/revelation of Moshiach ben Dovid will be televised?
Gee Whiz!!
How times have changed.
He didn't need the boob tube before.
What happens if you don't have cable, or electricity that week?
Can you put him on TIVO?
Will it happen In Plane Sight?

May 6, 2004
WASHINGTON -- President Bush's participation in a National Day of Prayer ceremony with evangelical Christian leaders at the White House will be shown Thursday night, for the first time in prime-time viewing hours, on Christian cable and satellite TV outlets nationwide. For the president, the broadcast is an opportunity to address a sympathetic evangelical audience without the risk of alienating secular or non-Christian viewers, since it will not be carried in full by any of the major television networks. Frank Wright, president of the National Association of Religious Broadcasters, said more than a million evangelicals are expected to see the broadcast.

But since the time has come for the revelation of the Rebbe MH"M, the U.S. has no choice, and must fulfill its destiny and instill the Sheva Mitzvos within all of humanity.
The unfathomable has come to pass and terrorism struck right here. America has no choice but to go to war against terror now.
Upon examining the details of the events, one sees how it is all written Above with open Divine providence:
In order to get the U.S. to go to war, the president needs the consent of four sectors: the government, the military, the financiers, and the people. In Vietnam, for example, the people did not want the war, and it pulled out in the middle. The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center affected all four sectors simultaneously:
The White House and the President’s plane were quite possibly terrorist targets; the Pentagon, nerve center of the U.S. army, was attacked and partially destroyed; the World Trade Center, home to the high-powered financial movers and shakers, was completely demolished and thousands of civilians killed, leaving millions more frightened of what is to come.
Aside from the physical devastation, the attack severely affected the morale of all four sectors. There is great shame over the debacle of the President of the United States fleeing in his plane to an undisclosed destination, all because of a group of terrorists who used knives to commandeer American planes and transform them into missiles to attack America. The tremendous shame led to unprecedented support by all four sectors of the president’s decision to go to war.
Also, the fact that the attacks were simultaneous compelled the U.S. to go on the offensive against terrorism. It is very possible that if the attacks were spaced over a number of weeks, that the U.S. would not have reacted as strongly as it did, just as it did not react to the numerous other attacks against it over the past five years.
When examining this chain of frightening events with a Chassidic eye, you see that the U.S. is being pushed towards fulfilling its historic role of teaching the Sheva Mitzvos to the world. There has been an unprecedented spiritual awakening in America, with the president himself asking the nation to pray for peace. Thousands of Jews who never visited a shul before, attended shul this Rosh HaShana.
By the way, the attacks took place on Tuesday, the third day of Slichos, the day the Rebbeim would say special maamarim, though not revealing why this day of Slichos was special. This secret was transmitted from Rebbe to Rebbe.

May 18th, 2004 10:00 AM
The e-mailed meeting summary reveals NSC Near East and North African Affairs director Elliott Abrams sitting down with the Apostolic Congress and massaging their theological concerns. Claiming to be "the Christian Voice in the Nation's Capital," the members vociferously oppose the idea of a Palestinian state. They fear an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza might enable just that, and they object on the grounds that all of Old Testament Israel belongs to the Jews. Until Israel is intact and Solomon's temple rebuilt, they believe, Christ won't come back to earth.

There are significant problems in building a new Temple.
The destruction of the earlier one by the Romans in 70 AD is documented on the Arch of Titus. In 638 The Muslim armies conquered the land from the Byzantine Empire. In 687 The Muslims built the Dome of the Rock on the location of the Jewish Temple. Today Islam is over 20% of the earth’s population. Muslims view the “Dome of the Rock” as the 3rd most holy site to Islam. From the top of Mt. Moriah Muslims believe Mohammed ascended into Heaven. The Muslim building was built on the Jewish site to demonstrate Islam as the final religion and, to honor Mohammed supposed ascension. This creates a problem for the world.
Israel is only permitted to construct a Temple on the top of Mt. Moriah. David purchased the location at God’s instruction. This puts Israel’s future Temple at odds with the Islamic world. Islam would never accept the building of a Jewish Temple over this location. Orthodox Judaism, the ones in favor of building a Temple would not accept the “Dome of the Rock”. So either Islam defeats the Jews or Israel defeats Islam. The bible tells us that Israel will build the Temple. Once the “Dome of the Rock” is removed, only then could a Jewish Temple be be built.
For the Dome of the Rock to be removed a significant event must take place. This event will pit the Islamic world against Israel. Israel will vanquish the armies of Islam in a coming battle foretold in the Bible.
Before Israel can rebuild the Temple they must first occupy the land of Israel and Jerusalem. And before the Temple can be rebuilt the “Dome of the Rock” must be demolished and the Temple mount area must be purified. The ashes of the “Red Heifer” will permit the cleansing of the future temple. Before this, Islam as a threat to Israel will be eliminated.

08/10/04 "JTA" -- The threat of a missile attack on Israel was one reason justifying a pre-emptive strike against Iraq, Gen. Tommy Franks said.

July 16, 2004
LANCASTER COUNTY, PA - President Bush met privately with a group of Old Order Amish during his visit to Lancaster County last Friday. He discussed their farms and their hats and his religion.
He asked them to vote for him in November.
The Amish told the president that not all members of the church vote but they would pray for him.
Bush had tears in his eyes when he replied. He said the president needs their prayers. He also said that having a strong belief in God is the only way he can do his job.
At the end of the session, Bush reportedly told the group, "I trust God speaks through me. Without that, I couldn't do my job."

June 27, 2003
(Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud) Abbas said that at Aqaba, Bush promised to speak with Sharon about the siege on Arafat. He said nobody can speak to or pressure Sharon except the Americans.
According to Abbas, immediately thereafter Bush said: "God told me to strike at al Qaeda and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them."

The God of the Hebrew Bible sends the messianic king to accomplish his end, not to follow a two-part script in which the hero tragically dies and the words 'to be continued' suddenly appear on the screen."
This is why Jesus could not be the Messiah.

March 11, 2004
For days now, the job at Eisenhower Park in Nassau County has been to follow the order from the White House through the Secret Service and down to the park workers:
"The president's feet are not to touch the dirt."

Okay, so now we get to the part about the red heifer: it turns out that, although no religious Jew is allowed on the Temple Mount, there’s a loophole – it’s okay if he or she is first purified in the ashes of a pure red heifer.

2 "This is a requirement of the law that the LORD has commanded: Tell the Israelites to bring you a red heifer without defect or blemish and that has never been under a yoke.
9 "A man who is clean shall gather up the ashes of the heifer and put them in a ceremonially clean place outside the camp. They shall be kept by the Israelite community for use in the water of cleansing; it is for purification from sin.
-- Numbers 19

And a group of rabbis is quietly seeking families of the Jewish priestly caste (Cohanim) who are willing to hand over their newborn sons for a special mission: to be raised in conditions of isolation and ritual purity in order to deal with the next red heifer, if and when she is found.

To be sure, if we had the Holy Temple, we would resume the Holy Service, including the offering of sacrifices. So why don't we rebuild the Holy Temple? .....
We have a tradition that Elijah the Prophet will arrive and reveal himself to us before the Advent of the Messiah.(10) He will arrive and answer all questions and resolve all doubts.(11) He will reveal to us which families are definitely Cohanim.(12) And he is a recipient of the Ordination Of Moses(13) and can therefore restore the Sanhedrin. And he will bring peace to the world.

Moshiach ben Yossef???
:shrug: :shrug:
Dubya answer questions?
Dubya resolve doubts?
Dubya bring peace to the world?
:shrug: :shrug: :shrug:

Wednesday, April 3, 2002
We are about to see the biggest mass suicide ever.
Furthermore, if you listen to the Christians, there also has to be a war with Persia around this same time.

At its peak, the Persian empire reached from the India to Greece, and from the Caspian Sea to the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea. The Persians are believed to have originated in Media, which today corresponds to western Iran and southern Azerbaijan. They settled in Persia, on the eastern side of the Persian Gulf.

January 29, 2002
Our second goal is to prevent regimes that sponsor terror from threatening America or our friends and allies with weapons of mass destruction. Some of these regimes have been pretty quiet since September the 11th. But we know their true nature. North Korea is a regime arming with missiles and weapons of mass destruction, while starving its citizens.
Iran aggressively pursues these weapons and exports terror, while an unelected few repress the Iranian people's hope for freedom.

( In Tehran, Iranian President Mohammad) Khatami spoke shortly before U.S. President George W. Bush underlined Washington's concerns, saying he and other world leaders will not tolerate nuclear weapons in Iran. He (Bush) also urged Tehran to treat protesters seeking the ouster of the Islamic government with "the utmost of respect."

Tuesday May 25, 2004
Mr Habib, a Shia Kurd who is being sought by Iraqi police since a raid on INC headquarters last week, has been Mr Chalabi's righthand man for more than a decade. He ran a Pentagon-funded intelligence collection programme in the run-up to the invasion and put US officials in touch with Iraqi defectors who made claims about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction.
Those claims helped make the case for war but have since proved groundless, and US intelligence agencies are now scrambling to determine whether false information was passed to the US with Iranian connivance.,2763,1224075,00.html

Got soldiers?

Sat 14 August, 2004 06:07
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States plans to withdraw about 70,000 U.S. troops from Europe and Asia in a major restructuring of military forces prompted by the end of the Cold War and the beginning of the war on terrorism, U.S. officials say. .....
There are more than 100,000 U.S. troops in Europe, including about 70,000 in Germany, and another 100,000 in the Pacific region and Asia. About 150,000 troops are stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan.§ion=news

Nations involved in this prophesied attack on Israel are Iran, Libya and Ethiopia. All three nations are Muslim and have a hostile relationship with Israel. In Ezekiel's day these nations were known as Persia, Put and Cush. Also involved in this future attack is a nation named Gog living in the land of Magog in the far north. Moscow is located directly north of Jerusalem. Russia has for the most part sided with the enemies of Israel in the past. Russia supplied weapons and aircraft to Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Iran in their wars against Israel. This future conflict includes other nations against Israel. Other nations mentioned are Beth Togarmah and Gomer, The Armenians consider themselves the descendents of Togarmah. Togarmah was a supplier of horses to the nations of east (Ezk 27:14) . Armenia supplied 10,000 horses as annual tribute to Babylon. Today Armenia is allied with Russia and Iran. Gomer is the forefather of European nations. One of the reasons there is a state of Israel is because of European anti-Semitism. Some European nations will be allied against Israel in this coming conflict. This very well could be a UN sanctioned operation against Israel.
This future battle results in Israel’s victory over the invading armies. Victory is from the hand of God who fights on Israel’s behalf. The victory is not for Israel’s sake. Israel victory is for the world to come to know of the God of Israel.
What Israel lacks for the Temple is:
A desire to build the Temple
Ability to overcome worldwide Islamic power.
A suitable Red Heifer to purify the Temple Mount site.
The population of the United States is roughly 300 million. Of that 50 million are reported to be evangelical born again believers. Evangelical believers support Israel and see its existence as fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Combined with the Israel lobby this group is the force behind America pro-Israel posture. Without this group America would have the same animosity toward Israel the rest of the world has. Islamic terrorism could easily turn the world against radical fundamentalist Islam. The problem is fundamentalist Islam is real Islam. Islam as the Quran requires is the true Islam. Worldwide Islamic terrorism could cause the shift against the Muslim world in Israel’s favor. Islamic terrorism could also cripple the United States. Even a world war involving nuclear weapons or nuclear terrorism could cripple the United States. In Ezekiel we are told fire being sent on those who live in security in the coastlands. Could this be the United States?
A pre-tribulation rapture seems like the best bet to remove US or cause worldwide political upheavel. from worldwide role of leader. If 50 million plus are removed from the US what happened on September 11th will look very small. Those left in the US would really be European in their outlook. This could result in a merger of European and US nations forming the greatest power the world has ever known.

Which brings us to the next chapter,
The New World Order.
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DulceDecorum Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-22-04 12:24 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. September 2004 World War IV: Norman Podhoretz
In the wake of the WMD issue, several others emerged that did even more to shake the confidence of some who had been enthusiastic supporters of the operation in Iraq. On top of the mounting number of American soldiers being killed as they were trying to bring security to Iraq, and on the heels of the horrendous episodes of the murder and desecration of the bodies of four American (BLACKWELL) contractors in Falluja, came the revelation that Iraqi prisoners in Abu Ghraib had been subjected to ugly mistreatment by their American captors.

Among supporters of the Bush Doctrine, these setbacks set off a great wave of defeatist gloom that was deepened by the nervous tactical shifts they produced in our military planners (such as the decision to hold back from cleaning out the terrorist militias hiding in and behind holy places in Falluja and Najaf). Even the formerly unshakable Fouad Ajami was shaken. In a piece entitled "Iraq May Survive, But the Dream is Dead," he wrote: "Let’s face it: Iraq is not going to be America’s showcase in the Arab-Muslim world."

That the antiwar party would batten on all this—and would continue ignoring the enormous progress we had made in the reconstruction of Iraqi society—was only to be expected. It was also only natural for the Democrats to take as much political advantage of the setbacks as they could. But it was not necessarily to be expected that the Democrats would seize just as eagerly as the radicals upon every piece of bad news as another weapon in the war against the war. Nor was it necessarily to be expected that mainstream Democratic politicians would go so far off the intellectual and moral rails as to compare the harassment and humiliation of the prisoners in Abu Ghraib—NONE OF WHOM, SO FAR AS ANYONE KNEW, WAS EVEN MAIMED, LET ALONE KILLED—to the horrendous torturing and murdering that had gone on in that same prison under Saddam Hussein or, even more outlandishly, to the Soviet gulag in which many millions of prisoners died.

Yet this was what Edward M. Kennedy did on the floor of the Senate, where he declared that the torture chamber of Saddam Hussein had been reopened "under new management—U.S. management," and this was what Al Gore did when he accused Bush of "establishing an American gulag." Joining with the politicians was the main financial backer of the Democratic party’s presidential campaign, George Soros, who actually said that Abu Ghraib was even worse than the attack of 9/11. On the platform with Soros when he made this morally disgusting statement was Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, who let it go by without a peep of protest.

Equally ignominious was the response of mainstream Democrats to the most effective demagogic exfoliation of the antiwar radicals, Michael Moore’s film Fahrenheit 9/11. Shortly after 9/11—that is, long before the appearance of this movie but with many of its charges against Bush already on vivid display in Moore’s public statements about Afghanistan—one liberal commentator had described him as a "well-known crank, regarded with considerable distaste even on the Left." The same commentator (shades of how the "jackal bins" of yore were regarded) had also dismissed as "preposterous" the idea that Moore’s views "represent a significant body of antiwar opinion." Lending a measure of plausibility to this assessment was the fact that Moore elicited a few boos when, in accepting an Academy Award for Bowling for Columbine in 2003, he declared:

By 2004, however, when Fahrenheit 9/11 came out, things had changed. True, this movie—a compendium of every scurrility ever hurled at George W. Bush, and a few new ones besides, all gleefully stitched together in the best conspiratorial traditions of the "paranoid style in American politics"—did manage to embarrass even several liberal commentators. One of them described the film as a product of the "loony Left," and feared that its extremism might discredit the "legitimate" case against Bush and the war. Yet in an amazing reversal of the normal pattern in the distribution of prudence, such fears of extremism were more pronounced among liberal pundits than among mainstream Democratic politicians.

Thus, so many leading Democrats flocked to a screening of Fahrenheit 9/11 in Washington that (as the columnist Mark Steyn quipped) the business of Congress had to be put on hold; and when the screening was over, nary a dissonant boo disturbed the harmony of the ensuing ovation. The chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Terry McAuliffe, pronounced the film "very powerful, much more powerful than I thought it would be." Then, when asked by CNN whether he thought "the movie was essentially fair and factually based," McAuliffe answered, "I do. . . . Clearly the movie makes it clear that George Bush is not fit to be President of this country." Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa seconded McAuliffe and urged all Americans to see the film: "It’s important for the American people to understand what has gone on before, what led us to this point, and to see it sort of in this unvarnished presentation by Michael Moore."

Possibly some of the other important Democrats who attended the screening—including Senators Tom Daschle, Max Baucus, Barbara Boxer, and Bill Nelson; Congressmen Charles Rangel, Henry Waxman, and Jim McDermott; and elders of the party like Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. and Theodore Sorensen—disagreed with Harkin and McAuliffe. But if so, they remained remarkably quiet about it.

As for John Kerry himself,
he did not take time out to see Fahrenheit 9/11,
explaining that there was no need since he had "lived it."

The raid was the first substantial sign that the neocons were not only out of favor in the Bush administration, but that the Bushies were moving to actively distance themselves from neoconservative causes: Chalabi, the neocons' longtime Iraqi poster boy, found himself confronted with charges of embezzlement and even espionage. Quite a comedown for Ahmed the Liberator, the War Party's anointed favorite, who was flown into Iraq by the Pentagon at U.S. taxpayers' expense. If there was any justice in this world, he would be flown out of Iraq also at taxpayers' expense – in custody of U.S. law enforcement, and under arrest for theft, fraud, and espionage. Feeding lies packaged as "intelligence," Chalabi and his neocon allies fibbed their way into seizing control of the mighty U.S. war machine, and running it to ground in Iraq – leaving George W. Bush alone amidst the wreckage.

A chill went down my spine as I read an account of a recent talk given by Seymour Hersh at the University of Chicago (via blogger Brad Delong):
"He said that after he broke Abu Ghraib people are coming out of the woodwork to tell him this stuff. He said he had seen all the Abu Ghraib pictures. He said, 'You haven't begun to see evil...' then trailed off. He said, 'horrible things done to children of women prisoners, as the cameras run.' He looked frightened…."
After the initial wave of Abu Ghraib photos came out, I thought I was beyond shock, but this new revelation goes well beyond anything imagined in my worst nightmares. If we are now measuring degrees of evil, then this is the absolute variety.

The chief feature of Moloch's worship seems to have been the sacrifice of children, and the usual expression for describing that sacrifice was "to pass through the fire", a rite carried out after the victims had been put to death. The special centre of such atrocities was just outside of Jerusalem, at a place called Tophet (probably "place of abomination"), in the valley of Geennom. According to III (I) Kings, xi, 7, Solomon erected "a temple" for Moloch "on the hill over against Jerusalem", and on this account he is at times considered as the monarch who introduced the impious cult into Israel.
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NecessaryOnslaught Donating Member (691 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-23-04 03:17 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. You may be on to something DD.

which way to the vomitarium? :puke: :puke:
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TrustingDog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 05:05 PM
Response to Reply #4
13. summary, please? n/t
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tngledwebb Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-23-04 09:42 AM
Response to Original message
5. This is very interesting.
What these links help us understand is how the PNAC driven Mid East misadventure has been co-opted by even more insane and sinister forces. It is hard to accept that the US military, despite it's current levels of incoherence or incompotence, would let Irag get so out of hand in less than a years time, if BIG O was their main concern in the first place.
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DulceDecorum Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-23-04 11:57 AM
Response to Reply #5
6. Do you know the Muffin Man?
SYSOP'S NOTE: The following file is the complete text of a letter sent by Dr. Michael Aquino to CBS after they aired a made-for-TV movie entitled "Do You Know the Muffin Man?"
This movie was a fictional account of a "typical" ritualized child abuse case in a "typical" day-care center, modelled closely after the allegations in the McMartin, Bakersfield, and Akron scandals. Dr. Aquino's letter thoroughly rebuts these charges.
No response from CBS had been received as of 12/18/89.
This letter is reprinted with permission of the author, who asked me to point out that documentation for everything he says in here is available on request to the address shown.
-- J. Brad Hicks, Sysop WeirdBase

Satanism, Child Abuse & Republican Fundraising


The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska,_Youth_and_Family/Child_Abuse/Ritual_Abuse/

In June 1999, just when it seemed that "justice would seem to be done" and the sentence carried out, George Bush Jr., the Governor of Texas, stepped in and commuted the death sentence to one of life imprisonment. Henry’s "partner in crime," Ottis Elwood Toole, died several years ago of cirrhosis of the liver while serving out his sentence.
Police would later search vast areas of the Florida everglades by boat and helicopter for evidence of the cult’s existence but none would be found. Lucas explained this away by telling police that the cult was a nationwide conspiracy involving, not only senior police, but also politicians. "They were probably tipped off that you were lookin’ for ‘em," he explained.

Wednesday, August 4, 1999
Some commentators say that this preoccupation with order stems from his family background. He was born the son of a policeman on the island of Islay, off the west coast of Scotland.
Mr Robertson has been a witness to the horrifying consequences of when order does break down.
His three children are former pupils of the school in Dunblane where gunman Thomas Hamilton went on the rampage in 1996, murdering 16 children and their teacher.

Sat 12 Jul 2003
LORD Robertson has started a landmark legal action against a Scottish newspaper over internet allegations falsely accusing him of helping Thomas Hamilton, the Dunblane killer, obtain his gun licence.
The secretary general of NATO has lodged a writ with the Court of Session in Edinburgh demanding £200,000 compensation over the claims, plus the full costs of the action.
The writ claims that comments posted on the message board of the Sunday Herald newspaper’s website, accusing him of signing a firearms certificate recommendation for Hamilton and using his influence to force the police to ignore their suspicions about the killer, were "false and calumnious".
Lord Robertson, the former defence secretary, also claims the allegations could hinder his chances of finding another job when he stands down as the head of NATO later this year.

Nov. 14 2001— It began on September 8, 1999, when federal agents raided the Fort Worth, Texas, home and offices of Thomas and Janice Reedy.
The Reedys had been operating a business called Landslide Productions, which the FBI suspected sold subscriptions to websites offering child pornography. Investigators called the business the largest commercial child pornography enterprise ever uncovered, grossing as much as $1.4 million in just one month.
In addition to finding more than 70 images of child pornography on Thomas Reedy's computer, investigators found something else while searching the premises. They found Landslide's subscriber list, a database detailing the names and whereabouts of thousands of Landslide customers around the world
Now some of those are multiple hits, OK, and some of them are foreign. But the majority of them were in this country," former assistant US Attorney Terri Moore, who helped prosecute the Reedys, told "CyberCrime."
In the end, there turned out to be more than 35,000 individual subscribers in the United States.

Wed, June 16, 2004
Police raided a home on Monday and found a thumb drive containing 1,000 images.
"These images were horrific in nature and typically involving children between the ages of 2 and 8 years old involved in violent sex acts," Gillespie said.
Blair Evans, 53, a former defence ministry employee, is charged with two counts each of making child pornography, accessing child pornography, possessing child pornography and five counts of failing to comply with probation.
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DulceDecorum Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-08-04 02:38 PM
Response to Reply #5
Nymph, nymph, what are your beads?
Green glass, goblin. Why do you stare at them?
Give them me.

Give them me! Give them me!

Then I will howl all night in the reeds,
Lie in the mud and howl for them.

Goblin, why do you love them so?

They are better than stars or water,
Better than voices of winds that sing,
Better than any man's fair daughter,
Your green glass beads on a silver ring.

Hush! I stole them out of the moon.

Give me your beads. I desire them.

I will howl in a deep lagoon
For your green glass beads, I love them so.
Give them me! Give them me!

-- Harold Monro

Experts believe that the ancient Syrians discovered glassmaking, probably by accident, about 3,000 B.C. A manufactured green glass rod found in ancient Babylonia (modern Iraq), dates to 2,600 B.C. Syrian glass was a simple melted mixture of soda ash, lime and sand. Glassmakers formed it into final shapes by sculpting it while still hot.

Some of the ancient ziggurats of Iran and Iraq also contain vitrified material, sometimes thought by archaeologists to be caused by the Greek fire. For instance, the vitrified remains of the ziggurat at Birs Nimrod (Borsippa), south of Hillah, were once confused with the Tower of Babel. The ruins are crowned by a mass of vitrified brickwork--actual clay bricks fused together by intense heat. This may be due to the horrific ancient wars described in the Ramayana and Mahabharata, although early archaeologists attributed the effect to lightning.

WHERE DID THE GLASS COME FROM?—Before concluding this section, here is an interesting discovery. Immense heat on a large scale is required to fuse sand into glass. Consider this:

"In the Euphrates valley of Southern Iraq, exploratory digging was done in 1947. Beneath the many cultural levels covering many centuries even before the time of Sumer was a floor of fused glass. It was similar to nothing else except the desert floor in New Mexico after the atomic blasts. Intensive heat melted the rock and sand into glass.
"In the interior of Africa, engineer Albion W. Hart, traversed a great desert area. At one place he came upon a large expanse of greenish glass which covered the sands as far as he could see. Later he recognized the same type of silica fusion at White Sands after the first atomic explosion there.
The surface of the Gobi desert near Lob Nor Lake is covered with vitreous sand which is the result of atomic tests conducted by China. But the desert has certain other areas of similar glassy sand which have been present for thousands of years. The source of the intense heat is unknown. Similar sites are reported in Iraq.

Early in the morning on July 16, 1945, the first atomic bomb blast was detonated at the Trinity Site. The actual explosion produced a blast equivalent to eighteen thousand tons of TNT. The resulting fireball that scorched the desert formed a depressed crater 800 yards in diameter, glazed with a light olive green, glass-like substance where the sand had melted and solidified again. The following excerpt is from Time Magazine, Sept. 17, 1945: Seen from the air, the crater itself seems (looks like) a lake of green Jade shaped like a splashy star, and set in a sere disc of burnt vegetation half a mile wide. From close up the lake is a glistening encrustation of blue-green glass 2,400 feet in diameter, formed when the molten soil solidified in air. Chemical tests have confirmed that it is nearly pure melted silica with traces of Olivine, Feldspar, and other minerals which comprise the desert sand. The crater was buried for security reasons not long after the explosion and, as a result, Trinitite has remained relatively difficult to obtain. This material was, of course, collected many years ago. A copy of a one page report, taken from Minerals of New Mexico, S. A. Northrop (1959) is available covering Trinitite, and a copy of this information will be supplied with each sample ordered, if requested. Each specimen has the light olive green, glass-like, fused top surface, with interesting rounded form. The bottom of each piece exhibits the rough texture of the sandy desert surface, which remained untouched by the blast. While the Trinitite was highly radioactive in 1945 when it was formed, more than fifty years have passed and at the present time, radioactivity is virtually zero.

GROUND ZERO of the atomic age is marked by a modest lava stone obelisk. "Where the World's First Nuclear Device Was Exploded on July 16, 1945," its plaque reads.
The absence of the word "bomb" is appropriate. The scientists who built Fat Man, as the bulbous object was known, referred to it as "the gadget." Or, "the thing."
Ground zero usually is open to the public just two days a year, once in spring and once in fall.

NEAR SOCORRO, New Mexico -- The Trinity test site is fenced off from the surrounding terrain, secured with a padlock. This would not seem odd except that it is in the middle of the White Sands Missile Range, itself a secured site.
It was here -- 33 degrees, 40 minutes, 31 seconds north latitude, 106 degrees, 28 minutes, 29 seconds west longitude -- where the world changed on July 16, 1945, at 5:29 a.m. Mountain War Time.
In this place, at that time, the world's first nuclear device exploded and the nuclear age was born. A simple stone obelisk, erected some 20 years after the event, marks that birthplace.
Officials chose this site because it was already under government control, part of the Alamagordo Bombing and Gunnery Range. It is in a basin dubbed the JORNADO DEL MUERTO -- journey of the dead -- by Spanish explorers. And, though remote, it was close to Los Alamos.
In the first light of dawn, the obelisk casts a long shadow across the scrub. Without the stone marker, the site would blend into the surrounding desert, the crater -- more of an indention, actually -- having long ago been bulldozed into oblivion. Off to one side a tin structure with Plexiglas windows in the roof shelters a small portion of the crater, preserved for posterity.
Nearby there is a small knot of steel and concrete that was once one of the four supports for a 100-foot tower. Most of the tower was vaporized when the gadget atop it was detonated. Gadget, not bomb -- in the Los Alamos days, scientists feared being overheard by workmen. The term stuck.
After the test, the indention at ground zero was covered with trinitite, a green, glass-like mineral created by the extreme heat of the blast. Most of the trinitite was carted away after the test, but small fragments can still be found.
The chain-link and barbed-wire fence that surrounds the site is decorated with weathered radiation warning signs. One large sign warning that "The use of eating, drinking, chewing and smoking materials and the application of cosmetics is prohibited within this fenced area."

The black areas in the image above are what's left of the steel tower cables vaporized by the nuclear blast.
The blobs of melted sand surrounding them are what's known as Trinitite.
Protect your investment!
For an additional $15.00, we will frame the Trinitite
sample of your choice in a high quality wood frame with
glass insert. Trinitite sample is set over a background
photograph of an atomic detonation with an
informative description of Trinitite & its origin.

Why are we fighting a war, or insurgency, in Iraq? There have been countless plausible answers offered, but none really carry the ring of truth. None really seem to offer justification for the loss of countless thousands of lives. What could be so vital to the United States, or the world, that it would justify such wholesale slaughter and destruction?
Known to few outside the 'secret society' community, Iraq is in fact the most hotly contested and highly coveted real estate on earth, because it is the site of evidence of the true origin of Christianity and Judaism, and possibly many other religions as well.
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flaminbats Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-24-04 05:18 PM
Response to Original message
7. Did most people call them World Wars when they were fought..
when did the era of Great Wars end and the World Wars begin?
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DulceDecorum Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-25-04 03:03 AM
Response to Original message
Sounds ludicrous, doesn't it?

but while this technology remains an 'open secret'
hushed by the mainstream media,
we perhaps should remember the possibilities
for a future attack made by
drones with AI neural networks
If you are running Windows right now
you'll know that technology CAN go wrong...
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DulceDecorum Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-08-05 01:42 PM
Response to Original message
10. The Arctic and the Antarctic
This post is almost identical to another post on another thread.


Article published on Wednesday, January 5th, 2005
One of the largest and most active volcanoes on the Alaska Peninsula near the settlements of Perryville and Chignik has grown increasingly restless since the turning of the new year, sending up small ash plumes and experiencing increased seismic tremors. ...
Weak seismic tremors were observed starting Jan. 1 and increased slightly over the next few days. Ash emissions were observed in images of Veniaminof taken around 9:30 a.m. Tuesday.
At around 10 a.m. Tuesday a pilot flying at 14,000 feet noted small ash emissions from Veniaminof, said Ken Dean, acting coordinating scientist at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Later in the day, 19 separate ash bursts were observed from Veniaminof, none of which escalated above 500 meters from the summit, Dean said.
The most recent reports from Perryville included constant ash emissions today at around 10 a.m.
“Activity at this volcano has been on and off over the past year,” Dean said.

Notable Statistic:
The largest eruptions EVER RECORDED
include the 3,700 (BC) and 1750 eruptions of Veniaminof.

Large calderas mark the surfaces of Mars, Venus, and Jupiter's moon, Io. When Mt. Mazama, in southern Oregon, exploded 6,500 years ago it lost two miles of its height and formed the caldera that now holds Crater Lake. Kilauea, in Hawaii, and Katmai in Alaska's Aleutian Islands, are calderas resulting from the collapse of volcanoes. The 80 km (50 mi) long Lake Balaton in Hungary is a water-filled caldera formed when a magma chamber collapsed.

What is likely to happen during a future eruption?
Future eruptions of Mount Veniaminof are likely to occur from the intracaldera cone and are expected to be Strombolian eruptions. Such eruptions could be accompanied by audible vent explosions that may expel small volumes of ash, cinders, and bombs. Sometimes the volcanic ejecta will be incandescent and could be visible at night. Occasionally, explosive bursts could be energetic enough to send ash high above the volcano, possibly to 6 kilometers (about 20,000 feet) or more. Dilute ash clouds may form and will drift away from the vent with the wind. These clouds could be hazardous to local or low-flying aircraft. Areas around the volcano could be blanketed by fine ash and accumulations of several centimeters may occur. If lava flows are produced, they are not likely to extend very far and will melt a small amount of ice and snow in the immediate vicinity of the intracaldera cone. It is unlikely that any meltwater will exit the caldera and thus lahars of any size are not expected to form.

Strombolian Eruption: Derived from the volcano Stromboli, these eruptions, typically intermittent and of short duration, throw out blocks, bombs and lava flows. Stromboli is one of the Aeolian Islands north of Sicily and has been almost continuously in eruption for at least the past 2,400 years.

How long does a typical eruption last?
Historical eruptions at Mount Veniaminof have lasted for weeks, to months, to several years. Persistent low-level activity can occur over lengthy periods of time, but is not likely to be hazardous or pose a significant long-term risk to the region.

Friday, January 7, 2005
The level of concern is up from green, indicating normal activity, but is not yet to the orange level, when an eruption is expected to occur or is occurring.

Tuesday, 9 November 2004
Mr. Toepfer praised Russia’s recent decision to ratify the Kyoto Protocol on climate change as an important step in the international fight to check global warming but warned: “As the ACIA reveals the battle is far from over.
“I want to congratulate the Arctic Council for their decision to commission the report,” he added. “We now have a clear scientific consensus that the Arctic is warming and the resulting affects on global climate will be serious.”

And now, without further ado:
**** **** **** ****

Good thread, Minstrel Boy.
Blog On!!

First of all,
there was a terrible tragedy involving MASSIVE loss of life.
Second of all,
such events - namely earthquakes and tsunamis - have occurred naturally.
and this is where everyone gets all bent out of shape,
certain nations have the capability
- and the desire -
to cause such events.

The US is
therefore justified in
seeking out and testing out ways to neutralize this perceived threat.

AZCat says that he calculated the amount of energy that it would take to shift a tectonic plate and came up with a HUGE amount.
I do not doubt this,
but I do want to know how many here know
How To Cross A Bridge

Since not everyone is adept at physics,
bear with me as I break it down.
There is something called resonance.

Think of a swing.
When you push the swing at the point where is changing direction,
the swing will go higher and higher.
If you push the swing at most other points,
the swing will twist and turn
because you have destroyed that smooth harmonic increasing amplitude.

You, as a human being, have a natural resonance.
Everything does.
And you know that sometimes loud music will make your stomach
or some other part of you to vibrate.

The earth has a natural resonance too.
Schumann resonance

OK, now we get to the good stuff ----
Which is why the "fair and balanced" reporters
such as Judith Miller of the New York Times
and the ENTIRE "news team" at Fox
who claim to provide us with "all the news that is fit to print,"
have decided to label DU researchers as "kooks."

As we go on pumping carbon dioxide into the air, we might borrow a line from financial planners. Past performance is no guide to future results.
The buildup of carbon dioxide (CO2) is forcing scientists to rethink their expectations - not only about the buildup of heat on Earth but also about the implications for the natural world far beyond warming.
Take those powerful Alaskan earthquakes. We expect land to rise as the weight of glaciers melts away. Should we also adjust our assessment of earthquake risk?
Two geophysicists say "yes." Glaciers hold down earthquake action even in a seismically active region like Alaska, argue Jeanne Sauber with NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., and Bruce Molnia with the US Geological Survey in Reston, Va. They use history and current data to make their case.
For example, earthquake action picked up in places where the ice masses retreated some 10,000 years ago, Dr. Sauber notes. Scandinavia had major quakes back then. Canada also had many moderate quakes as its glaciers melted.
Melting glaciers do not cause earthquakes: Quakes are created when forces within the crust build up strain in rock until something slips. Alaska is seismically active because a North Pacific crustal plate is ramming into southern Alaska, creating pressures that must be relieved at some point.

On March 27, 1964, an earthquake with a magnitude of 8.4 rocked the southwest coast of Alaska. Lasting 3 to 4 minute, it left 131 people dead, and the area looking like a war zone. Not only was this quake large enough and devastating enough to be named the greatest North American earthquake, it's aftershocks continued to hit the area at magnitudes over 6.0 on the Richter Scale.
In the Gulf of Alaska, a vertical displacement of the ocean floor started a tsunami, which had waves of 30m (100ft) targeting the coastline. This was one of the largest causes of destruction, it was powerful enough to move boats over one mile inland!

Which facts indicate that
the connections between earthquake and resulting tsunami
is extremely well known in meterological circles.

The great Alaskan earthquake of 1964 was the largest earthquake in North America
and the second largest ever recorded
(largest occurred in Chile in 1960).

Glaciers are VERY VERY HEAVY
and are said to depress the land mass directly underneath them.
This phenomenon is found mainly in the Arctic AND in the Antarctic.

Bed Elevation shows height of the ice sheet bed (meters above sea level, color shading) over the Laurentide Ice Sheet domain. As glaciers grow, the weight of the ice can become large enough to depress the earth's crust beneath the glacier. In these plots, warm colors (yellows, reds) are elevations above sea level, while cool colors (blues) indicate elevations below sea level. These changes in bed elevation are produced by the Isostasy component of UMISM.

But the glaciers in the Arctic are melting -- and melting FAST.

Wednesday, 5 April, 2000
Ozone levels over the Arctic have fallen dramatically this winter, say scientists.
An international group of researchers found cumulative ozone losses of more than 60% at around 18 kilometres (11 miles) above the polar region between January and March.
"These are among the largest chemical losses at this altitude observed during the last 10 years," said the European Commission, a main sponsor of the research, in a statement.
10 September, 2000
A Canadian police patrol boat has completed a voyage through the fabled Northwest Passage without encountering any pack ice.
It opens up the possibility of commercial shipping using a route which would shorten the journey between Europe and Asia by about eight-thousand kilometres (5,000 miles). .........
The search for an ice-free route linking the Atlantic and the Pacific has been the goal of sailors for more than 400 years. Hundreds died in the quest for a shorter passage between Europe and the Far East.
02 March 2002
The Arctic ice cap is melting at a rate that could allow routine commercial shipping through the far north in a decade and open up new fisheries.
Since 1974 Arctic sea-ice has shrunk by about 1 mm sq km, or the size of Texas and Arizona combined, the ACIA report said. Temperatures are projected to rise another 7 to 13 degrees Fahrenheit (4 to 7 Celsius) in the next 100 years.

Of the many concerns voiced by scientists who study global warming trends, rising ocean levels is one of the most dramatic. An average rise in global ocean levels of just a few inches could have devastating effects on coastal towns, cities, and ecosystems. Why then is even the slightest risk of a shrinking polar cap not sounding alarms all across the world's lowland regions?
Goodbye, Maldives.


29 December, 2004
It is not just the threat from the Canary Isles. ANTARCTICA POSES A FAR MORE SERIOUS DANGER TO THE SURVIVAL OF LIFE ITSELF ON EARTH. The earth's wobble on its axis is just over one degree at maximum. Despite that, the axis is stable at present, the wobble being insufficient to affect the stability of the spin of the earth.

WHAT, pray, is the wobble?

July 18, 2000
The wobble, which has been under observation for more than a century, has a period of about 433 days. In other words, it takes 1.2 years to complete one wobble. The amplitude of the wobble amounts to about 20 feet at the North Pole.
It has been calculated that the wobble would dampen down and cease to exist in 68 years unless SOME FORCE CONSTANTLY ACTED ON IT TO INVIGORATE IT. ........
According to his calculations, two-thirds of the Chandler wobble is caused by ocean-bottom pressure changes. The remaining one-third is the result of fluctuations in atmospheric pressure. Gross says the effect of atmospheric winds and ocean currents on the wobble is minor.
Scientists are interested in the Chandler wobble because variations in latitude due to the wobble could throw off celestial navigation systems that are unaware of the wobble by a fifth of a mile.

February 13, 2004
A comprehensive search of the Internet fails to produce easy to find references to the Global 2000 report. Among the predictions it contained was the stark warning of instant catastrophe waiting in the wings as the southern and northern ice packs change in density. THE CURRENT ONE DEGREE 'WOBBLE' OF THE EARTH ABOUT ITS AXIS IS PARTLY DUE TO AND IS AFFECTED BY THE OFFSET MASS OF THE ANTARCTICA ICE PACK. SHOULD THAT FRAGILE BALANCE CHANGE, THE WOBBLE WILL NOT SIMPLY GET WORSE OF LESS —IT WILL THROW THE WHOLE KILTER OF THE EARTH'S ROTATION OFF.Chaos will result as the planet adopts and adjusts to the new axis of rotation. But before then, global flooding, instant ice ages and global weather mayhem will transform the surface of our world far beyond anything that even the most far fetched environmental horror movie has ever even tried to conceptualise. It will be the old age of global civilisation as we know it and the effects may well all but eradicate limbed life on this planet. Those are the harsh facts.
Some months ago scientists from the UK attempted to inform the US of the true realities of the dangers of global warming and climate change. It is a threat that far surpasses any threat posed by Al Qaeda or any terrorist group, they say—something that has held the US preoccupied since 9/11.

In the future, the study’s findings may allow researchers to pinpoint mass changes by looking at the wobble or to monitor global climate change by tracking mass changes around the planet with GPS. For example, over a 10-year period, scientists could detect mass changes due to melting of the Greenland ice sheet. “As that water is released from Greenland, it gets distributed evenly throughout the oceans; it changes the shape of Earth, and we could measure that change,” Blewitt says. “So we could backsolve and try to figure out where that mass is moving from and where it’s moving to, and hopefully, we’ll be able to say something about the balance of ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland.”

OH my.
So basically, they are saying that the polar caps balance the wobble and if the caps melt away then the rotation of the earth is going to be affected.
Well, that doesn't sound good.
We see that the Arctic is being opened up to commercial shipping though. That's a plus.
How is Antartica faring?

December 26, 2004
GRASS has become established in Antarctica for the first time, showing the continent is warming to temperatures unseen for 10,000 years.
Scientists have reported that broad areas of grass are now forming turf where there were once ice-sheets and glaciers.,,2087-1415627,00.html
Well, that's not so bad.
With a few long-horns, they may just develop a decent cattle-raising industry.

“One of the interesting things about the sea floor in that area, is it tends to get deeper as you move inward, because the ice is heavy and depressing the continent,” Jacobs said.
In these areas, the grounding line might recede so far that seawater would undercut a lot more of the ice sheet than it does now, according to the researchers. With their foundation eroded, large chunks of the ice sheet could collapse into the ocean, scientists have proposed.

Wednesday, 26 December, 2001
If humans really are interfering with the Earth's climate and pushing up world temperatures, some of the best evidence could come from Antarctica.
Changes in the environment on and around the White Continent can have far-reaching effects. ..........
Captain Chris Elliott has been sailing these waters for more than 30 years and knows them better than anyone. As parts of the continent have warmed up he has noticed a reduction in annual ice cover. And he feels this is not all that is changing.
"The weather is even more volatile than it was," he said. "We're getting a greater frequency of very deep depressions, causing very strong winds. I'm not saying we didn't get them before, but it seems to me the frequency is greater."
This is only the personal view of one very experienced sailor, but it echoes the growing feeling that things are changing in Antarctica.

Tuesday, 19 March, 2002
An Antarctic ice shelf that was 200 metres thick and had a surface area of 3,250 square kilometres has broken apart in less than a month.
UK scientists say the Larsen B shelf on the eastern side of the Antarctic Peninsula has fragmented into small icebergs. Researchers from the British Antarctic Survey (Bas) predicted in 1998 that several ice shelves around the peninsula were doomed because of rising temperatures in the region - but the speed with which the Larsen B has gone has shocked them.
"We knew what was left would collapse eventually, but the speed of it is staggering," said Dr David Vaughan, a glaciologist at the Bas in Cambridge.
" to believe that 500 billion tonnes of ice sheet has disintegrated in less than a month."

Thursday, September 23, 2004
Glaciers in Antarctica are thinning faster than they did in the 1990s and researchers have discovered an unexpected folded section deep beneath the ice cap, findings that may indicate the ice is less stable than had been thought. Glaciers in West Antarctica are discharging 60 percent more ice into the sea than they are accumulating from snowfall, a research team led by Robert Thomas at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Wallops Island, Va., reports in Thursday's issue of the journal Science.
The glaciers flowing into the Amundsen Sea are thinning twice as fast as they did in the 1990s, the researchers said, a rate of loss that could raise sea level by 0.2 millimeters per year. That's a rate equal to previous estimates for all Antarctic melting, the team said. .............
The Larsen B ice shelf on the Antarctic Peninsula collapsed in 2002 and researchers said nearby glaciers began flowing up to eight times faster than they did prior to the breakup.
They said the speedup also caused glacier elevations to drop, lowering them by up to 125 feet in six months.

Sept. 22, 2004
WASHINGTON - Glaciers once held up by a floating ice shelf off Antarctica are now sliding off into the sea — and they are going fast, scientists said on Tuesday. ..............
“We’ve seen 150 miles of coastline change drastically in just 15 years.”
The affected area is at the far northern tip of the Antarctic, just south of Chile and Argentina. Temperatures there have risen by up to 4.5 degrees Fahrenheit in the past 60 years -- faster than almost any region in the world.
In the past 30 years, ice shelves in the region have lost more than 5,200 square miles of area.
“The Larsen area can be looked at as a miniature experiment, showing how warming can dramatically change the ice sheets, and how fast it can happen,” Scambos said in a statement. “At every step in the process, things have occurred more rapidly than we expected.”
But not all the melting in the Antarctic can be seen as a “miniature experiment.”
The Ross ice shelf, for example, is the main outlet for the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, with several large glaciers that could, if they melted completely, raise sea levels by 16 feet.

The old Global-Warming song-and-dance.
Well, just suppose those the anti-Michael Chrictons are correct.
What is the US going to do about it?

MRS. HUTCHISON. Mr. President, I rise to introduce legislation to recognize the importance and need for increased weather modification research. Weather modification is the general term that refers to any human attempt to alter the weather. While we may not be able to stop Mother Nature entirely, we can sometimes alter her course, changing the weather in small, yet significant ways. These efforts have been used in the U.S. for more than 50 years to reduce crop and property damage, optimize useable precipitation during growing seasons and lessen the impact of periodic, often severe droughts.
2d Session
S. 2170
To establish the Weather Modification Operations and Research Board and outline its duties and responsibilities.
March 4, 2004

MARCH 4, 2004.
I missed seeing that one at first.
Abu Zarqawi distracted me.

Weather control, as well as "weather tampering", is expressly forbidden dating from at least December 10, 1976, when the "United Nations General Assembly Resolution 31/72, TIAS 9614 Convention ( on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques" was adopted.

Yeah, so?
Do you honestly expect us to simply sit still and die of thirst?

One well-established cloud-seeding operation in the US is to be found in George Bush's home state of Texas. The South Texas Weather Modification Association (STWMA) was formed in 1996. In 1998, the Edwards Aquifier Authority in Texas set aside $500,000 for cloud seeding, and in coordination with the STWMA, convinced then-Governor George W. Bush's administration to suspend regulations requiring a permit to seed clouds, which allowed efforts to begin immediately. Since that time several distinct weather-modification associations have begun operations in Texas, and at Texas A&M one can find publications which provide introductory overviews and maps demonstrating the effects of cloud seeding operations there. Recent news indicates that cloud-seeding efforts continue in the dry and arid counties of southwest Texas. ................
It's been widely hinted that the US already has the power to manipulate the weather for it's own military purposes. And they're certainly not being completely secretive about it, either. The US military would very much like to own the weather although it's generally accepted that the techniques for doing so have already been "dispersed" around the world, since the breakup of the former Soviet Union. The Chinese, for example, have a clause in their Regulations on Administration of Weather Modification which specifically states that weather modification for military purposes will be carried out. In light of that fact, it might not be long before al Qaeda is blamed for killer storms. Indeed, it's been shown recently that, during the early days of cloud seeding, many deaths were caused by inexperienced scientists who were tinkering with a large storm in England.

See, that is why we cannot afford to let those terrorist have cropdusters.
You all may think that those things are harmless
but they are really Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Which reminds me,
how many of those things did Saddam have in his arsenal?
Damn playboy.

Saturday December 18, 2004
By late next year, incredibly, people can go skiing in Dubai, this city in the desert where the temperature averages 20°C! Work has already started on this first indoor ski resort in the Middle East, which will also be the world’s longest indoor ski slope with a real snow play area.

But since INDOOR snow can never comete with OUTDOOR snow .....
DUBAI (AFP) — Snow has fallen over the United Arab Emirates for the first time ever, leaving a white blanket over the mountains of Ras al-Khaimah as the desert country experienced a cold spell and above-average rainfall.
I warned you about them cropdusters.
And being complacent.

December 28, 2004
The precise location of Sunday's massive earthquake off Indonesia surprised geologists because it hit an area that had been quiet for more than a century.
The whole region is a geological hotbed where two major tectonic plates crash together, "but no one ever thought much about earthquakes along this section," said seismologist Kerry Sieh of Caltech, one of the few researchers who have studied the region.,0,1700804.story

And now lets have a look at Alaska
since J002E3 aka the Moonraker,
showed up in September 2002.

Tuesday, November 5, 2002
FAIRBANKS, Alaska (CNN) -- A major earthquake struck 75 miles south of Fairbanks, cracking roads, crumbling support mechanisms for the trans-Alaska pipeline and triggering mudslides, but there were no immediate reports of injuries, officials said Sunday.
The U.S. Geological Survey estimated the quake's preliminary magnitude at 7.9.

But you cannot lay the blame for this squarely at the feet of that
mysterious object circling the earth in an erratic orbit.

Megatsunamis were first hypothesized in 1958 by geologists searching for oil in Alaska. They observed evidence of unusually large waves in the nearby bay. Five years later, landslides were revealed to be the source of the Alaskan waves.
I am certain the Blame-Halliburton lobby will go into high gear over that,
and totally ignore the good that
oil exploration equipment is bringing to all of us.

A Houston-based maker of seismic equipment, best known for its oil-field products, is seen as a prime candidate for a tsunami early warning system for the Indian Ocean.

And how has Alaska been faring over the past few days?

The storms that started just over a week ago
(about the same time the tsunami hit)
have piled snow 9 feet deep on higher spots in the Sierra Nevada, soaked Los Angeles with record rainfall, caused mudslides and knocked out power to thousands of customers.
A 40-mile stretch of Interstate 5 remained shut Tuesday north of Los Angeles because as much as 2 feet of snow had fallen on top of a layer of ice at Tejon Pass, elevation about 4,200 feet, the California Highway Patrol said. The CHP closed the freeway early Monday and there was no immediate indication Tuesday when it might be reopened.
The closing idled hundreds of truckers and other travelers who didn't want to turn around to take a detour looping around the mountains and through the desert.
The storms were sparked by an extensive low pressure system that edged down from the Gulf of Alaska and remained parked off the Pacific Northwest coast. The latest front was expected to linger through Tuesday and another system was to move across the state later this week.,1282,-4710235,00.html,1282,-4710383,00.html

Now whever anything like this happens,
some people just have a hard time accepting it.
San Diego indymedia is a perfect example of this.

Such people tent to become completely unglued when they encounter certain types of information.
Which is why much of it has to remain classified.

In 1957, the president's advisory committee on weather control explicitly recognized the military potential of weather-modification, warning in their report that it could become a more important weapon than the atom bomb.5

Weather modification is a technology once embraced by the U.S. military as a tool to help both wartime and peacetime missions. However, interest in the ability to modify weather has waned over recent years and is now nearly non-existent.

... interest in the ability to modify weather has waned over recent years and is now nearly non-existent.
... interest in the ability to modify weather has waned over recent years and is now nearly non-existent.

Here is irrefutable PROOF.
Oct. 29, 2004
"It's kind of silly at this point," said Marks, director of hurricane research for the lab. "People don't realize how much energy we're talking about and the area involved. It's immense." .....
While the U.S. military is not involved with Hoffman's project, .....
"There is a U.N. convention in place that bans using weather modification as a weapon," he said.
Now, if Dan Rather had been reporting the news like THAT,
he might not have besmirched his name.

Saturday, January 08, 2005
Washington: The State Department denied on Friday that it had “foreknowledge” of the tsunami, but withheld it from South Asian countries, while warning the US base at Diego Garcia, thereby preventing damage to it.
It also denied that the tsunami was caused by underground nuclear tests, saying these allegations were utterly false and fell in the category of “misinformation.”
Todd Leventhal, State Department-designated Chief, Counter Misinformation/Disinformation Team told Daily Times that after the South Asian tsunami, two false misinformation allegations have arisen, first that Washington had foreknowledge of the impending disaster but held back the information and, secondly, that the giant wave was caused by a subterranean nuclear explosion.
Leventhal told this newspaper that the main proponent of the “foreknowledge” allegation, Canadian professor Michael Chossudovsky, has a long history of “spinning conspiracy theories.” For example, one of his allegations is that al Qaeda “is supported by the Bush administration.”
Tsunami warning system not manned on boxing day

Comments such as those attributed to Michael Chossudovsky
have brought down the wrath of Ann Coulter
upon the hapless heads of the progressives.

Mr Dennis Kucinich may subscribe to conspiracy theory:
(C) The term `exotic weapons systems' includes weapons designed to damage space or natural ecosystems (such as the ionosphere and upper atmosphere) or climate, weather, and TECTONIC SYSTEMS with the purpose of inducing damage or destruction upon a target population or region on earth or in space.
unless Kucinich is prepared to explain,
in layman's terms
exactly HOW ELF vibrations can be used to affect Schuman's Resonance,
he would be well advised to hold his peace.

And even if there is such a link,
one must always bear in mind that
the US occupies a unique position as policeman to the world.

1. The resulting need for humanitarian relief.
2. The possible destabilization of the international community.
3. The possible threat to national security.
4. The anticipated nation-wide call for action.
Were an impactor to be detected in advance, the nation and perhaps the entire planet will quite naturally look to the DoD for the fortitude, technical expertise and leadership, not to mention the required force in the form of nuclear devices, to counter such a threat to its citizen's lives and well being.

The DOD is charged with DEFENDING the US from ALL THREATS.
But they can hardly be blamed for not enforcing the Kyoto Accords.
Nor should they be reviled for informing their military personnel of what was taking place elsewhere.,15671,1385102,00.html
Such a thing has never happened before.
This is all reckless speculation and concecture
based on irrelevant and unconnected facts amny of which are still avaiting verification.
One must also remember that the heroes of Flight 93 did used their cell phones to call their loved ones and this act of civil disobedience SAVED LIVES.

Scientists once believed that an earthquake at one location
could not trigger earthquakes at distant sites. That belief was
shattered in 1992 when the magnitude-7.3 Landers earthquake in
California's Mojave Desert triggered a swarm of quakes more than 800
miles away at Yellowstone, as well as other temblors near Mammoth Lakes,
Calif., and Yucca Mountain, Nev.
The Denali quake also generated noticeable water waves in
Seattle's Lake Union, Louisiana's Lake Pontchartrain and in swimming
pools on the East Coast. It also triggered small quakes in California's
Geysers geothermal area, which is north of San Francisco, and in eastern
California's Long Valley, which, like Yellowstone, is a caldera, or
giant volcanic crater created by cataclysmic prehistoric volcanic

... an expert on seismic activity in Yellowstone, said it is unclear how activity in one area might affect seismic activity on other nearby faults.
See also:

A powerful earthquake that rocked Alaska in 2002 not only triggered small earthquakes almost 2,000 miles away at Wyoming's Yellowstone National Park – as was reported at the time – but also changed the timing and behavior of some of Yellowstone's geysers and hot springs, a new study says. ........ While other large quakes have been known to alter the activity of nearby geysers and hot springs, the Denali fault earthquake of Nov. 3, 2002, is the first known to have changed the behavior of such hydrothermal features at great distances, according to Smith and his colleagues.

December 24, 2004
In Yellowstone, earthquake activity appeared to increase in April at Norris Geyser Basin and then become more frequent in May and June near Madison and then in June and July at Yellowstone Lake.
The cause? Researchers looked at several factors, including gravitational pull similar to the kind that causes tides, and changes in barometric pressure.
The more likely triggers, Christiansen said, are connected with water.
When water trickles into the underground water table, it can exert pressure that might cause earthquake faults to slip.
When snow melts quickly, the lifting of that weight could also set off quakes.

As of the 7th of January, (2005) the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) has reported that this morning again sees no changes at Mauna Loa. Since early July 2004, an increased number of earthquakes has been recorded from beneath Mauna Loa. From week to week, the numbers fluctuate but remain well above the norm. During the week ending December 28, 128 earthquakes were located under the summit. Through December 28, more than 1725 earthquakes related to the ongoing seismic activity have been located beneath Mauna Loa’s summit caldera and the adjacent part of the southwest rift zone. Most of these earthquakes are quite deep, from 35 to 50 km below the ground surface and small, less than magnitude 3. They are "long-period" (LP) earthquakes, which means that their signals gradually rise out of the background rather than appearing abruptly. Such a concentrated number of deep LP earthquakes from this part of Mauna Loa is unprecedented, at least in HVO's modern earthquake record dating back to the 1960s.
The GPS network first showed definite lengthening of the lines across the summit caldera in late April or early May 2002, after nearly 10 years of slight deflation. The summit expansion tailed off and perhaps stopped in mid-winter 2002-2003. It then resumed, starting on about February 15, 2003, slackened, and once more began in late April or early May. The lengthening again slowed during summer 2003 but accelerated as summer ended. During 2004, the inflation had been at a fairly steady to slightly increasing rate until the contraction in late August. In general, we interpret the lengthening, uplift, and tilting to indicate swelling of the magma reservoir within the volcano.
Starting on July 20, 2004, HVO began showing the tilt at station MLO rather than at MLK; the latter station has been having instrumental spikes that distort the record.

The earthquake came just three days after a magnitude 8.1 earthquake in a completely uninhabited region west of New Zealand's sub-Antarctic Auckland Islands, and north of Australia's Macquarie Island <8> ( This would normally be unusual, since earthquakes of magnitude 8 or more typically occur only about once per year on average <9> ( Seismologists have speculated about a possible connection between these two earthquakes, saying that the former one might have been a catalyst to the Indian Ocean earthquake, as the two quakes happened on opposite sides of the Indo-Australian tectonic plate <10> (,4057,11787870%255E28477,00.html).
Coincidentally, the earthquake struck almost exactly one year (within an hour) after a magnitude 6.6 earthquake killed an estimated 30,000 people in the city of Bam in Iran <11>

Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Enzo Boschi, the head of Italy's National Geophysics Institute, likened the power of the earthquake that struck southern Asia to detonating a million atomic bombs the size of those dropped on Japan during World War II. The shaking was so powerful, it even disturbed the Earth's rotation, Boschi said.
"All the planet is vibrating" from the quake, he told Italian state radio. Other scientists said it was early too say whether the rotation was affected by the quake.

Thursday, January 6, 2005
VIENNA, Austria (AP) -- An organization that monitors compliance with a global ban on nuclear weapons tests has said its instruments recorded about 1,500 aftershocks in the 48 hours following the Asian quake and tsunami.
The Vienna-based Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organization said on Wednesday the aftershocks were detected by 78 stations in southern Asia after the initial 9.0-magnitude quake struck west of northern Sumatra, Indonesia.

January 08, 2005
THE earth is still ringing like a bell, nearly two weeks after the powerful earthquake that launched the killer Boxing Day tsunamis.
"I've never seen the earth ringing this long after an earthquake," said Australian National University geophysicist Herbert McQueen.
"The persistence is very unusual," said Dr McQueen, who has monitored the bell-ringing effect with a highly sensitive instrument called a super-conducting gravimeter.,5744,11881741%255E2703,00.html

JANUARY 07, 2005
"The wobble of the earth's rotation clearly anticipated these two big events," Negi said. He recalled that there is a revolutionary theory, which was given in 1967 by L Mansinha and D L E Smiley, two scientists from Canada,which says that wobbles are co-seismic with great earthquakes.
In the case of the recent events in December 2004, Negi said, "The big question is whether earth got jolted after these two earthquakes or DID THE PRIOR JOLTING OF THE PLANET,
as was shown in the increased wobble,
build up pressure to cause great earthquakes in both the hemispheres within three days."
It is already known that the earthquake that unleashed deadly tidal waves on Asia was so powerful it made the earth wobble on its axis. US geological survey expert Ken Hudnut said last week "We can detect very slight motions of the earth and I would expect that the earth wobbled in its orbit when the earthquake occurred due the massive amount of energy exerted and the sudden shift in mass."

**** **** **** ****

Speaking of energy ...

After gaining several seats in the Senate in last month's elections, the advocates for obtaining oil by drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska are one step closer to seeing oil drills on the horizon. Those in favor of exploring the resources within our own borders argue that there is between 125 billion and 350 billion dollars worth of oil in ANWR and drilling would have a negligible affect on the surrounding environment. In addition, they emphasize that oil from our own resources reduces our reliance on foreign oil, which often comes from countries that are allied with terrorist groups. Now that the GOP has gained seats in the Senate, the administration-supported program has its best chance yet at being successful.
I (Walter J. Hickel) have visited many oil-producing regions throughout the world. The production techniques are often primitive and risky, both for the workers and the environment. The technology used in Alaska's Arctic to find and develop oil is the best in the world. When and if development takes place on the ANWR coastal plain, there will be little traceable disturbance. Seismic tests to locate the oil, and the actual drilling after that, will take place in the winter, using ice roads that will melt later. Small gravel drilling pads, only six acres in size, will be used to tap vast fields and will be removed when drilling is complet e.Alaska's "North Slope" oil workers take pride in challenging visitors to find any trace of winter work activities after the snow melts.

Diligent readers will recall that in March 1991:
Then-Governor Walter Hickel announces a "global settlement" of all government criminal and civil claims, including $900 million for natural resource damages. But scientists say the estimate of natural resources damages should be as much as $10 billion. Anchorage Times, 4/17/91.

"God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees. God said, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it! It's yours."
-- Ann Coulter

Oscar Wilde once said that life is too serious to be taken seriously.
It is in that spirit that this next excerpt is presented.

January 07, 2005
Within 48 hours of the disaster, the Lincoln and other U.S. warships had received their orders, called back their crews from shore leave, taken on whatever supplies they could and weighed anchor for the hardest hit areas to begin the relief effort. Around the same time, other ships and aircraft were being dispatched from the American naval facility on Diego Garcia in the heart of the Indian Ocean.
All this military power - most notably the efforts of 13,000 sailors, soldiers, marines and airmen - isn't cheap, and the Pentagon Thursday noted that the American military role in the humanitarian effort adds up to about $6 million a day. Over the course of the past week, that represents a greater relief effort than what's been pledged by any number of sovereign nations including Saudi Arabia.
To the credit of the media, this humanitarian response by our military has not gone un-noticed. The men and women who are carrying out this work represent the very best of the United States to the entire world and it is right the news media take note of this.
So why is it the media have been much less interested in the equally important humanitarian work carried out every day by our troops in Iraq for the past year and a half?
Since the spring of 2003, American forces have been laboring under the most dangerous circumstances imaginable to help rebuild Iraq. Even as fighting was taking place mere kilometers away from them, American and allied troops were working to restore electrical power, rebuild schools and hospitals, deliver potable water and medicine, and perform any number of other vitally important jobs.
American humanitarian efforts in Iraq have been Herculean, yet have been barely touched on by the establishment media, which prefers instead to focus on rare foibles by individual soldiers, death tolls and perceived policy failures.
This disparity of news coverage suggests the political agenda of the liberal media in America. The humanitarian aspects of our military in response to a random geological disaster are favorably noted, but similar efforts over a far longer period of time in conjunction with a war against tyranny and terror are virtually ignored.\Commentary\archive\200501\COM20050107a.html
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DulceDecorum Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-05 12:11 AM
Response to Reply #10
11. Banda Aceh, Indonesia
A strong earthquake has been recorded off Indonesia, close to the site of a massive quake two weeks ago that unleashed tsunamis that killed thousands of people across Asia.
The Hong Kong Observatory recorded the quake off Sumatra at 6:18am local time (9:18am AEDT) and estimated it to measure 6.2 on the Richter scale.
Its epicentre was initially determined to be at sea about 60 kilometres south-west of Banda Aceh, the capital of Aceh province.

MOSCOW, January 7 (Itar-Tass) - An earthquake happened in Ingushetia and North Ossetia at 6:20 p.m. Moscow time on Friday. The earthquake measured 3-4 points on the Richter scale in the epicenter, which was located 30 kilometers east of Mozdok. There are no casualties or damage.
The tremors were felt in the Malgobek, Nazran, Sunzha and Dzheirakh districts of Ingushetia. Local residents had to go outdoors.
NAZRAN. Jan 9 (Interfax-South) - An earthquake measuring 3.5 points on the Richter scale has hit Ingushetia. The quake epicenter was 4 kilometers from Magas, a spokesman for the republic Emergency Situations Ministry told Interfax.
The earthquake struck at about 8:37 p.m. on Saturday. In Nazran tremors measured 2 points. Neither loss of life, nor destruction was reported, the official said.
He said it was the second earthquake to have been registered in Ingushetia over the past 48 hours.

New Delhi, Jan 07 - An earthquake jolted the bordering areas of Myanmar and India today, less than 14 hours after a temblor of similar intensity shook the region.
The "slight intensity" quake, measuring 4.5 on the Richter scale, was felt at 0923 IST, the Met department said here. Its epicentre was at 23.5 degree North latitude and 94.7 degree East longitude in Myanmar.
A 4.6 intensity quake had been recorded in the region at 1950 IST yesterday. It was not known whether any damage had been caused by the quakes.

Just before leaving for Thursday's tsunami summit in Jakarta, Prime Minister Helen Clark appeared to front up to the media about the inadequacy of New Zealand's tsunami warning system, saying coverage was inadequate and needed upgrading.
But Miss Clark was speaking about coverage gaps in the southwest area of New Zealand going into the Southern Ocean, the same area that was hit by an 8.1 (Richter) earthquake north of Macquarie Island in the south Tasman Sea on 23 December.
Like most earthquakes at sea, regardless of magnitude, the 23 December event, a "strike-slip" quake
in which opposing tectonic plates moved horizontally rather than vertically, did not generate a tsunami -- but it did generate a warning
from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC).
Issued 20 minutes after the quake began, that warning noted "this earthquake has the potential to generate a widely destructive tsunami in the sea near the earthquake" and advised local authorities to be aware of the possibility.

More than 2,500 aftershocks have been observed after a strong earthquake occurred on Dec. 26 off the west coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) said Thursday.
"1,500 aftershocks were recorded in the 48 hours that followed the quake, and 1,000 since then," said CTBTO spokesman Bernhard Wrabetz.
He added that one of the strongest aftershocks, measuring 5.4 on the Richter scale, was recorded Wednesday off the Sumatra island. CTBTO experts say that the tremors will continue for several months but become more and more sporadic.
The CTBTO has set up a sensor network throughout the world which can be used to detect any nuclear tests that violate the 1996 treaty and monitor natural seismic activity.

The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO), which monitors the world for nuclear activity, said it had detected the Boxing Day earthquake and sent detailed information about it to agencies in numerous countries, including Thailand and Indonesia, within minutes.
"The raw data from our sensors was transmitted in the moments that followed the earthquake to a number of national centres, including those of Indonesia and Thailand," said Bernhard Wrabetz, a spokesman for the group, but, "it is not known what those centres did with the data, which can only be interpreted by specialists."

Earthquake crater discovered in Loei
LOEI, Jan 7 2005 (TNA) – A soy bean farmer in Thailand's northeastern province of Loei has discovered a deep crater on his land, which she believes to have been caused by last month’s earthquake.
Mrs. Bualoi Hathammawong told reporters yesterday that she had discovered the crater on her tambon Na-or farm on 5 January.
The field is located 1.5 kilometres from the Loei River, which on 26 December saw waves of up to two metres high crash against the banks for half an hour as an earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter Scale shook the Indonesian island of Sumatra, causing tsunamis throughout much of Asia.
Since the discovery of the crater, which is four metres deep and 6-8 metres wide, hundreds of local people have been flocking to see it, many of them taking the water for bathing in the belief that it can cure disease.
Geologists have been called in to investigate the crater, which is said to be getting deeper. (TNA)--E006

07jan05 2005
INTERNATIONAL aircraft have been warned to steer clear of a volcano that erupted in the north Pacific, firing an ash plume 4575 metres into the air.
The volcano on uninhabited Anatahan Island in the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) became active again on Tuesday.
"Although the volcano is not currently dangerous to most aircraft within CNMI airspace, conditions may change rapidly, and aircraft should pass upwind of Anatahan or farther than 30km downwind," the Emergency Management Office (EMO) said in a statement.
EMO director Rudolfo Pua said the plume was getting higher.
"It may become a major eruption, we don't know yet," Mr Pua said.
EMO seismic technician Juan Camacho said three airlines – Continental Micronesia, Air New Zealand and Japan Airlines – had confirmed the latest eruption was reaching 4575m.
Under an emergency declaration, Anatahan has been declared off limits to all but scientific expeditions until the end of January.
Anatahan is a 33sq km island, 128km north of Saipan and just over 322km north of Guam.
It is around 2250km south of Tokyo.,5478,11878484%255E1702,00.html

(AGI) - Catania, Italy, Jan 8 - The ashy lava has stopped flowing from the crater on the south-east side of Mount Etna. Now only white gas is coming out of the summit mouth of the volcano, probably the result of a degassing phenomenon. No variations in the seismic activity or in the scale of the tremor of the internal magmatic movement has been noted.

Jan 7, 2005,
Bangladesh recorded a moderate tremor, intensity being 5.13 on the Richter scale, at 9-54 am yesterday.
Bangladesh Meteorological Department sources told The New Nation that this was the sixth tremor recorded since the devastating undersea earthquake of December 26 that triggered world’s deadliest tsunami in Asia.
The geophysical laboratory of the Meteorological Department at Amtali, Chittagong which recorded yesterday’s tremor said, its epicentre was 349 kilometres from Chittagong port city.
The tremor lasted 36 seconds. Exact location of the epicentre could not be ascertained due to lack of equipment.

10:28 PM EST Jan 09 2005
TOKYO (AP) - A moderate earthquake shook northern Japan late Thursday, the quake-prone country's second tremor this week. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage.
The quake, which hit at 10:29 p.m., had a preliminary magnitude of 5.0 and was centred off the Pacific coast of Miyagi prefecture at A DEPTH OF ABOUT 80 KILOMETRES BELOW THE OCEAN FLOOR, the Meteorological Agency said.

Jan 9, 2005, 12:14
The dwelling houses and buildings within 10 square kilometer areas around the burning Tengratila gas-field at Doarabazar in Sunamganj district were frequently jolted by mild tremors throughout most of the day yesterday although the intensity of the raging flames at gas-well somewhat subsided in the afternoon.
The gas-field, developed under a joint venture by Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration and Production Company (BAPEX) and Canadian company Niko Resources Limited, was abandoned in 1982.
But, experts from the two companies resumed a joint exploration at the field from January 1 this year, believing the field contains huge gas reserve.
The Energy Ministry officials said the Tengratila gas field contains minimum 300 billion cubic feet of gas.
In June 1997, a similar fire damaged a gas-field during drilling by US oil giant Occidental Corporation at Magurchhara in Srimongal of neighbouring Sylhet district causing a loss of minimum US$ 2.5 billion.
Niko began drilling of the abandoned well at Tengratila gas field, in collaboration with Bapex, a subsidiary under Petrobangla, on January 1. After drilling 805 metres deep into the well, gas started to come out. In order to divert the flow of gas, the Niko experts set fire to an old gas pipeline located at 500 metres off the well. It was done to avert a severe blow out from the well. However, the gas soon spread around the gas field and the fire continued to burn strongly. After two hours of efforts, the fire was tamed at midnight although the gas started to come out from the well again and again. But, all the efforts to douse the blaze proved futile subsequently.

Published January 8, 2005
RICHMOND, Va. -- Researchers say the South Asian earthquake that spawned deadly tsunami waves also made water rise and fall by at least 3 feet in a Virginia well some 9,600 miles away from the quake's epicenter.
The well near Christiansburg, located in the western part of the state, started oscillating about an hour after the magnitude 9 quake near Sumatra on Dec. 26.
The USGS calculated from the longitude and latitude of the earthquake, plus the longitude and latitude of the well, and the speed of the seismic wave, which was about 7,400 mph, that the well should record the earthquake about an hour after it occurred. And it did.
It took about five hours for the water to stop fluctuating, Nelms said.
The Christiansburg well used to be a municipal water supply. It is 450 feet deep, in limestone. Fractures in the rock allow water to flow through. As the earthquake squeezed and then relaxed the fractures, water moved in and out of the well.
It is not unheard of for wells to be affected by distant earthquakes, but the Christiansburg well is particularly sensitive to movements in the Earth. No one is sure why.
It recorded the Mexico City earthquake in the mid-80s, which generated about a 7-foot change in the well's water level, and it also shows regular, but small, changes caused by tides. Those are the regular contractions of rock caused by the Earths rotation combined with gravitational pulls from the sun and moon.,0,2231966.story?
Published Friday, December 31, 2004
JEFFERSON CITY (AP) - The earthquake that triggered deadly tsunamis in south Asia and eastern Africa caused ripples in underground water as far away as Missouri.
"It doesn’t fit the regular pattern that shows up in the wells," said Jim Palmer, a Rolla-based geologist with the Natural Resources Department. "Plus, we saw the same kind of change at approximately the same time in a number of other wells, just not the degree of change as in the Aurora well."
One theory for the fluctuation, the department said, is that seismic waves alternately compressed and relaxed the bedrock. The rock near Aurora - a type of limestone called dolomite - has more tiny spaces that can hold water than many other forms of rock. The earthquake essentially squeezed the water out of the rocks for a brief time, Palmer said.
Although the underground water fluctuations posed no problems in Missouri, they provided evidence of how large earthquakes can be tracked around the world, the department said.

Sunday, 9 January, 2005, 23:55 GMT
At least 14 people have been killed and thousands left without power as hurricane-strength winds lashed parts of northern Europe.
At least 11 people were reported killed in Sweden and Denmark and more than 400,000 homes left without power.
In Britain, three people died after floods hit the north of England city of Carlisle affecting thousands of homes.
Airports, rail networks, bridges and roads were closed and dozens of North Sea ferry routes were cancelled.
In southern Sweden, two nuclear reactors were temporarily shut down and 405,000 homes in the region were without electricity.
Thousands of people in Carlisle were moved into temporary accommodation as some 70,000 homes lost power in the flooding.
Many thousands of households in Denmark and Norway also suffered power cuts.

HUGE areas of Asia are still vibrating almost two weeks after the earthquake which triggered a tsunami killing almost 160,000 people.
Australian National University scientists said special equipment was showing much of the planet was still ringing like a bell.
Dr Herb McQueen, from the university's earth sciences research school, said a gravity meter at Mt Stromlo Observatory was still recording vibrations generated by the Boxing Day earthquake.
"The earth is regularly deformed by the daily passage of the sun and moon, raising a tide in the earth of about 20cm, and the vibrations we saw on Boxing Day shortly after the earthquake off the Indonesian coast were of a similar magnitude on our instruments.",5478,11893456%255E1702,00.html

BHUJ/RAJKOT: Noormamad Sanghani felt a shiver down his spine as soon as he woke up on Monday morning. From the window of his room — very close to the Arabian in Mandvi — he could hear a strange noise wafting in, a sound had him "unnerved".
Fifty-year-old Sanghani believed he knew the sea well. But any more. Not after Black Sunday, when the Sumatra earthquake to the killer tsunamis devastating India's southern coast. "The roar of the sea is not the same. It is sound that we are accustomed to. There is something strange brewing," says Sanghani.
Psychologists say it is fear psychosis that has gripped the coastal populace, for whom the all-familiar sea is appearing strange and is now an object of fear. But, neither Sanghani nor his friend Ali Ashgar Agaria would believe any expert. "The strange sound could be heard far into Mandvi town, even in the marketplace.

Agitated and crying elephants in the Thai resort of Khao Lak reportedly felt the tsunami approaching, and in the process saved about a dozen lives.
The elephants, who were giving rides to foreign tourists, began trumpeting around the time the earthquake struck off Indonesia's Sumatra Island, according to their mahout.
"I was surprised because the elephants had never cried before," said Dang Salangam, who operates an eight-elephant business on Khao Lak beach.
The elephants soon calmed down, but started wailing again about an hour later and could not be reassured.
"The elephants didn't believe the mahouts, they just kept running for the hill," said Wit Aniwat, who works with the elephants. ...
The elephants that were not working broke off their chains. ...
The tsunami travelled a kilometre inshore from the beach, but stopped short of where the elephants stood.
There have been other reports of strange behaviour by animals. Relatively few animals were killed in the tsunami, leading to speculation that animals are able to sense impending disasters.®ion=2

Saturday, January 08, 2005
SEVERAL (SENSIBLE) families in Pagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur, evacuated Thursday morning after the 4.9 magnitude temblor was felt.
The water was reportedly observed to have gone low that made the populace panic, according to a report reaching the regional office of the Civil Defense (OCD), here.
OCD Regional Director Atilano Ade said according to a police report, the people living particularly at the village of San Pedro, near the vicinity of the Pagadian City wharf, abandoned their homes when they noticed that the water at their pier developed low tide, following the quake that shook their place at past 8:00 a.m. that day.
Ade said they immediately advised the evacuees to return to their homes, as the possibility of a tsunami was impossible to happen. He said for a tsunami to occur in coastal areas, the magnitude of the earthquake must measure at least seven and above.
Neither damage to property nor loss of lives resulted out of the moderate temblor last Thursday, according to the OCD.

January 8, 2005
Geological impacts from the 9.0 Indonesian Earthquake were felt right here in Cumberland County (PENNSYLVANIA).
ABOUT 20 MINUTES AFTER THE QUAKE STRUCK,,18690-1419258,00.html
off the coast of northern Sumatra on Dec. 26, Dickinson College's seismometer started to record disturbances deep in the limestone bedrock below West Louther Street.
For about two-and-a-half hours, the seismometer recorded primary, refracted and reflected seismic waves that hit bedrock in front of the Benjamin D. James Center.
"It takes a really big earthquake with tremendous amounts of energy for us to pick up anything," says Dickinson assistant professor of geology, Pete Sak.

Jan 8, 2005
I suggest to my readers that each day they seek out an Islamic website and read at least one article that is posted there. I have been asked by friends, “Where do you find this drivel?” Well, I actively seek out this “drivel.” It is the only way to know what is going on in the minds of two main branches of Islam. The first branch, made up of elite Muslims, is the one feeding the fertilizer it passes off as truth to the second branch, the Muslim masses. ...
The final word on this topic is this: kidneys taken from Iraqis probably would not be suitable for the average American of European decent. This is not because Iraqi kidneys are inferior, but because of the simple fact that people are genetically more similar to people of their own ethnicity. ...
Perhaps the best indication of the loving ways of Islam is to read about the recent tragedy in South Asia. ...
Once again, Muslims leave fellow Muslims to be rescued by the evil West. As Indonesian Muslims wear Osama bin Laden T-shirts, it is not bin Laden bringing them food, water, and treating their wounded. The people saving their lives are the very people they profess to hate. Most Muslims don’t know why they hate Americans; it’s just that they are taught to hate Americans.
Naïve Americans think this relief effort will put America in a good favor with Muslims. Tell me, how did Muslims thank us in Somalia? How did Muslims thank us for Bosnia? How have the citizens of Kuwait thanked us for removing Saddam from their country? “Thank you” must not be a part of their vocabulary.
(Barbara J. Stock is a Registered Nurse who has branched out to political writing. She has had several articles posted on numerous political pages. A proud Republican and Conservative she has her own web page: Republican and Proud and enjoys comments)

January 7, 2005
Many Muslim groups and Middle East studies professors are aligning themselves with the liberal ‘hate America’ crowd in Western academia and media. Three days after the Tsunami in South Asia, I saw an Arab-American leader criticize America’s response as “slow and too little, too late” on CNN. They have the audacity to criticize America and give a free pass to the oil rich Arab countries that should be the first to respond financially to save their poor Muslim brothers and sisters in Indonesia.

January 07, 2005
So why is it the media have been much less interested in the equally important humanitarian work carried out every day by our troops in Iraq for the past year and a half?
Since the spring of 2003, American forces have been laboring under the most dangerous circumstances imaginable to help rebuild Iraq. Even as fighting was taking place mere kilometers away from them, American and allied troops were working to restore electrical power, rebuild schools and hospitals, deliver potable water and medicine, and perform any number of other vitally important jobs.
American humanitarian efforts in Iraq have been Herculean, yet have been barely touched on by the establishment media, which prefers instead to focus on rare foibles by individual soldiers, death tolls and perceived policy failures.
This disparity of news coverage suggests the political agenda of the liberal media in America. The humanitarian aspects of our military in response to a random geological disaster are favorably noted, but similar efforts over a far longer period of time in conjunction with a war against tyranny and terror are virtually ignored.

Posted on Sat, Jan. 08, 2005
We should have expected it. After all, they were willing to believe the United States was behind the 9/11 attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center just so it could blame the atrocity on innocent Arabs.
But when some Muslim sources blamed America for last week's tsunami, they topped even that outrageous fabrication. According to an NBC News' story this week, Muslim clerics and "scientists" in Egypt and Saudi Arabia were saying on TV that the force that triggered the tsunami wasn't an earthquake but an underwater nuclear bomb detonated by the United States. And, no doubt, lots of true believers watching thought it was true.
Even as Americans rush to provide humanitarian relief and lead an international coalition to run relief and rebuilding efforts, it can't get a break from the fanatical haters in some parts of the Muslim world. Hopefully, the Muslim victims in the devastated nations will understand the truth.

January 07, 2005
Dr. Harvey Blatt, a geologist and professor at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, said such theories are "ridiculous."
"Anything that goes bad is blamed on the U.S. and Israel...Humans had nothing to do with this. All they can do is try to get out of the way," Blatt told
"Earthquakes happen all the time but they don't happen that often in the Indian Ocean," he said. The people were living in mud huts and there was no warning system and so they got swamped, he added.\ForeignBureaus\archive\200501\FOR20050107b.html

January 04, 2005
Israelis were surprised last week to hear that Sri Lanka had turned down Israel's offer to send a 150-person medical and rescue team to the country. Unofficial Israeli sources said that the Sri Lankan government refused the team's help because the unit falls under the umbrella of the Israeli army.
But the Sri Lankan ambassador to Israel, Tissa Wijeratne, denied that his government had refused the Israeli assistance and said Sri Lanka had "no objection" to the military composition of the team.
"The Sri Lankan government didn't refuse," Wijeratne said in a radio interview on Tuesday. "They wanted the Israeli government to delay the arrival of the 150-member Israeli rescue and relief team."\ForeignBureaus\archive\200501\FOR20050104c.html

Friday, January 07, 2005
The liberals have raised a huge ruckus because President Bush did not respond to the Tsunami quickly enough to suit them. Yet, there was no urgency in the liberal ranks to remove Saddam Hussein for killing and maiming even more innocent people. In the mysterious liberal mind, the Tsunami, a natural disaster over which mankind has no control, is a cause for immediate action. The regime of Saddam Hussein on the other hand was a tragedy inspired by a human being. Only through the courageous actions of George Bush was he stopped in his tracks. To do so, Bush had to drag the liberals along kicking and screaming every step of the way. Even now, they are still kicking and screaming hysterically about Bush's action.

January 7, 2005
As of this writing, Saudi Arabia has pledged a measly $10 million. Between the three of them, Bahrain, Kuwait and Libya, have pledged $5 million, even though most of the nations ravaged by the tidal wave are Islamic. What's more, nobody from Norway has said boo about Arab frugality.
Actress Sandra Bullock, all by herself, has donated a cool million, while Billy Graham's son, Franklin, who has spoken ill of the Islamic religion in the past, has nevertheless gathered up $4 million in aid.
Showing that it didn't lose its sense of priorities along with its coastline, Sri Lanka has turned down food and medical assistance from Israel. Perhaps it's the Buddhists trying to show solidarity with suicide bombers.
I'm not one of those people who would ever suggest that God was wreaking vengeance on a part of the world where the selling of young children by Thai pimps to the world's perverts is commonplace. But if you're the sort of person who needs to find a bright side in every tragedy, you could do worse.

Jan. 8, 2005
Ten days after the disaster, Carol Bellamy of the United Nations Children's Fund called "rather conservative" the staggering estimate that about a third of the tsunami's 155,000 victims are under the age of 18.
Even more unsettling was a recent Reuters report that a UNICEF worker in Kuala Lumpur received an unsolicited cell phone text message that offered to sell children according to buyers’ wishes. “Three hundred orphans aged 3-10 years from Aceh for adoption," the message reportedly read. "All paperwork will be taken care of. No fee. Please state age and sex of child required." Bellamy called the prospect of child trafficking "a real issue, but also one that existed before in the region. But it's true that there are bad people who tend to take advantage of bad situations and this is a very bad situation."

Jan 09, '05 / 28 Tevet 5765
I accuse world media of gross incompetence. I accuse world media of abrogation of journalistic integrity. I accuse world media of sheer and transparent prejudice against Israel and the Jews. I accuse world media of pandering to the Islamic nations' hatred of anything Jewish.
Only a few publications outside Israel mentioned the major contribution being made by Israel. Only a very few pointed out that Israel's per capita contribution of manpower, equipment, supplies and money was the highest in the world.

January 10, 2005
US Secretary of State Colin Powell said today not all the billions of dollars of tsunami aid was being spent and that the world should not flood the stricken nations with supplies that might not be needed.
Mr Powell estimated that international contributions to tsunami relief funds were now probably more than $6 billion.
Mr Powell said the US government was trying to "protect" the budget sources from which money had been diverted after the tsunami devastation.,4057,11899242%255E1702,00.html

Wednesday, 5 January, 2005,
American officials also say that they have no knowledge of claims made by Pakistan that an American helicopter opened fire and killed the Pakistani soldier near the town of Miranshah.
Pakistan says the soldier was part of a group of army personnel who had been sent to investigate an American spy plane which had crashed on the Pakistani side of the border.
"The explosion caused one side to fire and another to fire back," an unnamed US military official told the Associated Press news agency.
Last May, the US military in Afghanistan accepted that some of their troops strayed into the Pakistani part of a border village.
Pakistan warned then that any US incursions were "totally unacceptable".

January 10, 2005
BATAM, Riau Islands (Antara): The SECOND batch of Saudi Arabia's relief aid for Aceh and North Sumatra arrived in Batam's Hang Nadim Airport on SUNDAY, on board a Saudi Airlines cargo aircraft.
Saudi Arabian Ambassador to Jakarta Abdullah Abdulrahman Alim handed over the aid to acting Riau Islands Governor Ismeth Abdullah.
Abdullah said the government and people of the Saudi Arabian kingdom contributed a total of 320 tons of goods and US$ 30 million in cash.
"There are TWO MORE BATCHES TO COME," he said.
Abdullah also said the Saudi Arabian government and people did not want the aid to be overly exposed as they were already obligated to help.
"Let's just keep it (the intention to contribute) in our hearts," he said.
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DulceDecorum Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-05 01:18 PM
Response to Original message
12. Know thy master
These are the nations to whom the US owes billions.
Japan is owed about $720 Billion, OPEC, is owed about $47B, Israel is owed about 11.5B and the debt picked up by nations not named is about $1600B.
Here is the list in decending order.

Mainland China
Caribbean Banking Centers
Bahamas, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Netherlands Antilles, and Panama.
Hong Kong

Details for December 15, 2004 are available at

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