Here's a new entry I finished today that may hint at neocon foreknowledge that 9/11 or something like it was coming, or it may not. It all depends how suspicious you are:
Mid-September 2001-October 2001 "Pentagon Tells Ex-CIA Director to Tie Iraq to 9/11" It is later reported that "Within just a few days" of 9/11, Richard Perle convene(s) the Defense Policy Board "to discuss how Washington could use the incidents as justification for attacking Iraq, and (ex-CIA director and prominent neoconservative James) Woolsey (is) tasked to go to Europe to collect evidence that Hussein was linked to al-Qaeda. He spen(ds) many weeks on that mission, emerging with the story that an unnamed informant had told Czech intelligence that he had seen the leader of the Sep. 11 skyjackers meet with an Iraqi agent in Prague in the April before the attack. Even though the report was dismissed as not credible by US, British, French, and Israeli intelligence agencies, it (becomes) the basis--endlessly repeated by Woolsey and other neocons on television talk shows and in op-ed pages of major newspapers--of a major propaganda campaign against Iraq..." (Foreign Policy In Focus, 4/8/03) Woolsey starts his propaganda campaign two days after 9/11 with an article attempting to connect Iraq to the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993. He claims that Iraqi intelligence helped bomber Ramzi Yousef steal the identity of a Kuwaiti student studying at a college in Wales. He argues that if his theory is correct, "then it was Iraq that went after the World Trade Center last time. Which makes it much more plausible that Iraq has done so again." (New Republic, 9/13/01) Woosley or someone else connected to US intelligence appear to have been pursuing this line of inquiry shortly before 9/11. The London Times notes shortly after 9/11, "Until two months ago the US security agencies had never asked anyone at the college to verify Ramzi Yousef's confession of his days in Wales. Why they suddenly re-opened the files on him only seven weeks before the suicide attacks in America is not clear." (London Times, 9/22/01)
What I find really intriguing is the London Times article mention that someone started pursuing new investigative leads into Yousef (who had been convicted of his role in the 1993 WTC bombing plot in 1997 and was safely locked away in solitary confinement a Supermax prison, unable to communicate with anyone in the outside world), seven weeks before 9/11. I strongly suspect that Woolsey was involved in this investigation before 9/11 - there's no way he could have cogently argued a highly complicated argument trying to tie Yousef to Iraq in a roughly 24 hour time period after 9/11, assuming someone gave him that info immediately and he did little else. He had to have been working on it before 9/11. If he just happened to be working on a hunch in the vague hopes that it would be useful to tie Iraq and al-Qaeda together at some point in the future, it would have been a really remarkable hunch because the Yousef argument had so much extra punch when it turned out that the WTC was hit.