1."Why would 77 wait for the first plane to hit WTC1?"
Because the first plane is the banker. The plan is designed to maximise the chances of partial success, not the chances of complete success. In the event it didn't matter that they were only 75% successful. Even 1 hit out of four would be a decent return.
"If you were "Al Qaeda" you would turn the planes toward the ultimate destinations as soon as you could to prevent interception and possible take down."
No, trying to overwhelm the US airforce with 4 unarmed jetliners would not be a good plan. Until United 175 was hijacked (at 8:42) and the first plane crashed (at 8:46) there was no reason to suspect it was anything other than a run-of-the-mill hijack and that they would all get off in Cuba. American 11 essentially got a "free hit".
"Dive bombing where it would have been very difficult to put the fires out."
Dive bombing strikes me as a real complicated manouvre for a jetliner.
"minimal damage would not have been on the agenda."
Why do you think minimal damage was caused to the Pentagon?
(2) "As I said before,if everything was legit,they would show it to the world. Anyway your logic could swing my way too..your explanation carries no real validation."
Everything isn't legit, some of the hijackers aren't who the FBI says, they had help in the US, United 93 was shot down, the WTC was demolished by explosives. If they explained the Pentagon fully, they would come under pressure to explain the rest of it fully, which they can't do.
(3) "The steam vault? I don't know about this but why would it explode prior to the fuel explosion?"
Because the left wing hit it.
(4) "What makes the video fake?"
For example, in the later frames the explosion seems to be coming out of the building's roof, which was undamaged by the explosion. For a fuller account see here:
http://911research.wtc7.net/mirrors/guardian/Pentagon/what-hit-it.htmIt starts about half way down in the section entitled "Explosion at the Pentagon".
(5) "Where are the photographs of the seats, fuselage etc."
The most comprehensive site with photos is here:
http://www.rense.com/general32/phot.htmI think the government has more photos, but isn't releasing them on the grounds that an absence of information breeds speculation and spculation is often wild. Remember Roswell?
(6) Well if there were fuselage parts in the A-E Drive, they aren't accountable for the hole".
It seems hard to imagine that the fuselage parts visible in the photo accounted for the hole, although there may be other fuselae parts out of shot. The amount of debris is consistent with the hole being made by the shockwave.
(7) "The force of the blast would be essentially random and certainly would be powerful enough to blow down walls and columns leading north into the building...which it did.."
I don't really see your point here.