Enough of the guessing games!
Tim Howells
(224 posts)
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Fri Jun-17-05 02:11 AM
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Enough of the guessing games! |
What can we do to support Sibel Edmonds and other whistle blowers who have the hard facts that we need? It seems to me that we need some special legislation to allow these people to speak without fear for their lives and their families and their freedom and their livelihood ... something to the effect that the public's need to know the fundamental facts re September 11 overrides purported "national security" concerns that have so far been used to enforce silence of those who want to speak out. Any legal expertise out there? I'm a complete idiot on legal issues - I know that - *constructive* suggestions please.
Tim Howells
(1000+ posts)
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Sat Jun-18-05 09:29 AM
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1. You can't get good legislation passed by those in power whose interests |
would be threatened by that legislation.
So what you have to do is educate the public. Only the public can change such things.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:54 AM
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