Contradictions everywhere you look- which is misinformation and which is deliberate disinformation, and who's telling the truth
What are the most significant cases:
1. Contradictions re: military jets scrambled for UA93
In fact, military commanders were never notified of the need to intercept hijacked United Airlines Flight 93, even after it turned abruptly from Ohio toward Pennsylvania, so there were no U.S. military jets in the air nearby, said Maj. Gen. Paul A. Weaver Jr., director of the Air National Guard. Newsday (9/15/01)
and supported by the 9/11 Commission report.
In the White House bunker, a military aide approached the vice president.
"There is a plane 80 miles out," he said. "There is a fighter in the area. Should we engage?"
"Yes," Cheney replied without hesitation.
Around the vice president, Rice, deputy White House chief of staff Joshua Bolten and I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Cheney's chief of staff, tensed as the military aide repeated the question, this time with even more urgency. The plane was now 60 miles out. "Should we engage?" Cheney was asked.
"Yes," he replied again.
We responded awfully quickly I might say on Tuesday," Wolfowitz said. "And in fact we were already tracking in on that plane that crashed in Pennsylvania. I think it was the heroism of the passengers on board that brought it down, but the Air Force was in a position to do so if we had had to." -PBS (9/16/01)
FAA controllers quoted by media reports saying F-16s were circling UA 93 in Pennsylvania ) witnesses saw a white jet at the crash site, and some heard explosions before the crash. Several including Donn de Grand-pre say
the Langley fighters shot down UA93."Mrs Mcelwain is further convinced the whole truth has yet to come out because of a phone call she had within hours from the wife of an air force friend of the family.
"She said her husband had called her that morning and said 'I can't talk, but we've just shot a plane down,' " Susan said. "I presumed they meant Flight 93. I have no doubt those brave people on board tried to do something, but I don't believe what happened on the plane brought it down." -Daily Mirror (9/13/02)
See also UA 93 at: