Letting it happen "on purpose" is morally and even substantively the same as "making it happen." When the state intentionally facilitates a crime, it is the same as the state committing it directly.
Both are treason, both are engineered events to get the same benefits (casus belli for "necessary" wars, domestic repression, economic transformation, plunder, crisis management, psychological trauma and acceptance by population).
We should at least describe the splits among 9/11 skeptics and researchers accurately. They revolve around HOW the attacks were "made", as exemplified in the following broad questions:
1) Is there an actual Osama Bin Ladin involved in 9/11? Was there an actual hijacking plan by foreigners to do what happened on 9/11? Were there no hijackers at all, or were they simply "pure" patsies (i.e., they weren't out to commit a terror crime on 9/11/01, whatever their backgrounds)?
2) Were the buildings demolished with explosives?
3) Was there plane-swapping? To what extent were the passenger stories faked?
4) What hit the Pentagon?
5) Was UA 93 shot down?
I get a lot of abuse because most of my answers to these are "maybe"; because I am unrelenting in calling bullshit when I see it, even on evidence that seems to support "inside job"; and because I keep pointing out that we don't need any of the above items to demonstrate that 9/11 was an inside job.
(Now allow me to ramble...)
I have no doubt on #1: there is a real network, whether you want to call it al-Qaeda (a CIA designation) or not. It was originally created with CIA help among the "Afghan Arab" mujahedeen fighters in the 1980s, but has roots in the "real" Islamist fundamentalism of the Muslim Brotherhood.
It obviously functions as an asset to the mil-intelligence complex (as designated enemy and covert ally in certain places like Kosovo) but consists mostly of genuinely motivated foreigners who do want to strike the U.S. to make a political point. Despite this, at the top, its elite financiers commingle with the American ruling class and the spook establishment! Money never smells.
While it's wrong to commit murder and terror, the motives of a terror footsoldier are easy enough to understand. This network's size and power is vastly exaggerated to promote a bogus "War on Terror." It is a criminal, not a military problem, and not even the primary criminal problem for our society.
But it exists and it's rather naive to think there wouldn't be plenty of Arab men who would love to strike a blow against the power that has brought so much suffering to their countries. (It's also rather cartoonish to think that EVERY terror attack on civilians anywhere in the world is automatically the CIA-Mossad nexus or NWO at work.)
The "Why" of 9/11 is a lot more important than the "How," and the most important question is surely: WHO!
We have evidence enough to be calling out the engineers of that part of the operation that we can call "the planned negligence": Myers, Eberhard, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Bush, Winfield, the FTU guys at the FBI, etc. And those who carried out the cover-up (like the Commission, and those who destroyed evidence) are also vulnerable on fraud charges.
Would I love to get "the elites" or "the bankers" or the NWO in the process? Certainly, but there's no evidence yet that nails whoever the real masterminds were, the way Gen. Myers can be nailed as a liar under oath (about his movements and actions on 9/11 - see the current stickdog thread on this).
It's not enough to say that Brzezinski or Dov Zakheim or whoever promoted some essential idea or invented some essential technology for carrying out 9/11. Do we have any direct connection that's actionable?
For god's sake, let's start where we can prove the most about specific individuals, and get criminal cases. Then anyone can be theoretically called as a witness.
If you want the top of a racketeering organization, you have to start at the bottom and work your way up. Of course, the very thought that we might have a shot at prosecuting the likes of Myers is already very high up compared to anything that seems achievable.
These actions do not take away from the grassroots work of local meetings, film showings and the like. They do not prevent demonstrations, acts of CD, or whatever your group wants to do.
It is not true that the entire criminal justice apparatus simply kowtows to the official line on all issues. The people of this country have become more diverse in their attitudes and secret thoughts than in the 1950s. For example I have spoken to cops and prosecutors who don't believe the official JFK story. There are dissident law enforcers out there. We only need find one to have our Garrisson and our next breakthrough.
Many institutional actions that appear pointless (like appeals to Congress, etc.) actually serve to publicize, inform, organize and (at least) expose the institutions that don't respond as fraudulent. ( Just think of how much ammo we got from having had a 9/11 Commission, with all its omissions and contradictions, as opposed to how it would have been if there had been nothing official going on with regard to 9/11 last year...)
The really sickening thing is when 9/11 skeptics waste time attacking each other for their tactical and strategic differences. If you don't like what others are doing, criticize it; but there is no need to defame those people, or to insist that they come around to your point of view, or to make a crusade out of it.
If you're serious, you can organize your own actions, right?