Right now the lack of action of Bush, Rumsfeld, Myers and also Winfield has regained the attention of DU. There is another person in charge that sat on his hands, saw no reason to take any action, to take responsability and to do what his oath required him to do: defend his country. I'm talking about Paul Wolfowitz who IMO needs to be added to list of people that should be put on trial for their unexplicable lack of action. Read his own words of what he did the morning of 911 and how he considered the events:
Wolfowitz: We were having a meeting in my office. Someone said a plane had hit the World Trade Center. Then we turned on the television and we started seeing the shots of the second plane hitting, and this is the way I remember it. It's a little fuzzy.
Q: Right.
Wolfowitz: There didn't seem to be much to do about it immediately and we went on with whatever the meeting was. Then the whole building shook. I have to confess my first reaction was an earthquake. I didn't put the two things together in my mind. Rumsfeld did instantly.
Q: Did he really?
Wolfowitz: Yeah. He went charging out and down to the site where the plane had hit, which is what I would have done if I'd had my wits about me, which may or may not have been a smart thing to do. But it was, instead the next thing we heard was that there'd been a bomb and the building had to be evacuated. Everyone started streaming out of the building in a quite orderly way. Congregated on the parade ground basically right in front of the Pentagon which would have been about the worst place to have a crowd of a couple of thousand people in that moment if we'd again had our wits about us. But we were out of the building anyway. http://www.defenselink.mil/transcripts/2003/tr20030509-...Now, let's get this straight:
He sees the second attack and has the guts to state "There didn't semm to be much to do about it"??? Give me a break: Maybe let's talk about defending the country and now about defense spending???
And with a nonchalance he doesn't mention that the small word "then" means 34 minutes later. Does he seriously want to tell us that for 34 minutes he didn't do anything about taking action nor that ne was informed of anything approaching the Pentagon? (His words clearly imply that he stayed with Rumsfeld btw).
And then he even has the guts to declare that after two planes hitting the WTC his first thought when the building shook was that of an earthquake??
Sorry, this stinks. And whatever one wishes to say to his defense. A simple thing remains: HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!