if it were a tape of IRAQI soldiers treating an AMERICAN in the same way,
would be trying to fire up Enola Gay.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A6222-2003Dec16.htmlNo benefit of the doubt for Iraq when it comes to WMD.
Just lie your face off
http://www.mediainfo.com/editorandpublisher/headlines/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=2056015kill them all
http://www.dissidentvoice.org/Articles9/Nimmo_Nice-Murderer.htmand celebrate with the Right Wing bastards
who are STILL trying to blame the Palestinians for September 11.
And the hypocrites have the nerve
to complain to high heaven
about Saddam's death squads all the while
THEY are SLAUGHTERING civilains with their
daisy cutters,
Depleted Uranium rounds
land mines,
and other
weapons of mass destruction.
whose propaganda machine started
TWO wars against Iraq for NOTHING
pretend to be the saviors
of the human beings they have been killing for the past 13 years.
For Mr Bush, the missing weapons are a politically charged issue. Pressed to explain why his administration had asserted Saddam possessed weapons, when at best fragmentary evidence of programmes had been found, Mr Bush replied: "So what's the difference? "If he were to acquire weapons, he would be the danger," he said in an interview with ABC News' Diane Sawyer.
Mr Bush's public dismissal of the weapons issue is the latest move by Washington and London to changethe justification for war. Weapons of mass destruction, and even weapons programmes, are no longer being put forward as the reason for the invasion.
Senior US and British officials now dwell almost exclusively on the atrocities perpetrated by Saddam against his people, and the opportunity provided by his removal for a regeneration of the Middle East.
http://news.independent.co.uk/world/middle_east/story.jsp?story=474598Much of the international community has been debating whether Saddam could face the death penalty for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity.
But the experts said at a Washington meeting organized by the American Enterprise Institute that any trial of Saddam could simply get bogged down over the lack of evidence.
"It is one thing to say what we all know about what Saddam did. But it's another to prove it in a court of law," warned Kanan Makiya, founder of the Iraq Memory Foundation, one of the groups helping to draw up a new Iraqi constitution.
Because "we don't have a smoking gun to convict Saddam. We will need witnesses, documents," he said.
http://www.commondreams.org/headlines03/1218-06.htmSee what I mean?
Once the PR people are barred from reciting propaganda and hearsay,
Torturing foreigners -
who like the Iraqi who was shot in the back -
have NOT been accused or convicted of ANY wrongdoing
is something that only the Marquis de Sade and his disciples
enjoy or condone.
Unfortunately, that same type of behavior is taking place within the US holding pens - where incidentally,
ANY INS employee
who is stationed in the land of the free and the home of the brave
is allowed by law
ANY foreigner outright
for ANY reason
at ANY time.
Thursday, December 18, 2003
The Justice Department's inspector general announced today that investigators had found hundreds of prison videotapes that were not turned over by federal prison officials during an earlier investigation and that the tapes confirm reports of serious physical and verbal abuse of immigrants detained after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A11865-2003Dec18.htmlAnd WHO is minding THAT store?

(Gratuitous use of photo-shoped face on picture.)
So a lawbreaker named John Ashcroft will remain where he is and continue to be a disgrace to his office as well as a constant reminder that the Bush Administration and the party that backs him doesn’t give a damn about the law, the Constitution or the United States of America.
the same chickenhawk fucktards
who got us into this mess in the first place.
http://www.nhgazette.com/cgi-bin/NHGstore.cgi?user_action=list&category=%20NEWS%3B%20ChickenhawksThey couldn't manage to go fight for their dearly beloved nation
but they sure know how to send thousands to their deaths.
In 1991, the Army inspector general found that 8,000 Reserve personnel were activated but could not deploy for Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm because of a variety of maladies that included, according to the GAO, cancer, heart disease, double kidney failure, muscular dystrophy, and in one case, a gunshot wound to the head. And the GAO found that the Army had more than 22,000 reservists with medical conditions that would prevent them from deploying.
http://www.boston.com/news/world/articles/2003/12/13/army_facing_medical_crisis/Look at that.
still shows up
as does
Ready to their duty, they are, and to heed their nation's call.
And WHAT do they get for their trouble?
'People like you caused us to lose that war.'
-- Ann Coulter
That twit couldn't find her way to own site without assistance.
http://blogs.salon.com/0001772/stories/2003/02/13/whoGoogledMe.htmlI guess they didn't shoot enough snuff films
to satisfy the Coultergeist
and her supporters
that they were killing unarmed and defenseless people
in their own land.