how did you come up with that Monica?
The entire 9:11 scenario was political fodder.
Bush Fundraises for GOP by Selling September 11th Photos of Him on Air Force One Running Away from D.C.
Hard to Believe Anyone Could be So Cynical (CNN) -- The White House approves of the Republican congressional campaign committee's plan to use a photograph of President Bush taken on September 11 as part of a GOP fundraising effort, a move Democrats call "nothing short of grotesque.""There should be limits to freedom," said the same George W Bush later claimed that 9:11 had taken place because "they hate our freedoms. USA Patriot Act is an insult to Americans. The name, itself, is insulting, given what the Act contains and what it will someday be known for: its complete abdication of democratic law and principles. It should be called the Constitution Shredding Act.
What is more frightening about it is that, despite the fact that the USA Patriot Act was passed hastily without any debate or hearings and under a cloak of fear, its provisions were obviously very carefully thought out and crafted to take power out of the hands of courts and ensure absolute lack of oversight of law enforcement and intelligence gathering.
There is no way that the USA Patriot Act came into existence solely in response to September 11th. In fact, it is clear from prior legislative and case history that law enforcement and intelligence have been trying for many years to obtain these powers. It is only the unreasoning "bunker mentality" that followed September 11th that allowed its planners to pass it.
Indeed, one might question whether Congress could sincerely have intended this Act, given that portions of it are re-enactments of the 1996 anti-terrorism laws which had been repeatedly ruled unconstitutional by federal courts. One must wonder whether congress- persons were in their right minds. If they were not, this law cannot be valid. HOW,
did it come to be,
that the ABOLITION of the Constitution of the United States
by the Republican Party
is NOT an political act?
You speak of "regaining power."
Have you hear of Diebold?
COLUMBUS - The head of a company vying to sell voting machines in Ohio told Republicans in a recent fund-raising letter that he is "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year." remember the 200 elections?
"DELAND, Fla., Nov. 11 - Something very strange happened on election night to Deborah Tannenbaum, a Democratic Party official in Volusia County. At 10 p.m., she called the county elections department and learned that Al Gore was leading George W. Bush 83,000 votes to 62,000. But when she checked the county's Web site for an update half an hour later, she found a startling development: Gore's count had dropped by 16,000 votes, while an obscure Socialist candidate had picked up 10,000--all because of a single precinct with only 600 voters.", take a little time out to educate yourself over at then come back and explain to us how come this this NOT political.
The fact of the matter is that is that Dennis Kucinich has opposed the powers that be and he is being given the Cynthia Mckinney treatment. THAT is political.
Incidentally, it is the CONSERVATIVES who claim to be party of compassion and they most certainly live up to it.
The subject arose at last week's meeting between the Washington bureau chiefs and Pentagon officials, including Di Rita. According to several participants, Di Rita responded by noting that many US troops now in Iraq are teenagers with little experience in dealing with the media. soldier who recently left Fort Stewart described the conditions to CNN as "substandard." Another, a sergeant who said she was afraid to give her name, complained to CNN of a general fear among sick Fort Stewart soldiers to speak to the media.
"Here we all were overseas, ready to get ourselves killed in order to bring democracy to these countries, and we get home and we don't even have freedom of speech anymore," she said. She said she has been on medical hold since May after she became ill while serving in Kuwait., the people
have a problem that is probably NOT going to be eased by the coming elections.
Anyone with logic and common sense at hand can see that
we the people
are not the ones in power.