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Prediction about Saddam's legal strategy

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Abe Linkman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 12:59 PM
Original message
Prediction about Saddam's legal strategy
I predict that Saddam Hussein will cut a deal with prosecutors in which he will "finger" Osama bin Laden as the true and real mastermind behind
the 9-11 events.

Further, I predict that Saddam will testify that the "Official Legend"
is and was never anything more than a figment of the fertile imagination of a few addled left-wing conspiracy nuts.

Under threat of penalty of being whacked on the pee pee, he will swear that the Bunnypants Administration was taken totally by surprise on 9-11, just like he was this weekend when he had some unexpected visitors
who turned out to be terrorists (STRIKE THAT, he meant to say "brave members of the U.S. military") who attacked a building of great importance to him.
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kalian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 01:10 PM
Response to Original message
1. Question is whether there will be a trial or not...
I think what the Bushistas want more than anything is for Saddam to "point out" the location of the "WMDs". They can't do this right
away since it will be obvious but eventually, they'll get the info
that the "goods" were smuggled out to Syria. That's the REAL deal.
This is what the Bushistas want.

Once that comes out "into the open", then Saddam becomes irrelevant.
One of two things: 1) he will disappear, i.e., remember now, Syria has
nukes and they can use them...etc. or 2) he will "unexpectantly"
die while in captivity.

It does NOT matter what becomes of him once the "WMDs" are "found"
to be in Syria...that's the next stage and they're propping up
the setting.
There will be an invasion by summer 04.
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