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Peter Power is in Toronto until the 13th

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JackRiddler Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-11-05 05:16 PM
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Peter Power is in Toronto until the 13th
After 9/11 this board cut its teeth by doing group research threads.

Let's return to that grand tradition of search & data dump.

I googled "Peter Power" & Giuliani withour turning up obviously significant results.

He may have been at the same conference as Sheirer (former NYPD Chief, Giuliani Associates).

I did discover he's supposed to be in Toronto ATM at the "15th World Conference on Disaster Management."

Hope he's not doping out scenarios for you guys!

Maybe a Toronto skeptic can drop into and interview him?

He sits on the


The Advisory Board to the Canadian Centre for Emergency Preparedness (CCEP) consists of recognized international leaders and experts in the disaster management field including emergency and business continuity management, emergency response, risk management and security.

These individuals represent government, the private sector, non-government organizations and educational institutions whose responsibilities include emergency preparedness and disaster management.


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