As far I know, civilian 757s are not made with Depleted Uranium (DU) but missiles and warheads are.
(Someone already posted this in another thread, but it needs it's own, since this is incredibly revealing)
From the interview with Iconoclast:'MORET: I’ll tell you what I did when 9/11 happened.
I called all the doctors with Radiation And Public Health Project, and I said, “Get out of town, and don’t come back until it has rained three times.” One lived 12 miles downwind from the Pentagon. She went out on her balcony with her geiger counter. I said, “Get that geiger counter out of your purse.” We had just done a press conference in San Francisco, and I knew she had it in her purse. Well, the radiation levels were 8-10 times higher than background.
We called the EPA, HAZMAT, FBI, and said, “Get all those emergency response workers suited up. They need to be protected.” Two days after 9/11, the EPA radiation expert for that region called back and said, “Yup, the Pentagon crash rubble was radioactive, and we believe it’s depleted uranium, but we’re not worried about that. It’s only harmful if it’s inhaled.”
He said, “We’re worried about the lead solder in the plane.” Well, you know what’s in Tomahawk missiles? They have depleted uranium warheads. The radioactive crash rubble contaminated with DU is evidence of a DU warhead.'
Didn't we all see images at the Pentagon crash site with workers who were eventually all suited up in HazMat suits? I do recall seeing these images. Maybe someone can find them and post them to this thread, that would be very helpful.
Also that would explain why "they" completely cleaned out the entire crash site, removed the lawn and all, replacing it with gravel and concrete etc. as shown in the last images of this website. It was all contaminated with DU and highly radioactive!:
Cleaning up the Radioactive Depleted Uranium and then covering it over with gravel, decomposed granite, then concrete. No more lawn in this region of the Pentagon:
Above image from Hunt and Spot the Boeing! Test your perception (French Site): is Leuren Moret?
Leuren Moret is a geoscientist who works almost around the clock educating citizens, the media, members of parliaments and Congress and other officials on radiation issues. She became a whistleblower in 1991 at the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab after witnessing fraud on the Yucca Mountain Project. She is currently working as an independent citizen scientist and radiation specialist in communities around the world, and contributed to the U.N. subcommission investigating depleted uranium. According to Wikipedia online encyclopedia, Moret testified at the International Criminal Tribunal for Afghanistan in Japan in 2003, presented at the World Depleted Uranium Weapons Conference in Hamburg, Germany, and spoke at the World Court of Women at the World Social Forum in Bombay, India, in January 2004.
Depleted Uranium: A Scientific Perspective Interview with Leuren Moret, Geo-Scientist: uranium: Dirty bombs, dirty missiles, dirty bullets
A death sentence here and abroad, by Leuren Moret (many good links included): Edited to add more links ---