From my perspective your words are just too full of contradictions for me to understand.
This one is particularly choice:
"They don't win us back power, and that is why you don't hear hillary clinton banging on about it, or john kerry, or al gore, because they all know that without winning back power, all the conspiracy theories in the universe are as good as a load of republican speeches."
Hillary, Kerry and Gore are the ones who want to win back power?
Is this why they all folded when it mattered most? Gore in 2000, Kerry and Hillary both voting for the PATRIOT Act and the Iraq war, Kerry letting them steal it again in 2004, all of them never endorsing the 1 lies of the 9/11 Commission?
That's winning? They have a strategy?
Isn't it conspiratorial of you to blame "conspiracy theory" for the failings of these candidates?
Stop thinking of it as conspiracy theory (your label, not mine) and start thinking of it as a search for truth.
As for the DU activist corps, I have nothing against it but I happen to prefer other methods toward social change and have my hands full with them, so it would not do to commit to something I didn't have the time for. Or do you feel I am obligated to participate?
Like this: the Seamless Lies of 9/11,
Endless War and Veteran Fraud
A historic convergence of truth groups, whistle-blowers, indie media and the foreign press to expose and counter the government's most lethal lies and mainstream media complicity. The event series is designed to play off and maximize the impact of Rep. Cynthia McKinney's 7/22 informal congressional hearing "The 9/11 Commission Report One Year Later: A Citizens Response - Did They Get It Right?" and the 7/23 third anniversary of the Downing Street Memo. Our events will include National Press Club presentations, a Lafayette Park 911/war deceit rally, a dance/concert, and a strategy summit among truth movement leaders, independent media activists and international journalists.
1) Too many thousands have died and are dying from media abetment of administration deceit.
2) Too much evidence exists refuting the “official stories” on critical turns in recent history.
3) Too many instances of unchallenged treachery tempt corrupt officials and lead to worse crimes.
4) Too much power is now arising in independent media to excuse or endure this blackout anymore.
5) Activists working on 9/11, war, repression or media reform could all be far more effective if we collectively outed and disabled the government's most powerful lies.
By awakening independent & foreign journalists (and overwhelming mainstream gatekeepers) with a perfect storm of DC truth events aimed at Congress, the courts, and the public abroad (including new 911/war lie hearings, creative new law suits, and dramatic new global appeals).
Main Point:
To show our public and the world that the tens of thousands of lives we have lost —
• lost to 9/11 savagery and its toxic aftermath,
• lost to shock & awe, collateral damage and depleted uranium,
• lost to torture, gulag brutality, and blowback yet to come
— ALL are victims of the SAME imperial vision and the SAME deceit-driven plans (ditto our national solvency, the rule of law, and the Bill of Rights)
Why July?
Two improbably dark anniversaries fall back to back on July 22nd and 23rd this year, and aptly wed the two top poster children of war deceit: the Downing Street Memo and the Kean/Zelikow 9/11 Commission Report.
* Friday, July 22nd is the first anniversary of the nakedly fraudulent 9/11 Commission Report – the "full and final accounting" that ducked 80% of the families' questions, hid glaring evidence of official complicity, and pointedly failed to ask how leaders lusting for Iraq conquest since September 2000 could have ever hoped to succeed without a 9/11-scale attack to ignite national fear, calls for revenge and blind support for war.
* Saturday, July 23rd, is the third birthday of the Downing Street memo which documents that many months before congressional submission, the UN charade, or the "Big Mushroom Cloud" mantra began, Iraq "facts and intelligence" were already being reupholstered for a fast drive into war. (According to Richard Clarke, of course, Iraq was targeted by Rumsfeld on Sept. 11 itself, while Paul O'Neill recounts that Bush demanded an Iraq war pretext at his first cabinet huddle in Jan. 2001.)
This sudden coincidence of infamous anniversaries is just too timely to ignore. It offers too many opportunities to expose the largest lies at work, enforce justice, and halt perpetual war.
Schedule in Brief
Thursday / Friday:
Allied 9/11 families, whistleblowers and activists are arranging dramatic wake-up events at the National Press Club and on Capitol Hill, which we will be sharing speakers with and otherwise helping along.
We have an all-day rally permit to present top truth and anti-war advocates, publicize kindred cover-ups, and forge a common front across from the White House in Lafayette Park. Besides eminent cross-movement figures like Dr. Griffin, Peter Philips, Catherine Austin Fitts, Robert Bowman and many other Big Picture experts, the stage will feature some of the bravest family members and a few very surprising guests.
Saturday Eve:
Feast, mix and dance your heart out to rebel truth bands at the American University "Tavern", and spend all day Sunday at the school in strategy conversations with leading players in the veteran and antiwar movements, the independent media, major allied truth groups, and the foreign press.
(For those who do not choose to dance, we have lots of cheap beds at American University that evening as well as a big hall and breakout rooms for the Sunday strategy summit.)
We Need Your Aid, Energy and Experience
to organize, publicize and succeed with these events. If you understand the importance of this approach and chance, please check into our organizing forum: info on speakers, schedules, etc. coming this week — please pass the word and check back then . . .