Aussie cleric says U.S. behind 9-11By John Daly
UPI International Correspondent
Jul. 27, 2005 at 1:48PM
Canberra, Jul. 27 (UPI) — Australia's Herald Sun reports that most Australian Muslims believe the Bush administration authorized the terror attacks od sept. 11, 2001.
According to Melbourne's president of the Islamic Information and Services Network, Abu Hamza, "We believe they are willing to sometimes sacrifice their own people for the objective to control the whole world."
Hamza, who leads 250 Muslims at a mosque in Coburg, said that Sheik Mohammed Omran, another Muslim cleric in Australia, was not alone in believing that the Bush administration was behind the attacks on New York and Washington. Prime Minister John Howard has criticized Omran, a fundamentalist leader at the Ahle Sunnah wal Jam'ah Association in Brunswick, for not denouncing terrorism.
Omran, while saying terrorism was evil, has said the Bush administration developed the attacks to give the U.S. an excuse to invade Islamic countries, adding that he believed that there is no proof that bin Laden has anything to do with terrorism.
"There are many Muslims, and I am one of those Muslims, that believe whatever Omran has said is correct," Hamza said. "The majority of Muslims believe ...
that even if Muslims have done it they have been given access to do this."
He said the U.S. now had "a licence to go into Islamic countries ... next it will be Syria, Saudi (Arabia)."
Didn't post this in LBN since it would have been nuked, for sure. Well, seems the silent victims of the War on Terra (TM) are slowly getting out of the closets and getting heard!