You had several international warnings. Most notably, after the attacks, Vladimir Putin said on MSNBC that in August 2001, he ordered Russian intelligence to warn the U.S. government "in the strongest possible terms" of imminent attacks on airports and government buildings.,2933,53065,00.htmlThen, several FBI agents in two offices (Minneapolis and Phoenix) as well as other individuals (most notably Robert Wright) did a great job conducting investigations, writing memos and requesting to further investigate some of the alleged hijackers because they thought for certain that these guys were in training to crash planes. At most every turn, the agents were ignored, smeared or threatened when they tried to speak out. But for one exception (Colleen Rowley), all of their memos were classified in the interest of national security and won't be released. Here is Colleen Rowley's memo: Some of these FBI agents got so upset their superiors wouldn't listen to them that they actually called up one of the guys who prosecuted Bill Clinton (David Schippers) to get through to the administration because they thought Schippers had clout with the administration. John Ashcroft ignored Schippers' calls.
Don't forget that you had you had John Ashcroft stop flying commercially before the attacks.
Of course, many of us heard about about large numbers of "put" options on stocks of companies directly affected by the Sept. 11 attacks. We have never been told who made the trades, including a $2.5 million put option on United Airlines that has gone unclaimed. This information can be discovered in a click of a button by the FBI or SEC. It has been revealed that the United Airlines trades were made through a firm once run by former CIA executive director in *'s first term, Buzzy Krongard. Krongard says we would be better off if bin Laden is not caught. Makes you wonder, huh? yeah, I guess the 50 or so FAA warnings weren't enough, either.
"The Federal Aviation Administration received repeated warnings in the months prior to Sept. 11, 2001, about al-Qaida and its desire to attack airlines, according to a previously undisclosed report by the commission that investigated the terror attacks. The report by the Sept. 11 commission detailed 52 such warnings given to FAA leaders from April to Sept. 10, 2001, about the radical Islamic terrorist group and its leader, Osama bin Laden." back to the original post:
"Mike Ruppert's book (citing a White House Press Release of 5/8/01) shows that, in the weeks before 9/11, "all counter-terror response planning and organization had been placed under the control of Dick Cheney" (337). Ruppert makes an initial if still circumstantial case, the strongest that I have seen so far, that "on the day of September 11th Richard Cheney was in full and complete control" of a properly functioning command system, which then deliberately let some of the hijacked planes hit their targets (591, cf. 411, 433). <64>
Ruppert argues that Cheney was in charge because of the multiple wargames running that day -- Vigilant Warrior, Vigilant Guardian, Northern Vigilance, an NRO exercise (name unknown), and Tripod II (a non-military biochemical attack exercise involving FEMA) -- that needed coordination from outside NORAD. <65> If he has no single source to nail this claim down, it is because of the extreme evasiveness shown by officials about that day, as for example:
When asked who was responsible for coordinating the multiple wargames running on the morning of September 11, 2001, General Ralph E. Eberhart, the man in charge of NORAD on the morning in question, replied "No Comment." <66>/div]" is another summary of Cheney's role in emergency response and wargames: