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Since no one answered my question. Does anyone know about operation

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rumpel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-28-05 07:58 PM
Original message
Since no one answered my question. Does anyone know about operation
Edited on Thu Jul-28-05 07:59 PM by rumpel
Code Angel? (in the general forum) Have you read this article and what is your opinion?


Financial terrorism towers over 9.11

(Part II)
Evidence points to attack on America by White House crime families

by Tom Flocco
Sioux City, Iowa -- July 25, 2005 -- -- According to leaked documents from an intelligence file obtained through a military source in the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), on or about September 12, 1991 non-performing and unauthorized gold-backed debt instruments were used to purchase ten-year "Brady" bonds. The bonds in turn were illegally employed as collateral to borrow $240 billion--120 in Japanese Yen and 120 in Deutsch Marks--exchanged for U.S. currency under false pretenses; or counterfeit and unlawful conversion of collateral against which an unlimited amount of money could be created in derivatives and debt instruments.

it is a very long article
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petgoat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-29-05 01:19 AM
Response to Original message
1. I Know Nothing! But....
maybe Wayne Madsen's story about that big check, a story that didn't
seem to make much sense, is lessening enthusiasms in addition to mine
for this kind of thing. Maybe you can elaborate on the sketchy summary and tell us why it's important?

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mirandapriestly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-29-05 02:48 AM
Response to Original message
2. "Good Grief!" How about this
"Durham told us, "something was going on at that hospital. I saw a Navy Commander strapped to a gurney--from Seal Beach...tied down. A female doctor was sitting there with his wife and they were bartering over his body parts. I heard all this with Russell’s doctor friend. The Commander was alive and strapped there, his eyes looked terrified and his mouth was taped shut," she said, offering "his wife walked over to her husband and said ‘Now I’ll never have to know when you’re coming home again.’ We inquired about him later and found that he had come up ‘missing.’ "

we'll never know if most of this stuff is true, as the story is called "Who will Guard The Guards?", no one will investigate any of it.
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petgoat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-29-05 04:05 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. Now THAT's a Story! Sex, Betrayal, Injustice. Tell Me More! n/t

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