1. Al Qaeda was involved in the Bosnia conflict with Pentagon support, A Dutch Intelligence report on the Srebrenica massacre confirms the US/UK/al Qaeda connections. In Kosovo the KLA was also AQ-connected. Bosnia is today a safe haven for terrorists, and the KLA is involved in the heroin trade.
2. The FBI had informants in the AQ cell that did the 1993 WTC bombing. The FBI was involved in constructing the bomb. After the Blind Sheikh assassinated a rabbi, an FBI investigator told the Village Voice that the Sheikh seemed to be under the protection of the INS and State Department.
3. The GIA (that's Gee Eye Aeh) in Algeria has AQ connections, and got the blame for a Paris bombing in 1995 that was used to justify repression in Algeria. There is evidence that the bomb was planted by the Algerian military.
4. In the Philippines a legislator has accused Military Intelligence of coddling AQ-connected terrorists (Ahmed Saeed? Nafeez said something like "Abu Sayav"). Project Bojinka anticipated crashing aircraft into targets like Sears Tower, the Pentagon, and the WTC.
5. David Shayler, formerly of M15, says the UK paid 100,000 british pounds to AQ to assasinate Quaddafi. The book "Forbidden Truth" says Anas al Liby, who was connected to the embassy bombings and had millions in bounties on his head, lived in Manchester, England, until 2000.
6. Some alleged hijackers reportedly had security clearances to train at military bases. Atta's and Alghamdi's (which one?) names appear in military records. The official line is that the biographical data does not match, but inquiries yield evasive answers. Senator Bill Nelson asked the FBI to investigate and they could not resolve the issue. The 9/11 Commission ignored it.
7. 9/11 was not an intelligence failure but a political failure. The German newpaper Frankfurter Algemeine said that Echelon picked up info 3 months before and 6 months before 9/11 shoing the middle eastern terrorists planned to hijack civiilan aircraft and hurl them against targets symbolic of US and Israeli culture. The USA took this threat seriously and increased surveillance. David Schippers transmitted warnings of FBI agents of atacks in Manhattan, warnings which named Mohammed Atta. He couldn't get his calls returned.
8. Senator Orin Hatch reported on 9/11 that the NSA had picked up AQ messages celebrating the success of the attack. This shows the electronic surveillanve network could work swiftly when it wanted to. Nafeez quotes Jane's Intelligence Digest to the effect that Russia provided plenty of information on the upcoming attacks, but Bush lacked the political will to push the military.
Bottom line: we need a new investigation.
Points from the Q/A:
The perceived threat from our cold war enemies has been transferred to the terrorists. The "non-stateterror network" is a myth. AQ is sponsored by the Saudis, ISI, Algeria, and the Philippines.
The UK, having its secret security elements, and the USA having its executive branch operating unacountably, have characteristics of "failed states".
Qaddafi's cooperative attitude stems from his fear after the assasination plot. Exxon Mobil has interests in Algeria--access to resources underlies our policy.
Mr. Ahmed is not interested in discussing LIHOP and MIHOP theories. He has personal opinions, but he prefers to discuss facts. The fact is, the government failed and we need a new investigation into why it failed and those who failed should be held accountable. "Why deal with conflicting theory when you can deal with facts?"
The doctrine of pre-emptive war can be characterized as "we can hit 'em if we think they're thinking about hitting us."
That oil production will peak in the next five years is a virtual consensus in the oil industry.