Note to Skinner and staff: Specificly Requesting that Skinner allow this post to stay in General Discussion forum and not be relegated to some obscure forum
What follows is a momentous development in the 911 community:
Dr. David Ray Griffin was invited to speak to
The National Press Club
in Washington, DC
(The National Press Club, according to its own website
( is
"the largest and most prestigious press club in the world." That Dr. Griffin was even invited to speak there may be a sign that the tide is turning for 9/11 truth.)
9/11 and the Mainstream Press
by Dr. David Ray Griffin
SeptemberEleventh.orgFriday, Jul 29, 2005
Address given at the National Press Club
July 22, 2005
President Bush himself advised people, perhaps especially reporters, not to tolerate "outrageous conspiracy theories."
What the president really meant is that people should not tolerate any outrageous conspiracy theories except his own, according to which 19 Arab Muslims defeated the most powerful and sophisticated defense system in history and also defeated the laws of physics, bringing down three steel-frame building in a way that perfectly mimicked controlled demolition. (snip)
But the mainstream press instead offered itself as a mouthpiece for the administration’s conspiracy theory.
Controlled demolition was also suggested by the fact that the collapses were total, with the 110-story Twin Towers collapsing into a pile of rubble only a few stories high.
This means that the publication of The 9/11 Commission Report needs to be recognized as a decisive event, because it was the moment at which the prima facie case against the Bush administration became a conclusive case.
What we need now is a press that will let the American people in on this development---which is most important, given the fact that the official story about 9/11 has provided the pretext for virtually every other horrible thing this administration has done.
Luke 12:3 "Accordingly, whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms will be proclaimed upon the housetops.