more information on what we need to know.
"Thanks to the controlled corporate media, most Americans have no idea who these people are. PNAC members hold dozens of key positions in the Bush administration. They are never identified as being members of PNAC.
There is never mention of their common affiliation and history.
Oddly, the one non PNAC person in the White House is George W. Bush. He is the outsider. Research this group and you will find that many of these key members of the Bush administration were once known in Washington as “The Crazies!”
These men - and women, who have been connected to several past administrations, supported agendas that were so radical that that they were kept out of positions in which they could really do some harm. Today, they direct, and control the foreign & military policies of the United States. That is not an exaggeration. Keep this in mind when you get to the rumor mill portion of this blog.
This being said, let’s understand there is a pretty good chance that there are people who know a great deal more about the power brokers behind our government than the average American. Many of you might be ahead of the curve on this and may have read up on the topics I mentioned. You may also have listened to or read the works of Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, Meria Heller,, David Ickey or others on the Internet. There is a great deal of information about these power brokers out there for those who really want to know.
Sadly, many people simply dismiss these sources as the ranting of crackpots or conspiracy theorists whose information is not credible. They do this without ever considering the validity of what is claimed.
So, why not take this approach with other vital issues such as those involving the government?
It might be an essential strategy for becoming more open-minded and ultimately more aware of what goes on in this very complex and confusing world.
The PNAC crew, formerly know as the "Crazies", control a virtual dictatorship.
As we speak, there is no oversight or accountability in the Bush administration. Those in power do pretty much whatever they want. Their march into Iraq was a prime example of the way they do business. The world stood still as the administration, with the help of their corporate adjunct, the mainstream media, convinced the American people that Iraq was to be feared. This was a ludicrous claim that was almost laughable. Iraq was a smashed and defeated nation with no military to speak of, that had undergone 12 years of crippling embargoes and 12 years of bombing raids and they were the ideological enemy of Al Qaeda. There was nothing to fear, but fear we did so that phase one of the PNAC plan could go into action.
Don’t believe for a moment that the PNAC crew that took control of our government will ever let go of that power.
They waited too long and planned too hard to stop in their tracks. They assumed power by stealing elections and reaping the benefits of the “new Pearl Harbor” they themselves said they needed. On September 11th, 2001, these not-so-crazy men went into full gear.
Think about it.