Jesus f-in Christ, how many times do we have to go through this.
Ok, for the umpteenth time..
-hundreds of eyewitnesses (including at least one DU member) saw the plane hit and many identified it as an American Airlines flight.
-bodies recovered at site were identified as passengers
-wreckage of the plane and luggage were found at site.
- the Hole and damage consistent with a 757 hitting it despite what that BS film claims.
- NO ONE saw a missile, period.
The SAMs on the Pentagon are not only an urban legend, but they wouldn’t stop an airliner coming at you, just damage it. Anyone who thinks the Pentagon would be ready to shot down an airliner has no bleeping clue how close it is to National Airport.
The Pentagon is surrounded by highways and Arlington Cemetery. The roads were full of rush hour traffic. Usually rush hour drivers don’t spend their time taking photos of the Pentagon. Remember there are what, two films of the 1st plane hitting the WTC despite the fact that lower NYC is also full of tourists. And the Pentagon is removed from the tourist area, they’d all be on the Mall taking photos not down on the river taking photos to satisfy the professional paranoid.
Jeesuz, even some of the tin foil heads realize that “did plane really hit the Pentagon” is a foolish question. from an eyewitness.. eyewitness photos witnesses, bye bye.