" "Upon what basis did the 9.11 Commission conclude that the FBI’s timeline was correct and that an elite Army Intel unit was mistaken in saying they were tracking Mohamed Atta roaming freely across America during 1999 and 2000?”
The importance of this week’s revelation that an Army intelligence unit was tracking Mohamed Atta’s movements in the U.S. during 1999 and 2000 is so mind-bogglingly massive that it seems that nobody seems to quite get it yet...
You’ve been hearing it for three years in articles in the MadCowMorningNews, and in “Welcome to TerrorLand.”
Now you can hear it from an elite Army intelligence unit, one which obviously has several patriots with very large cojones. Their testimony is clear and explicit and only one conclusion can be drawn from it...
The FBI has been telling a massive lie to the 9.11 Commission and the American people, a lie whose result has been to halt in its tracks, as a Commission spokesman freely admitted on Thursday, the investigation into the murder of almost 3000 people.
People go to jail for that sort of thing, don’t they?
God willing, we may be about to find out."