While looking at the seismic data for controlled demolitions in other non-9/11 related building and comparing it the to WTC collapses, I came across this very odd entry from a 1999 report on seismic activity in Hansen Washington.
"A special seismic event was detected and located on August 14, 1999 at 12:00 noon. This unusual event appears to be related to the demolition of towers in the 100-D Area, and includes signals from seismic waves from the explosions, seismic waves from the impact of the towers, and later (delayed) acoustic signals from the explosions."
http://www.pnl.gov/main/publications/external/technical_reports/PNNL-11557-12.pdfI can find no record of any siesmic event that matches this time and date. The event must have been signifigant enough to trigger the monitoring equipment but no entry has been recorded at the NEIC
http://eqint.cr.usgs.gov/neic/cgi-bin/epic/epic.cgi?SEARCHMETHOD=1&FILEFORMAT=4&SEARCHRANGE=HH&SYEAR=1999&SMONTH=08&SDAY=14&EYEAR=1999&EMONTH=08&EDAY=14&LMAG=&UMAG=&NDEP1=&NDEP2=&IO1=&IO2=&SLAT2=0.0&SLAT1=0.0&SLON2=0.0&SLON1=0.0&CLAT=0.0&CLON=0.0&CRAD=0&SUBMIT=Submit+SearchPDE 1999 08 14 115414.24 -34.24 -70.06 5
PDE 1999 08 14 124546.12 -26.04 130.69 10 3.90 mb GS
The NEIC also does not show the collapse of the WTC centers on 9/11 either and they registered 2+ on the Richter Scale. Barring any sinister plot, I assume they just record and report earthquake data and disregard the rest.
In the above mentioned report, it makes refence to siesmic readings from the Yakima Training Center. "Frequently, military exercises at the Yakima Training Center, northwest of the Hanford Site, produce a series of acoustic shocks that unavoidably trigger the recording system." From the Yakima Website: "Yakima Training Center (YTC), also known as Yakima Firing Center (YFC), is an Army maneuver training area located in central Washington northeast of the town of Yakima and west of the Columbia River. Although designed for Army use, the main impact area (MIA) and Multi-Purpose Range Complex (MPRC) are approved for use for conventional and tactical weapons deliveries."
http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/facility/yakima.htmI can find no other mention of any test that occurred on this date and time at Yakima, which is of course not unsual. I highly doubt the military would post thier testing schedules.
The order of events from the seismic readings from the demolition of the towers seems vaguely similar to the trade center attack; an impact followed by the explosions from the demolition. Does anyone know of a demolition of towers in the Washington area on this date? Is this 100-D area located within the Yakima Training Center? Is there a way to find out more about this event?