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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » September 11 Donate to DU
delver Donating Member (70 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-03-05 11:20 PM
Original message
see this for background:

basically nyc indymedia will not let anything be posted on their "open newswire" that is associated with the 9/11 Truth Movement (not even specific facts, events, or announcements). instead they have rabidly attacked those who try post or question this policy. they accuse us of being anti-semites, NWO/Illuminati conspiracy theorists, nazis--anything to avoid dealing with the FACTS that we bring up.

i have exhausted my stores of constructive, logical debate. fuck these guys. i mean the ones who won't let us post an announcement for the CSPAN Cynthia Mckinney hearings and are expounding this kind of crap:

"These "theories" have been universally rejected on the left, and find promoters ranging from the libertarian right (such as to neo-nazis and other fascistos from the "white patriot" movement
Why? Who knows, but the guy's name is SILVERSTEIN -- and to the conspiroids, that's good enough. They believe this, that is, when they aren't claiming that there were no planes (as many hidden posts at Indymedia can attest) or that they were "holograms" or "pods" or "aliens."
I have also read extensively into the conspiracy archives, both current 911 Truth-types and traditional "esoterica." It's all bullshit that makes ignorant people feel smart.
Noting the Jewish family name of the WTC lease-holder, they allege a conspiracy between him, the Pentagon and the Fire Department that is so wide-ranging and massive as to be not just implausible, but impossible.
It is the policy of the NYC IMC to not host conspiracy theories, or racist/anti-Semitic propaganda that alleges "the Jews" were behind the WTC attacks, variations on this theme, or "rank speculation" of any kind without a basis in fact. This has driven the 911 "Truth" conspiroids into seizures."

here is the same guy:

"First the friendly advice: you are wasting your time.

If you are some nice well-intentioned do-gooder who honestly thinks New York real estate magnates are conspiring with the Fire Department, Mossad, the Pentagon, State Department and the Big Media (plus Amy "Soros Connection" Goodman!) to blow-up buildings that already had jumbo jets fly into them... then you really get it through your nice, thick skull that you are wasting your time trying to use a community resource to spread your "questions" and "theories."

You are not being censored. You have every opportunity to maintain your own website, print your own flyers and hold our own forums. You even got the LA Times to profile your "theologian" cult leader, hot on the trail of Satan himself.

If this is your campaign, harassing volunteers who are not interested in your theories about masonic-jewish-illuminati-alien-podcraft-holograms-MK-ULTRA-floridation, then you are pathetic.

I don't care whether my answer is satisfactory to you. Fuck off.

You want some less "immature name-calling?"

You are a FASCIST. Your 911Truth links to neo-nazi holocaust deniers on YOUR website ( <> and Infowars). Go eat shit. Get the picture, you drooling shitheel. You stand zero chance of getting your crypto-nazi garbage on the NYC newswire and every effort you make further solidifies this consensus. Since you are too stupid to listen when someone talks to you like a normal person, I am forced to speak like this so you REALLY get the picture.

Conspiracy theories will not be hosted on the NYC IMC. It's done. In order to reverse this decision, there would have to be a majority of working volunteers who would a) change their minds, b) be able to muster a 75% super-majority to overcome "blocks" to the consensus... and I'm not sorry to tell you that will not happen, since 1) EVERYONE already agrees, and 2) any attempts to pack meetings will be rendered ineffective by our normal operating protocols.

Your harassment, singling out of volunteers, links to nazi and other far-right organizations through 911Truth and general habit of attracting medicated droolers means that you might as well go back to masturbating, because your work is done here."

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spooked911 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-03-05 11:44 PM
Response to Original message
1. Oy. This is the kind of bullshit we're up against in INDY MEDIA?
And people wonder why we can't get much coverage in the mainstream media?

The NYC Indy media people should be ashamed to call themselves Indy media.
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pauldp Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-03-05 11:48 PM
Response to Original message
2. Whew! They are little sensitive I'd say.
Me thinks the gentleman doth protest too much.
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delver Donating Member (70 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-03-05 11:52 PM
Response to Original message
3. Check out this thread on SF Indymedia discussing the whole issue
Other indymedias do allow open discussion...
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pauldp Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 12:05 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. That's good to see. Glad they pointed out the Family Steering Committee's
Questions regarding WTC7. Personally I really resent being lumped in with anti-semites because I agree that WTC7s collapse looked exactly like controlled demo and I wonder what the fuck happened to the evidence. The amount of generalizing and pigeonholing that idiot from NYC indymedia does is rediculous.
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Lithos Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-05 12:22 AM
Response to Original message
5. Locking
Rense is not allowed for citation on DU. This discussion also is inflammatory and non-constructive.

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