pod, laser, missile, nuke, hologram, scalar theories are not direct dissmissal of information, but it assists those who do that directly by providing alternative, distractive, confusing, basically erroneous information for them to mock and ridicule while providing bulk for packaging other, very solid information along with it, and dismissing all of it. This is
exactly what NYC Indymedia is doing. Others are too. This cannot be reasonably denied.
The biggest lie on the planet is that the towers had steel cores.
It is biggest in reality because of its size and the fact there were 2 of them, and its widespread publication as well as the importance to our lives and those of our children, not to mention its relationship to our political situation. The demolition of the towers was the biggest event of 9-11 beside the loss of the lives of our brother and sister Americans. This cannot be reasonably denied.
Notice I do not do disinfo damage control as do sub media icons of late. Drawing attention away from facts of 9-11 and onto others with seemingly independant interests.
I'll accept a missle at the pentagon, but nowhere else.
There is ZERO evidence of pod, laser, missile, nuke, hologram, scalar and the strongest point any have promoting those things is that it appears there is no way else to explain the free fall and total pulverization. As if it were impossible any other way.
Gee, let us think about that ...................... Some promote that it is impossible without pod, laser, missile, nuke, hologram, scalar theories and others promote that only the official steel cores existed, something I KNOW to be false and structurally impossible to stand as well as not possible to eliminate from photos as we see. Notice their abcense is totaly unexplained.
One group promotes impossible theories to explain what appears impossible while the other group promotes an impossible structure that impossibly never appears in the demolition photos and cannot be possibly removed from them. Both groups espouse LIHOP and MIHOP and both groups oppose the concrete core. If you know what I know about steel, concrete and high explosives you would agree and say, "This cannot be reasonably denied. "
They espouse LIHOP and MIHOP to have acceptable motives in this virtual community and oppose the concrete core to obscure the possible, which also happens to have large amounts of evidence. This cannot be reasonably denied.
pod, laser, missile, nuke, hologram, scalar theories promote the notion that the government actually has functional technologies developed in those areas of science needed to actually have and use pod, laser, missile, nuke, hologram, scalar stuff. This promotes fear of government making people less likely to oppose those supposedly using the technologies. This cannot be reasonably denied.
Of course the reasonableness of all that I share here is determined by our human ability/inability to logically prioritize and use information.
Perhaps you might rethink what I'm doing.
Or, you might think that you can reasonably deny some of the things above I say you can't deny. Well, ............ you can try, but I must explained that I have been studying human behavior from the most fundamental level for a very long time, and, I've been using information that is so potent and intrinsic to us that the director of the American Psychological Association sent me a letter directly, that indirectly, through punctuation and relationship, says that the director of the A.P.A Ethics Department left their position because off the information about our human behavior that I mailed to the A.P.A.
Here is a scan of that letter.

After that, needless to say, my continued efforts to gain competent, logical response from the A.P.A. by following up on their reference was a joke.