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Think Bush Couldn't Have Profited from the Katrina Disaster? Think again.

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spooked911 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-05 08:38 AM
Original message
Think Bush Couldn't Have Profited from the Katrina Disaster? Think again.

"FEMA Director Michael Brown got his job as a political patronage position, with no relevant experience and the last item on his resume getting fired from a job as a manager of horse shows. Last year he was caught giving out FEMA money as political pork with an eye to the 2004 elections. But that shouldn't surprise since people who get hired as part of patronage operations do their jobs as part of the patronage operation. That's the idea.

Now, look at this article from Tuesday's Times about the boom town atmosphere in Houston as people and business from New Orleans flood into the city ...

Oil services companies based here are racing to carry out repairs to damaged offshore platforms in the Gulf of Mexico; the promise of plenty of work to do sent shares in two large companies, Halliburton and Baker Hughes, soaring to 52-week highs last week. The Port of Houston is preparing for an increase in traffic as shippers divert cargoes away from the damaged ports of Pascagoula, Miss., and New Orleans.

Some of this is just the grim irony of politics and geography. Houston is a nearby port town deep into the oil business. It's also the capital of Bushland.

But see where we're going here. We have a thoroughly politicized FEMA, encased within an administration that ran the Iraqi reconstruction in such a way that they managed to give graft and cronyism a bad name. $10.5 billion is just a small down payment on the money that's going to go into draining and rebuilding New Orleans, constructing a much more durable and comprehensive system of pumps and levees around the city, patching up the coastlines of Mississippi and Alabama. And did we mention the important Senate race next year in Florida? And then there's the Port of New Orleans. And the oil facilities in the Gulf."

How conveeenient that Katrina wiped out the oil refineries around NOLA (there will be no one to work at the plants for months), and that Houston Texas is the closest place to which the oil can be shipped for processing.

PLUS, there is the Halliburton business that benefits AND the political patronage aspects of FEMA.

It's enough to make you sick, literally.
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petgoat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-05 04:02 PM
Response to Original message
1. There's something of a Unified Field Theory about all these events
which I am not yet espousing, but only exploring, but which I find
explains almost all the puzzling events since the theft of the 2000

That is Peak Oil. If it's true that we're running out of oil, we can
expect economic and social chaos as the adjustment is made.

The theory is that the Powers That Be know we're running out of oil,
but they're too chickenshit to do the necessary planning out in the
open where it's subject to democratic debate.

Under this theory 9/11 had to happen to justify our military presence
in Afghanistan and Iraq so we could control the oil reserves of
Central Asia, and the dems and the news media are complicit in the
Bush administration's crimes because they believe they are necessary
to the national interest. The dems are not ruthless enough to do the
job themselves, so they stand back and let a lunatic rogue wing of the
Republicans do the dirty deeds. Thus they cover over the theft of
the elections because Bush's presidency is considered a necessary

New Orleans fits into this scenario if you recognize that a mandatory
mass evacuation is exactly the same as a mass arrest and can function
as a dress rehearsal for same. After the disaster in New Orleans
there will be calls for FEMA to prepare mass evacuation plans for
every place subject to a possile disaster--every port, every city in
earthquake country, every city near chemical plants or nuclear power
plants, every city that has a railroad that transfers chemicals--in
other words, almost every city. And not just plans. The
infrastructure for carrying them out will also be created--whether
that means equipping the Nat'l Guard with fleets of busses or writing
laws to facilitate the commandeering of fleets of school busses and
railroad cars.

The demonization of the victims in New Orleans as snipers, looters,
and rapists is also part of this plan. Which as I say, I am not
convinced of. But I wish somebody could reassure me that it's out to
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spooked911 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-05 02:27 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. I think you are more right than wrong
but if you're white and reasonably well-off, you probably don't have anything to worry about. :(

Also, I would avoid San Francisco in the future.
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dbeach Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-05 11:05 PM
Response to Original message
2. beach front property 4 sale
move the victims ..get their land.

trifecta for bush/cheny

steal the land .cheap beahfront property
New new orleans.rebuilt by Hallbutton
and a major rebuild of Houston

and the dems say bush is stupid..highly unlikeyl he passed Yale and maybe he is a liloff in speech but hishandlers are not so slow

WATCH how fast they money pours in and bush is hailed as a hero

mean while what bush /FEMA did to the NO victims is warm-up for their martial law plans for the rest of the USA
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