it comes to exposing the truth about 9/11, indicting and arresting the perps .... you can forget about the Democratic Party.
They are the primary gatekeepers propping up the "failure and incompetence" Big Lie about 9/11.
Even Elliot Spitzer, who has been handed plenty of hard evidence for the controlled demolitios of the Towers and WTC7, has gone AWOL on the whole issue. How many "smoking guns" does he need ?
He's obviously a craven coward and crass opportunist, who could care less about truth or justice, when it comes to 9/11
We are on our own.
Note the "fake" opposition role the Demorats have been scripted to play.
Face it folks, your party is as much a part of the crime and the psy-op as the Cheny-Bush crime syndicate.
The corrupt Dubai Ports World is good measure of how they play us like a violin:
Bill Clinton on one side..
Hillary on the other..