The movie is spreading like wildfire, already 30 times more popular than an obscure website called site which always promoted a lame LIHOP view and only recently admitted to the WTC demolitions.
Your critique is biased and full of personal judgments, which is okay, but most people don't share it. Here's the newest entry of Dylan Avery's blog (, citing from an email he just got:
"Just wanted to say first of all, excellent movie.
As an employee of the Transportation Security Administration for the U.S. Government that works 5 days a week at an airport doing all the X-Ray, Metal Detector, Electronic Trace Detection, Blah blah blah security, I got to say, very interesting to watch. Currently I've been passing it off to a few other friends/employees which, is sort of risky since passing out Anti-Bush/Anti-Media/Pro-America material isn't exactly any type of way to go about getting a promotion if you work where I do but, just thought you'd be interested to know that your film has made it to some government employees even if we are just the lowest echelon. The peons of the United
States Government for the most part.
On the one hand I loved watching the film since anything that makes any sort of effort to make your average people think should be celebrated. On the other hand though, sort of a bummer to know my entire job is based on a lie of that magnitude. Although, seeing what I see on a daily basis, I suppose it shouldn't really be that shocking to me. But it still is.
Anyway, just wanted to say keep up the good work.Whenever someone asks me what Loose Change Second Edition is about I like to tell them "You know that one documentary they had on how the moon landing was a fraud?... Yeah well, it's like that times a thousand." Being from Detroit, generally Michael Moore is the man that gets all the praise. And although I like his stuff for me at least, your movie was leaps and bounds beyond his last film. Part of me would love to go into detail about some of the mind numbing unbelievable stuff I've seen at the airport after working there for over 2 years, but the bigger part of me knows better than to put anything like that in an email.
Good luck with everything guys, hope more people get to see this and soon."
Transportation Security Officer DTW