Very sophisticated disinfo games going on now...
Watch your back folks.
It's coming out hot and thick ...
They are so desperate to defend "planes and hijackers" in their Hollywood B-grade "9/11" plot-line, that they will willingly surrender on "controlled demolition" as the preferred modified LIMITED HANGOUT, just to salvage the credibility of the 9/11 media perps: CNN, MSNBC, FOX, ABC...
After all, anyone can see 'controlled demolition" just from the "collapse" videos of WTC7 and the Towers.
Thousands of New Yorkers know it already ....
And millions of Americans ...
What the spooks at the Pentagon and Langley REALLY don't want people thinking about are these transparently obvious manufactured CARTOONS of the "2nd hit at the South Tower": Just as long as they can keep propagating the media brainwashing of "planes and hijackers"... they will backpedal and surrender on "controlled demolition".
Shows how desperate they are getting...
Their media cover is getting blown wide open...
Morgan Reynolds lays it all out right here: