in eastern Europe, the renditions, the other secret prisons around the world, the Abu Ghraib/Guantanamo torture and deaths, and the domestic spying were all about--the Bush junta covering its tracks on 9/11, torturing people to find out who knew what, and killing witnesses/whistleblowers regarding this and other crimes--as well as killing business enemies (arms/drugs/child slavery, whatever).
I don't think the American people are stupid or sheeple (like some DUers do). Some 60% of them were against Bush's war on Iraq BEFORE the invasion (Feb. '03)--before all the lies were exposed and the full horror of it was known. They didn't trust Bush THEN, in big numbers, and still don't, with a big majority opposed to all Bush policy. But they are somewhat naive on how fascist juntas operate, and also in realizing that a fascist junta has taken place, here.
I had an interesting conversation with a very intelligent, savvy friend, in which I told her about the election system--two rightwing Bushite corporations, Diebold and ES&S, gaining control of the tabulation of our votes with 'TRADE SECRET," PROPRIETARY programming code, and virtually no audit/recount controls. And here's what she said: "But the Democrats wouldn't let that happen, would they?"
She didn't see that the issue is not what the Democratic leadership "would" do; the issue is what they DID do. They DID let it happen--for whatever reasons of fear, corruption or complicity.
She wanted to think that, however disappointing the Democratic leaders have been on important matters, there is still something that works in our political system, a "check and balance" against fascist control over our election system, that is, the Democratic Party's own self-interest.
She's not a stupid person, nor a pollyanna--she's just not used to the utter depravity of fascism--its ruthless corruptive powers, and its use of fear (blackmail, assassination, anthrax in the mail, etc.) --and can't quite fathom it.
I think a lot of Americans are like this. They're not uninformed. They're not stupid. They're in denial--it's a different thing entirely. It's an emotional thing--an emotional block against acknowledging that we are suffering a JUNTA.
They've been led down the garden path, it's true--like the proverbial slow boil of the frogs--with ever-increasing corporate power over everything--over our public airwaves, over the military, over the writing of our laws, over our public resources and systems (privatization), over the tax code, over trade policy, etc.--slow boiled over several decades. These fascists didn't rescind the First Amendment guarantee of free speech, for instance--they just took over all the possible mediums of speech--TV, radio, print (except this one--so far anyway) and made access to the commons exhorbitantly expensive and limited. They've privatized speech--and meanwhile have destroyed the "town square," the community centers/meeting places, with gigantic multinational chains like Walmart and "private" shopping malls, and of course with freeways and cars, so that there are almost no natural "common ground" meeting places any more in the U.S. You can meet other "shoppers" but God forbid that you hand them a protest pamphlet or carry a protest sign. (The shopping malls and the Walmarts will give you endless grief--threaten you, call the cops, forbid signs of any kind, try to confine you to some obscure corner, etc, etc. These are NOT public squares--though they should be.) The five fatcat CEOs who control all news and opinion meanwhile blast narrow rightwing views in our ears on the radio and on TV and put on a sort of dumbshow of 'free speech,' but it's just insidious noise. And then--the coup de grace--they use their media monopolies to literally create an "enemy" and a war, and to make it seem as if people support it, when even their own opinion polls tell them that people don't.
The slow boil. From Walmart to Abu Ghraib--and unlimited, uncheckable government crime.
We've ended up with an ILLUSION of democracy, with truly evil people running our government, and the people who have been "slow boiled" can't quite believe how utterly vile it is--and that they themselves are the frogs who are being cooked. It is an understandable sort of blindness or denial, for which I feel a lot of compassion. It's very human--and also I think it derives from a belief, a faith, in democracy and in human progress. They just don't want to--and can't--believe that this dreadful coup has happened here, to us. They KNOW things are not right. I think they go in and out of focus on it. And they feel quite demoralized and depressed sometimes--and fall back on thoughts like, "Well, we'll throw them out in the next election." And when you tell them that that can't happen any more*, they just stare at you.
*(Actually, I DO think that the fraudulent electronic voting systems CAN be overwhelmed by a huge turnout---because, a) I think they have to be pre-programmed to certain percentages (or at least that was the case in 2004), and b) the fascists don't want to expose their fraudulent election system to too much scrutiny-- it's too important to them to keep it in place.)
My inspiration these days comes from Latin America--where leftist governments have been elected over the last several years, often by big majorities, in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Venezuela and Bolivia, virtually the entire map of South America. Peru will likely be next. And this revolution is moving north--it looks like Mexico is going to elect the leftist mayor of Mexico City as president this year. One of the keys to this astonishing, profound and historic revolution is TRANSPARENT ELECTIONS--the result of years of dedicated work by grass roots activists, local civic groups, the OAS, EU election monitoring groups and the Carter Center.
And when you think what Latin America has suffered, and what it has overcome, you cannot help but be inspired. It CAN be done. Peaceful, democratic revolution CAN happen, even here. Ask Michele Batchelet and Evo Morales!
Some resources: (MythBreakers - easy primer on electronic voting--one of the myths is that HAVA requires electronic voting; it does not.) (great activist site) (monitoring of '06 and '08 elections) (fab compendium of all election info) (devoted to election reform) (analysis of the 2004 election)
Sign the petition (Russ Holt, HR 550, great bill-has 169 sponsors). (Calif Senator running for Sec of State to reform election system) (well-organized local group of citizen activists in Pennsylvania, where important legal issues are at stake, including state's rights over election systems)
Also of interest:
Bob Koehler (-- four recent election reform initiatives in Ohio, predicted to win by 60/40 votes, flipped over, on election day, into 60/40 LOSSES!--the biggest flipover we've seen yet; the election theft machines and their masters are now dictating election policy!)
Amaryllis (Diebold, ES&S, Sequoia lavish lobbying of election officials - Beverly Hilton, Aug. '05)
Throw Diebold, ES&S and all election theft machines into 'Boston Harbor' NOW!
:think: :patriot: :woohoo: :patriot: :think: