Questioning the one incident that the power structure staged in order to completely reshape and subvert the constitution and every aspect of foreign and domestic policy is anathema, and speaks to the power of propaganda, manipulation of the public mind, and adherence to groupthink chauvinsim/jingoism/nationalism.
It's so pathetically obvious; the US as always been a military economy, deceiving the public into subsidizing high end military technology through "superficial consumption," and with the grand chess board altered after the collapse of the Soviets, a new strategy for global dominance - the means for any ruling class to control and marginalize their citizenry - was implemented.
And just as the PNAC called for, a "new Pearl Harbor" jump start, which was handed to them on a silver platter just several months after publishing "Rebuilding America's Defenses," enabling them to do all they wanted to do after the 9/11 "justification" needed to bolster public support.
Lots of people just don't want to face how ugly and dire the situation is, so, even though they instinctively know in their heart it's all a lie, they allow themselves to "go along" with the "sensible" majority who, as a psychological defense mechanism, poo-poo any officially "unacceptable" truths, elementary as they may be.
It's humorous to imagine those stuck in denial sneaking over to this forum section to peak in on forbidden thought, and when faced with ever increasingly convincing evidence, and support from "official" establishment types, roll their eyes at such wacky tinfoil "bigfoot" speculation ....because, afterall, they surely know that people in our government who routinely plan the murder of scores of innocent people in foreign lands, who subject their own military personnel to horrible conditions, policies, experiments, and fates, would never consider knocking off three thousand of "their own" in order to bring "America" back into a more opportunistically draconian, militaristic form. War profiteering and oppression ....deny, deny, deny....
The quicker "they" are to relegate questions concerning 9/11 to the back burner, the greater emphasis is placed on "why" these questions are so worthy of being roundly dismissed. So, actually, many of the gatekeepers have only helped to inspire more people to look into 9/11 through their flippant denial of government culpability.