in plain clothes,what are those tools being carried? what is that on his shoulders? detonation cords? how did they know WT7 was coming down soon? what was that blast? these 4 guys look suspicious sort of like special ops personel. watch this clip a few times and make your best guess. they don't look like firemen to me. where are the hoses,pick axes or rope? did these guys wired WT7? this clip is about 8-10 seconds but raises many questions so take a close look and tell me what you think. go for it 911 debunker's... scroll down to this video
"We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it. And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse." Silverstein, the owner of the WTC complex, admitted on a September 2002 PBS documentary, 'America Rebuilds' that he and the NYFD decided to 'pull' WTC 7 on the day of the attack. The word 'pull' is industry jargon for taking a building down with explosives.
World Trade 7 is a nasty loose end... 911 was an inside job !!
on edit: these 4 guys.