(Nick here.) I'm quite happy with the story. Well, I'm happy with the 60-70 percent of it that actually relates to 9/11 or the truth movement, as opposed to Da Vinci Code and How to Fold a 20 Dollar Bill. A friend of mine may have, ahem, had occasion to talk with the author at some length, and successfully convince him of the importance of certain points.
And when you read the part that also mentions Nico, you'll see that we are not at all lumped together.
http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20060320164312944What may be the best coverage ever for the 9/11 truth movement in a US corporate medium was published as a feature story by Mark Jacobson in the current issue of New York magazine. Jacobson (or his editor) wrap the subject in the familiar defusing language: "Conspiracy theorists run amok... Ground Zero grassy knoll... wild-eyed nuts..." But this is not the usual attack piece. The 8,000-word article fairly summarizes several key arguments underlying 9/11 skepticism, with a bit of extraneous apocrypha tossed in, apparently for color. More significant surely is the inclusion of a dozen books and web sites by name, including this one. (One current and one former regional 911Truth.org director figure in the piece.)
Jacobson describes his own Ground Zero experience, of being warned on the evening of Sept. 11 that WTC 7 was about to fall, seeing it collapse, and still dreaming about it to this day. NIST head investigator Shyam Sunder is forced to admit to Jacobson that he cannot account for the collapse of Seven.
Jacobson provides details of a lecture by Webster Tarpley to 200 people in Manhattan (as part of a weekly series held nearly every Sunday at St. Mark's Church). He quotes September 11th relative Monica Gabrielle on her realization about the much-disparaged "conspiracy theorists." "They cared more than those supposedly doing the investigating," Gabrielle says. "If you ask me they’re just Americans, looking for the truth, which is supposed to be our right."
Lest you forget, New Yorkers are exercising their right to demand truth at Ground Zero and the offices of Eliot Spitzer, starting at high noon this Wednesday. If you're anywhere nearby, we hope to see you there. (nl)