I question why there was a lot of focus on things like witness who saw the removal of gold bars, etc. and only passing mention of "endless war". I don't believe the gold would've been the primary motivation- it seems clear from the PNAC document and other neocon writings that they placed a very high priority on global hegemony, space command, suppressing domestic dissent to their plans for tax cuts for the rich, increased pollution, ignoring global warming, etc., hyping fear of terrorism and patriotism for war, increasing military budgets and hand outs to defense contractors, who they invest in and who contribute to their political campaigns/agenda. These would prove much more valuable in the short and the long runs than the short term gain of some billions in gold bars. I find it kind of suspicious/odd that Loose Change focuses on this. I only watched the first one one time, and moved on to other sources of info. Dylan Avery does present a number of damning facts, like the interview w/ Hanjour's flight school owner, but then more speculative/less credible stuff gets mixed in as well. The sound track is kind of distracting as well. And why does he only list websites that promote some of the more speculative claims? He doesn't reference
http://www.911truth.orghttp://www.cooperativeresearch.orghttp://www.911research.wtc7.nethttp://www.fromthewilderness.comhttp://www.911independentcommission.orgThese sites are run by people who were part of the movement early on and have done great work documenting and publicizing the problems with the official story.