Now, this is just a brainstorm, by the time I get done typing it, maybe I'll conclude there is no way to make it work, so I'll type it, and lets discuss it.
What if (big if here), what IF...Bush was being set up to be taken out on 9/11? What if the Secret Service was
conveniently being misinformed about the seriousness so that they would feel no need to evacuate George W. Bush from the school?
What if some part of the plan on 9/11 in Florida didn't pan out? Maybe we were supposed to see another plane crash into the school, killing the Prez, the kids, etc... Dick Cheney was safely wisked away in D.C., but not Bush? Dick was down in a bunker pretty quickly from the stories I remember (I'll have to check the time lines on that)...
Obviously, no potential hijackers were intercepted in Florida that morning, so maybe for some unknown reason, those terrorists got spooked that morning (or got in a car accident? LOL) and didn't make it to the airport?
It's kind of funny if you think about it that way - that Georgy was just sitting there....and Dick was probably wondering ("Why hasn't the plane struck the grade school yet! God Damn it! You can never rely on those good for nothing terrorists!") :rofl:

Just play with this idea (it's late!) before shooting it down (we can do that later!).