9/11 Truth movement is now undeniably mainstream at least among progressives. Adding to the flood of truth talk in the media in the last two months (Village Voice, Air America's Mike Malloy, New York Magazine, Charlie Sheen, CNN), this morning Air America Radio's Rachel Maddow show interviewed Mark Jacobson, the author of the recent sympathetic New York Magazine summary of the various strands of the 9/11 Truth movement.'s introduction was pretty terrible -- focusing on wild conspiracy theories -- but that was apparently to get people interested or angry. The interview itself was very thoughtful and sympathetic to the Truth movement.
In one interesting exchange, after Jacobson laid out the four main HOP levels -- official story, incompetence theory, LIHOP and MIHOP -- each asked the other what their HOP level was. Rachel wouldn't answer. Mark Jacobson said that when he started the story he believed in incompetence theory, but that the research had moved him closer to LIHOP.
Rachel also revealed that she is "heavily lobbied," presumably by listeners, to talk more about 9/11 Truth issues.
Of Air America hosts, Janine Garafolo and Randi Rhodes have both said 9/11 was an inside job; Mike Malloy is clearly MIHOP and has said the only mystery about 9/11 is how the government could be so sloppy in revealing so much evidence; and now Rachel hints she is at least LIHOP.
<note to mods -- sorry to withdraw and repost>