Like watching a trainwreck- since it's the Bush Administration, I'm cheering it on, no bad feelings. Alex Jones laid it out straight. Can you see how much that guy AJ is enjoying just letting him talk? The news networks should be ashamed of themselves. Amazing how the critics of the skeptics and the supporters of the Bush Administration are silenced and destroyed even by the non-committal comments. Course, they'll attack the character of Erica Jong and Seth Green and AJ Hammer as well- they did not condemn Sheen, and did not say they believe the govt.s version- they said Charley had guts to speak out, and they said he was asking questions we should get answers for. How long before Rumsfeld turns into Baghdad Bob? Eventually the American People will just stop cooperating, stop going along with the boogey-man scare tactics, and start investigating and rounding up the terrorists. They can't go all out war on us like they are in Iraq, can they? They can only do these false-flag attacks every once in awhile that they have to work real hard to keep covered up. Hope this all comes out like a noose around their neck before they get their hands on the flu or a nuke.
Bill Maher said Bush was committing "codified treason" by suppressing Global Warming info