First of all, I entirely agree that unfortunately, this is a bipartisan scandal. I have posted a few posts about non-controlled demolition evidence of complicity, and the one I focus on a lot is that the paymaster of the 9/11 hijackers was the head of Pakistan's intelligence service, Lt. Gen. Mahmoud Ahmad (or sometimes Ahmed for Google purposes). It is well documented by the Wall St. Journal, the India Times and Paul Thompson's timeline, that he ordered that $100,000 be sent to Mohammed Atta, which was used for expenses such as flight school training. Gen. Ahmad flew to DC around 9/6/01 and met with the highest levels of the Defense and Intelligence establishment, including the Pentagon, CIA, and National Security Council. On the morning of 9/11, literally as the planes were hitting the WTC, Gen. Ahmad was having breakfast with the chairmen of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, Republican Porter Goss and Democrat Bob Graham, both of Florida. So it's hard not to conclude that there was some bipartisan knowledge.
As for the results, and one correction, Hastert would probably not become president. The Constitution provides that in case of a vacancy of the vice president's office, the president appoints a successor with the consent of Congress; so the rigid chain of succession probably would not need to be followed. As during Watergate, it is inconceivable that the corrupt vice president (Agnew then, Cheney now) would be allowed to assume office, so he would be removed first. Bush would be forced to appoint someone acceptable to Congress, and that would presumably be someone "clean" and outside the administration. Last time it was Gerry Ford; I predict that given the need for stability and great credentials, the probability that Bush would be allowed to appoint a Republican and the need for someone with at least a little distance from the scandal, that Bush would appoint either Colin Powell (who has furiously leaked how in disagreement with the neocons he is) or John McCain.
When Bush is removed, then the new president gets to appoint a new vice president. That's how Ford appointed Rockefeller.
At this point, I do think that Democrats should insist on a European style "government of national unity" and require the VP be a Democrat -- probably either Gore or Kerry.
Whoever is appointed or who wins in 2008 will have staggering legitimacy, popular support and power to clean house in DC. I think he would have the authority to force through an FDR style 100 days reform which must include:
*drastic reduction in the military-intelligence budget, because at that point it will have been proven that the biggest threat to the security of Americans is in fact the security apparatus;
*repeal of parts of the Telecommunications Act passed under Clinton, and a massive anti-trust style break up of the newspaper, broadcast and cable oligopolies, because media complicity by corporate domination will be revealed as the reason the truth took so long to come out;
*public financing of elections, to take the money, lobbying and media control out of elections;
*drastic limitations on lobbying (Abramoff et all) and campaign contributions;
*all broadcast licenses would have reservations of political campaign air time, ie again to emphasize free electoral coverage of debates;
*restoration of the fairness doctrine in broadcast and cable news;
*abolition of the Electoral College and direct election of president; and
*massive redistricting to put all congressional districts in play for most elections.
If you truly believe in LIHOP and/or MIHOP, and you also believe that it can and will be proven, then we desparately need to start planning now for what we want to happen and what the demands of the people will be.
If the democratic forces don't plan now, we will be reacting to events, and we are likely to be outmaneuvered by the forces who want to remove a "few bad apples" and keep the system operating the same as before.