Simon Sackville AKA
The Pied Piper of Swindle Swindon
With so much debate going on over what really happened at the Pentagon on 9/11, and the obvious dire lack of coherent commentators to put and end to it once and for all, I decided that it was high time that I added my own reality-based voice to the debate and, in doing so, allow common sense to finally prevail over the ranting of wild-eyed, hairy-knuckled, missing link type conspiracy theorists and liberals alike.
Regardless then of the reams and reams of electronic paper that have been wasted on the inane back and forward over what did or did not happen, the task of showing just what hit the Pentagon could not be easier, which makes it difficult to understand why the debate has lasted so long. If I didn't know better, I might almost think that there was some kind of conspiracy going on. Of course, I DO know better. Conspiracies simply do not exist - except for the small ones, they exist, but the big, scary ones do not, and never have. Everyone knows that.
Anyway, to get to the point. I will present conclusive evidence that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon by way of 10 carefully selected photos that, while they speak for themselves, will be accompanied by some incisive commentary by yours truly.
Let's get started:
Just so we know where we are going, above is a nice picture of a 757-200 with the stats of the aircraft included. These stats are the same as those of Flight 77, which was also a 757-200, and which hit the Pentagon. Therefore it is logical to conclude that Flight 77 did indeed hit the Pentagon.
Above is an image of the actual Flight 77, a Boeing 757-200, that hit the Pentagon. This picuture was taken before it hit the Pentagon. As you all can see, the plane is real. This plane was painted in the AA colors. It also has two 757-200 engines under each wing. An aircraft engine was found in the wreckage at the Pentagon. Coincidence? This is the plane that flew from Dulles International airport and crashed into the Pentagon, therefore, it follows that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon.
Here is a photo of some wreckage at the Pentagon crash site where Flight 77 hit. Aircraft debris is visible to the left, to the right, at the top and also the bottom. If you are still in any doubt about the fact that this is the wreckage of Flight 77, notice the green aircraft primer (it's in the pile somewhere) - proof conclusive that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon.>>>>>snip
THE REST OF THE ARTICLE IS JUST AS GOOD....LOL thought this forum could use some humor