This interview highlights the work of investigator, social worker and ex-cop Allan Duncan and publisher/author Sander Hicks. Setting forth the story of counter-terror sting “Operation Diamondback,” the program presents the stunning forecast of the 9/11 attacks recorded by the FBI in 1999. Apparent Pakistani intelligence agent R.G. Abbas (while attempting to procure weaponry for Al Qaeda and the Taliban) disclosed that the World Trade Center towers were “coming down.” Stingman
Randy Glass was “wearing a wire” and Abbas’ statement was recorded! Nonetheless, few news media have reported this. After reviewing information about Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff and his connections to Bin Laden collaborator Dr. Magdy El-Amir, the program presents Randy Glass’ assertion that Abbas and his associates Diaa Moshen and Mohamed (Mike) Malik were interested in procuring nuclear weaponry for Al Qaeda. Glass reported his information about the impending attack on the World Trade Center to Florida Senator Robert Graham in July of 2001. When Glass relayed his information to the State Department in the summer of 2001, a top aide to Colin Powell disclosed that it was known that a plan was afoot to fly airplanes into the World Trade Center, but that Glass couldn’t discuss it.
Program Highlights Include: Terrorist weapons-supplier Diaa Moshen’s claim that he possessed a “special passport” that enabled him to come and go with impunity; the unusually light treatment accorded Moshen and Mike Malik after they were apprehended as part of Operation Diamondback. This interview with author and publisher Sander Hicks highlights his recently published book about 9/11 The Big Wedding. Like FTR#526, this program description differs from other descriptions in length, content and form. This interview reprised information covered in earlier descriptions and involved a fair amount of rumination by Mssrs. Hicks and Emory. The Big Wedding devotes considerable attention to the complicity of elements of the Bush administration in the attacks.
2. Much of the first side of the program consists of discussion of sting man Randy Glass, the point element in “Operation Diamondback.” A sometime operative on behalf of various organized elements, Glass and his remarkable story is one of the most prominent and most important elements in Sander’s book. Indeed, Glass’ account is one of the more compelling indications of foreknowledge on the part of elements of the government. For a riveting excerpt of the text of Big Wedding dealing in detail with Randy Glass and Operation Diamondback, see FTR#500.
Part of side one of the program features Sander playing a tape recording of a phone interview with Randy Glass.listen to it here