Edited on Sat Apr-01-06 05:10 PM by Capn Sunshine
WTF is it with this latest round of 9-11 self flaggelation? Released the operator half of the emergency phone calls? THAT has to be the most insignificant, non informative news left on this subject. Yet, it's working. It always works. That's why they go to this well with such predictable regularity.
It's the singlemost exploited event in the history of modern presidencies, and at the moment, reminding us of the fairy tale constructed by the White House about 9-11 is a welcome relief for them from scandal and dishonor, resignation, lawbreaking , post signing statements , conviction , indictments and arrest associated with the entity we refer to as BushCo.
I just wanted to remind anyone reading this that Bush did not conduct himself strongly or heroically in the months leading up to the event, during the event itself, and in the aftermath. Like the inattentive and incompetent reaction to the Katrina disaster, where more Americans lost their lives than 9-11, the initial reaction of Bush to the 9-11 attacks was dumbfounded, deer-in-the headlights coma, captured for all the world to see in "Farenheit 911". Then, for the next ten to twelve hours, he was "on the run", like his nemesis Bin Laden purportedly is, flying Air Force One from hither to yon like a rabbit seeking escape from a pursuing coyote, far far from the events themselves , in the bosom of midwest America and its vast asphalt tundras of Air force bases. Far removed from where we anxiously awaited him to be, the White House, the captain, at the helm. Or at the site of the disaster itself, where the dearth of leadership became so painful that Rudy Guiliani revitalized his tarnished, scandal plagued joke of an image by recognizing this need and stepping in to fill the void.
With Darth Cheney deep within the recesses of an undisclosed location, like freaking Batman, Sec Def Rumsfeld was left to merrily strut the halls of power, direct the minions at the White House to "tie all of this to Saddam " gleefully thinking that the desired attack fulfilled his dreams of American Empire and conquest he had harbored since the Nixon era.
Finally, when all possibility of danger had passed, plus 36 hours, Bush shows up at the site and snatches a bullhorn, jumping in front of a parade of outraged citizens of all denominations and political hues.
Some hero. Yet, the construct, the catapult of propaganda reminds us today of how heroic, decisive and brave Bush was in the face of madmen who he arguably assisted in their mission by virtue of his administration's stunning incompetence.
What has passed since that fateful day has been a gradual descent into the hell of unimagined arrogant incompetent paranoia atthe expense of every good American domestic progam since 1932 , and not seen since the Nixon White House.
Really, why should it be any different? The whole cast of players is the same, then as now, and they seem to have at their command a pliant, arguably drunken, paranoid with a lust for expansion of presidential powers and tendency towards religious delusion, hell bent on destroying his legacy by overreaching far beyond his intellectual capacity. Nixon then, Bush now. All else remained the same. The Pentagon waste, the arms sales, the bullshit weapons program gravy trains, the corruption and rot cynically exploiting the honest hearts of simple patriots.
And you would think all of THAT would be dredged up any time 9-11 is mentioned. Well, it starts here, with me, and I'm here to remind all of you that the preceeding is what you should recall when the 9-11 ploy is tried again,and again and if you tell just five people this, eventually the whole dusty dog and pony show will be put out to pasture as we recall the actual legacy of the Bush era- ignominy , incompetence , government loosed on its own people and corporate fealty at the expense of the American worker.
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.