Disputing the no-crash theory, Jim Hoffman has argued, "This is just the sort of wackiness defenders of the Official Story harp on to show how gullible and incompetent we conspiracy theorists are supposed to be." In other words, Meyssan and other no-plane believers were either wrong, unknowing dupes or spreaders of disinformation.
The D-word is nothing to take lightly in conspiracy circles. For, as Thomas Pynchon notes in his "Proverbs for Paranoids," if they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.
At Veselka, the question was, if Flight 77 did not crash, what happened to the 56 people on the plane? This query did not sit well with Nico Haupt, a thin, black-clad man from Cologne, Germany, compiler of the 9/11 Encyclopedia (911review.org/Wiki/Sept11Topics.shtml).
"Gassed," he hissed. "Have you ever heard of gassing? It is very easy. You open the door of the plane, and it spreads."
"You think they gassed them?" Would even the Illuminati stoop this low?
Haupt cast a withering look. "That, or some other method of murder. Assholes!"
"Nico, calm down," said Tarpley. "This is tactics. There’s no reason to make an enormous moral issue out of everything."
But Haupt was past consoling. "You are motherfuckers. Stupid motherfuckers." Slamming the tabletop, he gathered his things and stormed out.
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