"New York Magazine" hedges its bets, with a hesitantly cosmopolitan skepticism of the official government big media plot-line:
"Nineteen crazed hijackers with box-cutters - masterminded by a rich dialysis patient, on a lap-top, from a specially-outfitted "bat-cave" - built for him by the CIA, decades ago, in lower Afghanistan .."
An initial script scenario, rich in potential for dramatic episodic sequels...
http://nymag.com/news/features/16464/index.html"New York Magazine" .. perhaps read by a more "New York-ish" slice of the population.
Then we have CNN's more flashy (and decidedly lower middle-class) "Showbiz Tonite" .. with the young and earnest AJ Hammer.
Continued blowback from CNN Showbiz broadcasts of Charlie Sheen and Alex Jones:
http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0603/22/sbt.01.htmlhttp://www.911blogger.com/2006/03/911-skeptics-receive-fair-shake-on.htmlhttp://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2006/200306charliesheen.htmhttp://www.bant-shirts.com/Blog.htmFOX, on the other hand, provides a dialectical counter-point to CNN's "entertainment" containment of 9/11-Inside-Job,
At FOX, we get the preferred, programmed and sanctioned "opposition":
Trotting out professional tenured academic hack, fake "native American" and 9/11 sheep-dipper Ward Churchill, to defend the official government-media narrative with a trendy "anti-racist" line:
Webster Tarpley sees the recent mainstreaming of 9/11 as a factional split among global gangster elites, some of whom seek to off-load the failures of Iraq, the "war on terror", and the dollar, onto Cheney-Bush; in preparation for their smooth replacement by more "left"-packaged globalist
clique .. perhaps the Democrats.
I would like to open this thread as a discussion of all the possible "modified limited hangouts", that might be spun to "absorb" the meme of "controlled demolition" - since I see the latter concept, with respect to WTC7, especially, as an increasingly common conventional wisdsom; as in, for example, the contemptuous "magic bullet" meme.
The "magic bullet" now reigns culturally hegemonic in American popular history today; I predict a similar status for the "controlled demolition" meme, with respect to WTC7, and, implicitly, the Towers.
The challenge/exercise that I propose to iniitate in this thread, is the measured and careful construction of plausible "limited hangouts", for the controlled demos of WTC7 at minimum; and the Towers at maximum (worst case scenario for a "magic plane" in lieu of a "magic bullet").
For example ...
We might have a LIHOP scenario placing Larry Silverstein, Marvin Bush's firm, Giuliani, Kerik.. and a host of insurance scam artists; making off with the gold stocks from the WTC vaults (never officially accounted for) ; or simply cashing in on the insurance, clean-up and re-development of the decontaminated grounds.
Or, we might have controlled demos spun as part of a larger "rogue element operation"; perhaps blackmailing the bumbling and incompetent Cheney-Bush syndicate.
The Mossad and "dancing Israelis", especially the ones who were living down the street from the designated patsies at Pensacola Naval Air Station; they could figure into a scenario for "the Israelis did it".
Or,we could have a "limited MIHOP"; with renegade swindlers and gangsters in America's political and corporate elites, staging the controlled demos, while infiltrating and "hijacking" a Pentagon-run sequence of "war games" and exercises, on the morning of 9/11 ....
perhaps infiltrated by Al-CIA-duh, who then craftily exploited holes in the "war games"; duping and outwitting our multi-trillion-dollar hi-tech NORAD and DoD infrastructure ... kind of like a typical plot-line from "24". .... probably wouldn't rate too highly on the plausibility scale.
Grade-B maybe ..?
Now .. the challenge here (students and friends), is to come up with truly "believable" hangouts and cover-stories ...
As in, at least as plausible as some of the "inside jobs", demonstrated on shows like "24"; just how high a standard of believability would that be ?
A better standard to use: pretend that you are employed to craft such modified limted hangouts, within a professional, foundation, corporate or government-run damage-control agency (Public Relations).
You can run a series of half-assed, hastily contrived hangouts, disposing of each successively, as it is publicly discredited and laughed at; thus stalling and sidetracking public opinion .. while putting together a more robust cover story, that would allow for controlled demolition, without "bringing the roof down" (on the Rule of Law of legitimacy of institutions) ... so to speak.
The already-existing constraint, seems to have Bush-Cheney blamed, scape-goated, or, in some other manner, "sacrificed", in a plausible, orderly manner; perhaps a more elaborately staged "9/11 Commission-style" impeachment proceeding ...
Could "failure and incompetence" be interwoven into a fall-back position of "WTC7 controlled demo on 9/11" ?
I do request that anyone professinally employed in Hollywood, who already has some paid script-development experience on these kinds of projects,whether in film, video or popular literature; please disclose any professional advantage in your background (as a kind of contest "handi-cap"), when submitting your modified limited hangout scenario....
Looking forward to all of your suggestions ..